- Wednesday, Feb. 6
- 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Distributor Preview
- 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Trade show
- Thursday, Feb. 7
- 8 – 9:30 a.m. General Session
- 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Trade Show
San Diego official hotels
View the hotel locator map » Embassy Suites Dan Diego Bay
601 Pacific Highway Distance: 4 blocks Rates: Single – $209 early bird, $219 standard Double – $219 early bird, $229 standardHampton Inn by Hilton San Diego Downtown
1531 Pacific Highway Distance: 1 mile Rates: Single/double – $169 early bird; $185 standardHard Rock Hotel
207 5th Avenue Distance: 1 block Rates: Studio – $234 One-bedroom suite – $254Hilton Gaslamp Quarter
401 K Street Distance: 1 block Rates: Single/double – $199Hilton San Diego Bayfront
1 Park Blvd. Distance: 1 block Rates: Single/double – $245Holiday Inn on the Bay
601 Pacific Highway Distance: 1.1 miles Rates: Single/double – $178Horton Grand Hotel
311 Island Avenue Distance: 3 blocks Rates: Single/double – $159 early bird, $169 standardManchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
One Market Place Distance: 3 blocks Rates: Single/double – $242Omni San Diego
675 L Street Distance: 2 blocks Rates: Single/double – $244Residence Inn by Marriott San Diego Downtown
1747 Pacific Highway Distance: 1 mile Rates: Studio suite – $189 early bird, $209 standard Two-bedroom suite – $309 early bird, $339 standardResidence Inn Gaslamp Quarter
660 K Street Distance: 2 blocks Rates: Single/double – $189 early bird, $199 standardSan Diego Marriott Gaslamp Quarter
660 K Street Distance: 2 blocks Rates: Single/double – $209 early bird, $219 standardSan Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina
333 West Harbor Drive Distance: Adjacent Rates: City view – $245 Bay view – $265The US Grant
326 Broadway Distance: 8 blocks Rates: Single/double – $209 early bird, $219 standardThe Westgate Hotel
1055 2nd Avenue Distance: 7 blocks Rates: Single/double – $195 early bird, $215 standardW San Diego
421 West B Street Distance: 9 blocks Rates: Single/double – $189 early bird, $199 standardWestin Gaslamp Quarter Hotel
910 Broadway Distance: 5 blocks Rates: Single/double – $199 early bird, $213 standardWestin San Diego
400 West Broadway Distance: 9 blocks Rates: Single/double – $199 early bird, $209 standard
Complimentary shuttle transportation will be provided between the San Diego Convention Center and the official hotels, except those within walking distance of the convention center. denotes hotels within walking distance.Area Map
Convention Center:
CSan Diego Convention CenterHotels:
テーマパーク、ホテル、レストラン, ショッピング、 美術館、ゴルフ、野球等
休暇旅行, 家族旅行に最適のサンデイエゴ
- 気候: 年中温暖, 年間中間気温は摂氏18度 (7月平均22度)
- 治安: 全米でも治安の良いリゾート都市
- 日本食: 安価、豊富
- 人口: 130.7万人 (2010 年米国人口統計局資料)
- 交通: サンデイエゴ トロリー、市バス等、安価で便利
- ホテル: 高級リゾートホテル, 家族向ホテル, 長期滞在ホテル
- 歴史: ロマ岬, 西海岸西洋人初上陸, カリフォルニア発祥の地
- 博物館: パナマ運河開通記念万博跡地, バルボア公園に15博物館
- テーマパーク: シーワールド, 動物園, レゴランド, 空母博物館
- スポーツ: 92のゴルフ場, 遠近海魚釣り, サーフィング, カヤック
- ショッピング: ホートンプラザ, ファションバレー, アウトレット
- 近郊観光: メキシコ (電車で国境まで30分, 往復$5), テメキュラ
コンベンションセンター Convention Center
- 合計, 2.6百万Sq ftの広さ。
- 展示ホールは525,701Sq ft、72の会議室/ボールルーム有り。
- 2010会計年度には合計165の催事があり, 合計783,403人の参加者。
- 内, Convention/Trade Show , 66, Community/Consumer 関連、99。
- 709,298 Hotel Room Nights, Out-of-town, 訪問者数, 557,237人。
- 経済効果, $1.27 Billion, 参加者消費, $ $530 Million。
- 今までの最大催事はComic-Con (2010年 7月)で126,000人が参加。
- オンライン情報提供 ウエッブサイト-催事カレンダー http://www.visitsandiego.com/eventscalendar/do18months.cfm
サンディエゴ動物園 San Diego Zoo
サンデイエゴサファリパーク; サンデイエゴ市北東、車で30分の場所に位置。 トラックを利用したフォトキャラバンで動物に接近; キリンにビスケットを与えたりの珍しい経験。 サンデイエゴサファリパーク; フォトキャラバンのトラックから犀に好物のリンゴを与える。 サンデイエゴ動物園;(市内から車で10分のバルボア公園内); 2階建バスで園内を30分で一周。その後, 自分の好きな動物を訪れる。各所停車カンガルーバスもある。 サンデイエゴ動物園 (バルボア公園内)のパンダを見るには中央入り口からFern Canyon を下ると6分でパンダ館に着く。 帰路はエスカレーターかExpress Bus 利用。シーワールド SeaWorld
Sea World には人工授精による3世代のShamu (シャムー)がいる。 Kohana (3歳)、母親(17歳)、祖母 (30歳)が一緒に生活している。 ショーが素晴らしい! シーワールドアドベンチャーキャンプでは日帰り,1泊2日,1週間等のキャンプ等を夏休みに実施している。海の動物の勉強とカヤック等スポーツも行う。 シーワールド アドベンチャー キャンプの1泊2日のプログラムの子供たちがエイに触たりして、海の動物の生態を引率者から説明を受けているところ。 色々なペンギンの卵; 最大の卵 (皇帝ペンギン), 2番目に大きい卵 (王様ペンギン)…..皇帝ペンギンの雄は卵の上に座り、70日間、雛が孵るまで食物を取らない。レゴランドカリフォルニア LEGOLAND California
LEGOLAND はカールスバッドに位置し、広大な敷地に子供 (2 – 12才)と家族を対象とした50以上の乗り物,ショーのテーマパーク。 MINILAND USAにニューヨーク, ワシントンDC, サンフランシスコ、ラスベガス等があり, 電車や船が動き, 大人でも, 面白く、楽しめる。サンディエゴ航空宇宙博物館 San Diego Air and Space Museum
バルボア公園内の航空宇宙博物館。玄関右手の A -12 Blackbird は1966 年 – 1990年の24年間使用された偵察機で25,914メートル上空を約50キロの幅で写真撮影しながら時速マッハ3.2(3,668キロ)で飛行可能。 LA – NY (3,932キロ)は約1時間の飛行。 零式艦上戦闘機は堀越二郎設計により三菱重工で製作され、中島飛行機でもライセンス生産され、日本帝国海軍にて、1940 – 1945年まで使用された。 アメリカ陸軍ムスタングP – 51, ドイツ空軍メサーシュミットBf109,イギリス空軍スピットファイアーなどと共に第2次世界大戦期の代表的な戦闘機として知られている。 Spirit of St. Louis は1927 年5 月20-21 日 New York – Paris間を 無着陸、 33 時間半で飛行し世界記録を樹立した。 ニューヨークの企業家、Raymond Orteigが$25,000の賞金を出し、6 チームが参加、Spirit of St. Louis機 単独操縦の Charles Lindberghが優勝し、賞金を獲得した。 此の飛行機はサンデイエゴのRyan Airlines で$10,580で、Charles Lindberghの設計で製造され、60日間 で完成した。 当時の飛行機は航続距離が短く、Charles Lindberghは操縦席の前後に ガソリンタンクを設置したデザイン にした。操縦席前方のフロント グラスは無い。機首から向って右側の操縦席横に設置された潜望鏡 を使用して前方を見た。 航空宇宙博物館にはライト兄弟の飛行機模型その他、多くの実物や模型が展示されており、飛行機の歴史からスペースシャトルまで、観察出来る。地下は飛行機の修理修復工場で、平均年齢81歳、90歳以上4人がボランテイアーとして働いている。ミッドウェイ航空母艦博物館 Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum
ミドウエイ航空母艦博物館、サンデイエゴ 市中心部に位置。横須賀に18年間滞在、日本、東南アジアの平和に貢献した。ファントム ジェット戦闘機と 航空母艦司令塔。無料のヘッドセットで各々の展示物の解説を日本語で聞ける。サンディエゴのダウンタウン Downtown San Diego
ガスランプ クオーターは歴史的なサンデイエゴ ダウンタウンの中心 部を1988年から再開発した買い物, 食事のエンターテインメントのセンター。 100 以上のレストラン、バー、ナイトクラブ その他多くの店、アートがラリー等がある。 ダウンタウン中心地に位置するHorton Plaza は福岡のCanal City, Las VegasのBellagio 等, 設計したJon Jerdeの設計で,1985年8月9日開館, 140の店, 飲食店等がある。 シーポート ビリッジ はダウンタウンの中心でサンデイエゴ湾に面し, 左側は Manchester Grand Hyatt ホテルとSan Diego Marriott Marquis & Marinaに隣接し, 50以上の店と17のレストランがある。右側はミッドウエイ航空母艦博物館に近い。 Petco Park 野球場は2004年に完成、Qualcomm スタジアムから移転した。メジャーリーグ、サンデイエゴ パドレの本拠地。 ダウンタウンに位置。ラホーヤ La Jolla
サンデイエゴに92のゴルフコースがある。 2008年にUS OPEN開催のトーレイパインズはパブリックコースでも早期予約必要。 ラホヤコウブ近くの海岸でのカヤックのクラス。オールドタウントロリー Old Town Trolley
2時間のサンデイエゴ市内、歴史、観光案内ガイド付きバスツアー。 夏は、午前9時ー午後5時、30分毎に運行。 11箇所に 停まり、どの停留時からでも、乗り、降り出来る。料金は 大人、$34。 (Web, 30.60) 11箇所の停留所はオールド タウン州立公園, 客船ターミ ナル, シーポート ビッレジ, コンベンション センター, ホットン プラザ, ホテル デル コロナド, サンデイエゴ 動物園, バルボア公園、等。サンディエゴトロリー San Diego Trolley
サンデイエゴ市内の安価で便利な乗り物が、この真っ赤な サンデイエゴ トロリー。 ダウンタウン中心地, Amtrak Santa Fe 駅のすぐ横から 下記の所に通じている。 サンデイエゴ伝道所、ファッションヴァレー買い物街、オールドタウン州立公園、コンベンションセンター、ぺトコ野球場、メキシコ国境。メキシコとの国境までは約30分で行く。料金は往復で5ドル。年中行事 Annual Events
フラワーフィールドはサンデイエゴの北車で30分の場所にあり、3月中旬から5月中旬まで一般公開。金鳳花の種の採取が目的。 Rock & Roll Marathon は2010年は6月6日に行われ,10,650人が完走, ケニア人が優勝。2013は13年目, 6月1日, 60バンド参加予定。 Miramar Air Show (www.miramarairshow.com) は2013年で58周年目 10月4日 –10月6日の3日間 (8 a.m. – 4 p.m.), 毎年, 約75万人が鑑賞 2013年第42回サンデイエゴ湾 “光のパレード” が12月8日と15日の両日曜日に午後5時30分ー9時行われる。 サンデイエゴ港湾局主催。2013会計年度 トップ10 催事
1 | 7/18-21/13 | Comic – Con International | 126,000 |
2 | 5/31 – 6/1/13 | Rock & Roll Marathon | 60,000 |
3 | 2/6 – 7/13 | Golf Course Superintendents Assoc | 15,000 |
4 | 3/5 – 7/13 | Assoc of Peri -Operative Nurses | 15,000 |
5 | 7/8 – 11/13 | Environmental Systems Research | 14,500 |
6 | 1/29 -1/31/13 | West 2012 – AFCEA & USNI | 12,000 |
7 | 3/19 – 21/13 | Am Academy of Neurology Institute | 12,000 |
8 | 8/5 – 8/7/13 | Nat’l Business Travel Int’l conf | 5,200 |
9 | 2/19 – 21/13 | Firehouse world Expo & Conf | 5,000 |
10 | 8/27 – 29/13 | SPIE | 5,000 |
ティファナ、メキシコ Tijuana, Mexico
サンデイエゴ市内中心部からメキシコ国境迄、サンデイエゴ トロリーで30分、往復$5.00。深夜まで運行している。テイワナ繁華街までタクシー片道、$5.00。 このドームの後ろにテイフアナのカルチャーセンターがあり、歴史、文化の展示物がある。 国境からタクシーで米ドル$5.00。 繁華街レボリューションまで$5.00。 テイフアナ繁華街レボリューション通りには薬局、レストラン、銀、皮製品等の土産物店が多い。値切るのが慣わし。レストラン等安価でアメリカ人若者が遊びに来ている。 テイフアナの繁華街の中心はレボルーション大通り。 銀製品、革製品等の土産物店の他に薬局が多い。処方箋は不必要。Hard Rock Café 等、レストラン、バーも多い。歴史 History
ポルトガル人 Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo スペイン探険隊長は 1542年9月28日、西海岸歴史上初の西洋人として此処 Point Loma に上陸。現在は国立公園管轄の Cabrillo National Monument 。此処からサンデイエゴダウンタウンを一望できる。カリフォルニア州に21ある伝道所の最初のMission San Diego de Alcalaが サンデイエゴに建ち、1769年7月16日、 Serra 神父による最初のミサが行われた。 オールド タウンはカリフォルニア州発祥の地。 スペイン統治時代はサンデイエゴが西海岸開発基点。1821年メキシコ独立から1850年9月9日, カリフォルニア独立迄メキシコがサンデイエゴを統治。 オールド タウンはカリフォルニア州立公園で、メキシコ統治時代の建物、博物館、レストラン、みやげ物店が多く連ねている。 ダウンタウンの西側、サンデイエゴ国際空港の直ぐ近くに位置している。 ダウンタウンから車で5分。 CVB Blogブログ (http://blog.sandiego.org) Facebookの(www.facebook.com/visitsandiego) MySpaceマイスペース (myspace.com/visitsandiego) YouTubeユーチューブ (youtube.com/visitsandiego) Brian Said (bsaid@sdcvb.org) サンデイエゴ観光局旅行産業部長 サンデイエゴ観光局日本代表、上野浩 (koueno@msn.com)To delete a comment, just log in, and view the posts' comments, there you will have the option to edit or delete them.]]>
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- 3 2:30 The Best Way to Water 作成者: toro 1,081 回再生
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- 9 2:07 再生済み When to Aerate 作成者: toro 761 回再生
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Augusta National Golf Club admits first female members
By Michael Pearson, CNN
August 21, 2012 -- Updated 1353 GMT (2153 HKT)
Women make history as Augusta members
- NEW: Obama says decision was "too long in coming" but "the right thing to do," his spokesman says
- Condoleezza Rice and Darla Moore become Augusta National's first female members
- Opting to admit women marks a "significant and positive time" for the club, its chairman says
- Women's rights activist Martha Burk declares victory, says pressure forced the club's hand
Condi Rice makes history at Augusta
Augusta National: Boys only no more
She said continued pressure from women's groups and corporate interests forced the club's hand. Activists over the last decade "facilitated a couple of sex discrimination suits against corporations whose CEOs are (Augusta National) members," Burk said, but she did not name any corporations or individuals.
Burk also pointed to the April controversy over the club's failure to admit IBM CEO Virginia Rometty, as it has past IBM leaders. Sponsoring the Masters usually guarantees membership to a company's officers. But Rometty had been ineligible because she is female.
"We gave them a pretty big black eye in April when they dissed Ginny Rometty and did not allow her in the club as they had all of the males preceding her as CEOs of IBM. And I think they knew they could not sustain it," she said.
At the time, White House spokesman Jay Carney said President Barack Obama believed women should be admitted to the club.
Payne declined to comment on the issue then, and is not talking about it now outside of the statement issued by the club, according to club spokesman Steven Ethun.
In that statement, Payne said the decision marked a "significant and positive time" for Augusta National.
PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem lauded the decision.
"At a time when women represent one of the fastest growing segments in both playing and following the game of golf, this sends a positive and inclusive message for our sport," Finchem said in a statement.
He was far from alone in applauding Augusta National's decision.
Mitt Romney -- the Republican party's presumptive presidential nominee who, in April, had said that he'd admit women if he were in charge of the club -- offered congratulations on Twitter to both his friend Rice and Augusta National.
And Nancy Lieberman, a Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame inductee who played parts of two seasons in a men's professional league, likewise cheered the move. "Congrts breaking thru #equality," she wrote on Twitter.
"Slowly but surely lots of crumbs ad up to a cake," wrote another women's sports pioneer, Billie Jean King.
Obama "welcomes the development" as well, Carney said Monday.
"He thinks it was too long in coming, but obviously believes it was the right thing to do," the White House spokesman told reporters.
The choice of Rice and Moore will ensure that women admitted to Augusta will be equals to their male counterparts, Burk said.
"They have chosen two groundbreaking women, two very prominent women, who are clearly equal in stature to the other members who are, of course, all male," Burk said. "I think it would have been a mistake to choose a lower-profile woman and basically make that statement that, yes, we're letting women in but they're not really going to be equal with the men."
Rice served under President George W. Bush as the first female national security adviser and the first African-American woman to hold the post of secretary of state. She also was on President George H.W. Bush's National Security Council staff and was a special assistant to the director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1986.
Membership is the latest honor for trailblazer Rice
She grew up in humble beginnings in segregated Birmingham, Alabama, and rose to prominence in academia and international diplomacy. She has been on the faculty of Stanford University since 1981, has authored two best-selling books and is a member of various boards and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has been awarded 10 honorary doctorates.
Rice, who is also an accomplished pianist, said in a statement released through Augusta that she is "delighted and honored" to join the club.
"I have long admired the important role Augusta National has played in the traditions and history of golf," she said.
Moore is the vice president of Rainwater Inc., the investment firm founded by her husband, Richard Rainwater. Fortune magazine once named her among the top 50 women in business, and the University of South Carolina's business school is named in her honor.
Augusta National admits one of 'toughest' women in business
She is also chairwoman of the Palmetto Institute, a nonprofit that says it is dedicated to producing "dramatic and sustained growth in the creation, distribution and retention of wealth for every person in South Carolina."
Moore said she is "extremely grateful for this privilege."
"I am fortunate to have many friends who are members at Augusta National, so to be asked to join them as a member represents a very happy and important occasion in my life," she said.
Burk's protests against the club's policies made Augusta the focus of national attention beginning in 2002, when she wrote letters challenging the male-only membership policy at the club.
The club's chairman at the time, Hootie Johnson, responded that admitting women as members would not be done "at the point of a bayonet."
The next year, Burk organized protests to coincide with the Masters, which drew widespread attention. The uproar led Augusta National to decide not to have advertising for the CBS broadcast of the Masters in 2003 and 2004.
In 2006, Burk was among a group of Exxon shareholders who accused the company of violating its discrimination policies by supporting the golf tournament.
On Monday, the syndicated newspaper columnist and co-founder of Center for Advancement of Public Policy women's equity advocacy group said she hopes Augusta National's decision "cracks open that glass ceiling just a little bit further" for American businesswomen. At the same time, Burk called the development "just one small step."
"(Corporations) need to be working toward parity in the halls of power; Augusta National is just one," she said. "It's an important one symbolically, but we have a long way to go."
Augusta National no longer just a 'boys club'
Sports of The Times
Yet-to-Be Details of Olympic Golf
Published: August 18, 2012
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Britain Takes a Final Bow (August 13, 2012)
“I hope I qualify,” Tiger Woods told reporters recently. “I’ll be 40 by then. It’s something I’ve never experienced.”
Neither has any other living male or female golfer.
Not since 1904 has there been an Olympic golf champion. That year, George Lyon, a Canadian amateur, defeated H. Chandler Egan, the reigning United States Amateur champion, 3 and 2, in the final at Glen Echo Country Club outside St. Louis, where the Olympics were held in conjunction with the “Meet me in St. Looey, Looey” World’s Fair.
During the Paris Olympics four years earlier, Charles Sands, a member of St. Andrew’s, the first American golf club, now in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., shot 82-85 in the men’s tournament. Margaret Abbott, a Chicago socialite traveling with her mother in France, won the only women’s competition with a 47 for nine holes at Compiègne.
After disappearing into decades of debate, golf will return to the Olympics four years from now in Brazil, a nation with only 107 courses and a sports heritage geared more to soccer’s Pelé and Ronaldo. Sixty men and 60 women from a yet-to-be-announced format from the world rankings will play 72 holes in separate tournaments on a yet-to-be-built course.
Woods appears eager for the Olympic experience, but don’t expect all the top names to be there. Just as many top tennis professionals have ignored the Olympics, some top golf pros surely will. There is no prize money and no appearance money, only a gold, silver or bronze medal, although a pro’s equipment or clothing contract might contain a bonus for an Olympic medal.
Another factor: with the 2016 Olympics in an Aug. 5-21 window, the men’s tournament must be squeezed between the British Open and the P.G.A. Championship, each more prestigious and more lucrative. That would afford some of the top pros an excuse not to attend.
So far, only the Olympic course architect has been announced by the Rio 2016 golf committee for a South American metropolis of 6.3 million people with only two existing courses, both private. Brazil’s best golfer, Alexandre Rocha, is No. 430 in the world rankings.
Of the eight architectural finalists, seven are renowned: Jack Nicklaus/Annika Sorenstam, Greg Norman/Lorena Ochoa, Gary Player, Peter Thomson, Tom Doak, Robert Trent Jones II and Martin Hawtree. But the committee chose Gil Hanse, a lesser-known American based in Malvern, Pa., and his consultant, the Hall of Famer Amy Alcott.
Hanse “most aptly met the selection criteria,” the committee said. He “tackled the challenge of designing a course for use by both elite and amateur athletes, one of the main legacy objectives.” His design “addressed the environmental sustainable directive for the Games and efficiently conformed to the building restrictions of the land.”
Yes, the land for the 7,226-yard par-71 course (6,494 yards for women). Hanse compared it to Australia’s sandbelt region with distinguished courses like Royal Melbourne, Kingston Heath and Victoria.
“The sand affords you so many other opportunities to be creative; it facilitates drainage especially,” Hanse said during a recent interview.
“It’s a very open site with some native species on some of the dune formations. The primary trees are mangroves, which are all down along the edges of the lagoon.”
Hanse’s most celebrated design is Castle Stuart, the site of the Scottish Open. He has restored eminent courses like Quaker Ridge, Los Angeles Country Club, Ridgewood and Plainfield.
Hanse, who plans to move to Rio with his wife, Tracey, will begin construction in late October, with the course expected to be ready for play in the middle of 2014 and test events in 2015.
“I think if the golf course identifies a really top-notch player as your champion, that’s really all you can ask of it,” Hanse said. “Hopefully, when the medals are handed out, we are talking about who won, as opposed to the golf course. As for designing a course that also will be played at a shorter length for the women, at the end of the day, if it felt like they were on two different golf courses, that would be really cool.”
According to Hanse’s conceptual routing plan, one large pond and three smaller ponds will affect play on eight holes, twice on four holes. Water will border seven fairways and narrow the entrance to five greens. Three greens will be near the beach.
“An underutilized aspect of golf architecture when dealing with players of this caliber is presenting them with interesting problems to solve in the recovery shot,” Hanse said. “Royal Melbourne shows that. Augusta National shows that. Even when these guys get around the green and they miss a shot, that aspect of utilizing slopes and speeds to recover, instead of just Point A to Point B — that, I think, is fascinating.”
But which “players of this caliber” will be in Rio in 2016? Time will tell.
And when Hanse was asked if he would share the nuances of his Olympic course with all those “players of this caliber,” he smiled.
“Only the Americans,” he said.
A version of this article appeared in print on August 19, 2012, on page SP10 of the New York edition with the headline: Yet-to-Be Details Of Olympic Golf.
Condoleezza Rice breaks into all-male US golf club
Washington Aug 21, 2012 Former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, a key architect of the landmark India-US civil nuclear deal, has broken into one of America's staunchest boys' clubs -- the Augusta National Golf Club.
For the first time in its 80-year history, Rice and South Carolina businesswoman Darla Moore will become the first women to join the famous golf club in Augusta, Georgia.
Founded by Bobby Jones and Clifford Roberts and designed by Alister MacKenzie on the site of a former indigo plantation, the club opened for play in January 1933.
"These accomplished women share our passion for the game of golf and both are well known and respected by our membership," said Billy Payne, chairman of the private club, long dogged by controversy over its formerly all-male membership.
The issue which has at times threatened to overshadow the Masters Tournament, among golf's most prestigious events, was put in the spotlight by women's rights activist Martha Burk in 2003 when she led a protest against the club.
On Monday, she declared victory. "My first reaction was, we won... and we did," Burk was quoted as saying by CNN.
"By we, I mean the women's movement, and women in the US, particularly those in business."
Continued pressure from women's groups and corporate interests forced the club's hand, she said pointing to the April controversy over the club's failure to admit IBM CEO Virginia Rometty, as it has past IBM leaders.
Sponsoring the Masters usually guarantees membership to a company's officers. But Rometty had been ineligible because she is female.
Both President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger welcomed the development.
Obama "thinks it was too long in coming, but obviously believes it was the right thing to do", White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters Monday.
Romney, who had said in April he would admit women if he were in charge of the club, offered congratulations on Twitter to both Rice and Augusta National.
Burk, whose childhood nickname was also Hootie,[33] claims to have been "called a man hater, anti-family, lesbian, all the usual things."[28] Johnson was portrayed as a Senator Claghorn type[34]—"a blustery defender of all things Southern".[34]
Following the discord, two club members resigned: Thomas H. Wyman, a former CEO of CBS, and John Snow, when President George W. Bush nominated him to serve as Secretary of the Treasury.[28] Pressure on corporate sponsors led the club to broadcast the 2003 and 2004 tournaments without commercials. The controversy was discussed by the International Olympic Committee when re-examining whether golf meets Olympic criteria of a "sport practiced without discrimination with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play."[35] In August of 2012, the Augusta National board of directors extended membership to two women.
South Carolina Businesswoman Invited to Join the Augusta Nationals
Posted on August 21, 2012 by Pete Strom 1 Comment
South Carolina financier Darla Moore, along with former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, have become the first women admitted into Georgia’s Augusta Nationals golf club – home of the Master’s Golf Tournament.
The private club has been notorious in recent years because it has, until recently, been all-male and did not allow its first black member until 1990. Martha Burk, a leader in the National Council of Women’s Organizations, conducted a protest across the street from Augusta Nationals in 2003. She has been critical of the organization’s stance on female members, but applauds the decision this year.
“These accomplished women share our passion for the game of golf and both are well known and respected by our membership,” said Billy Payne, chairman of the Augusta Nationals and the Masters. “It will be a proud moment when we present Condoleezza and Darla their green jackets when the club opens this fall.”
Darla Moore got her degree in political science in a short three years at the University of South Carolina, then earned her MBA at George Washington University. Her career started at Chemical Bank in New York, focused on bankruptcy. The South Carolina native has become one of the highest paid women in business, and has donated a significant amount of money to the University of South Carolina’s business school, which has been renamed in her honor. She also donated $5 million to USC for a new aerospace program, although she was removed from USC’s board of directors last year by Governor Nikki Haley.
Moore and Rice have both graciously accepted the invitation.
Augusta National Membership: How much does it cost and how do you apply?
By Brent Kelley, About.com Guide
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Question: Augusta National Membership: How much does it cost and how do you apply?
Answer: The easy answers:
- How much does it cost? Probably a lot less than you'd expect.
- How do you apply for membership? You don't.
Augusta National Golf Club has about 300 members at any given time. Membership is strictly by invitation; there is no application process. In 2004, USA Today published a list of all the current members.[20] Membership is believed to cost between $10,000 and $30,000 and annual dues were estimated in 2009 to be less than $10,000 per year.[21] Augusta only invited and accepted an African-American member for the first time in 1990 following a controversy at Shoal Creek Golf and Country Club.[3] Shoal Creek, an all-white golf club in Alabama, also refused membership to black players and faced demands that the PGA Championship not be held there following racial comments by the club's founder.[22] Chairman Billy Payne declined to discuss the club's then continued refusal to admit women in his 2012 pre-Masters press conference, [23] and Augusta National subsequently extended membership to Condoleeza Rice and Darla Moore on August 20, 2012.[5]Notable members
Notable current members include:- Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway[24][20]
- Pete Coors, former chairman and CEO of Coors Brewing Company, current Chairman of Molson Coors Brewing Company & MillerCoors[20]
- Bill Gates, co-founder and chairman of Microsoft[24]
- Pat Haden, former NFL player and current athletic director at the University of Southern California[25]
- Lou Holtz, former college football coach[20]
- Hugh L. McColl Jr., Former CEO of Bank of America[24]
- Darla Moore, South Carolina businesswoman[6]
- Sam Nunn, former United States Senator from Georgia[24][20]
- Sam Palmisano, former CEO of IBM [24][20]
- T. Boone Pickens, Jr., oil tycoon[24][20]
- Harold "Red" Poling, former CEO of the Ford Motor Company[24]
- Condoleezza Rice, former United States Secretary of State[6]
- James D. Robinson III, former CEO of American Express[24]
- Carl Sanders, former Governor of Georgia[24]
- Lynn Swann, former NFL player[26]
- Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric[24]
- Clifford Roberts (1934 to 1976)
- William Lane (1976 to 1980)
- Hord Hardin (1980 to 1991)
- Jackson T. Stephens (1991 to 1998)
- Hootie Johnson (1998 to 2006)
- Billy Payne (2006 to present)
2002 membership controversy
Augusta National and Chairman Hootie Johnson are widely known for a disagreement beginning in 2002 with Martha Burk, then chair of the Washington-based National Council of Women's Organizations, over admission of female members to Augusta National.[27] Burk said she found out about the club's discriminatory policies by reading a USA Today column by Christine Brennan published April 11, 2002. She then wrote a private letter to Johnson contending that hosting the Masters Tournament at a male-only club constituted sexism.[28] Johnson characterized Burk's approach as "offensive and coercive",[29][30] and responding to efforts to link the issue to sexism and civil rights,[29] Johnson maintained the issue had to do with the rights of any private club:[29][31]“ | Our membership is single gender just as many other organizations and clubs all across America. These would include Junior Leagues, sororities, fraternities, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and countless others. And we all have a moral and legal right to organize our clubs the way we wish.[32] | ” |
京郷新聞は2012-07-28 00:07頃、http://www.khan.co.kr/kh_news/art_view.html?artid=201207280000005&code=920100で、下記の記事を掲載しました。 政府,ゴルフ税引き下げ推進…誰を喜ばせるために? “第2の金持ち減税”論議 政府が推進中の会員制ゴルフ場個別消費 税引き下げ方案が確定すれば年間最大3550億ウォンの税収が減ることが明らかになった。ソウル地域小学校1~6学年,中学校1~3学年に無償給食を提供 できる金額だ。政府は税金減免を通じて富裕層の海外ゴルフ観光を国内で誘引するという方針だが実効性が落ちて金持ちらの税金だけ割り引くのではないかとい う憂慮が提起されている。 27日企画財政部と韓国大衆ゴルフ場協会資料を見れば,昨年全国300余会員制ゴルフ場来場客数は年間1680 万人だった。政府は1人当り2万1120ウォンの消費税を払わせて昨年総3550億ウォンの税金をかき集めた。政府の内需活性化方案はこのような税金を減 らしたりなくして海外に出て行くゴルフ観光客を国内で誘引するということが要旨だ。しかし政府政策が効果を上げることが出来るかは疑問だ。 政府は2009~2010年海外ゴルフ需要を抑制して地方経済を活性化するという名目で地方の会員制ゴルフ場に限り一時的に個別消費税を免除した。だがこの期間ゴルフ観光客などを含んだ出国人員はかえって増えた。 2008 年1199万人の出国者は2010年1240万人を記録した。出国者は2009年940万人にしばらく減ったがこれはグローバル金融危機でウォン・ドル為 替レートが暴騰した影響が大きかった。当時チョ・ミョンファン韓国租税研究院副研究委員は‘財政フォーラム’寄稿で“地方および済州道(チェジュド)の会 員制ゴルフ場個別消費税免税制度が地方経済活性化に多いに役に立つことができなくて趙世衡平声を阻害して税収減少だけ持ってくる恐れがある”と批判した。 政府は海外ゴルフが観光やビジネスと同時になされているという点も見過ごした。 慶 煕(キョンヒ)大ゴルフ産業研究所資料を見れば,海外ゴルフ旅行の80%以上は観光とレジャー,ビジネスなどが結びついている。純粋にゴルフだけを楽しむ ために外国に離れる旅行は全体の18%に過ぎなかった。国内ゴルフに変えることができる海外ゴルフは全体の20%水準もならない計算だ。 海 外ゴルフ旅行客大部分が高所得層だという点を勘案する時2万ウォン減免は‘ニンジン策’になることができないという指摘もある。ソウルで室内ゴルフ練習場 を運営するキム某氏は“数百万ウォンの海外ゴルフ旅行に行く人々がお金2万ウォン惜しむために国内で旅行地を変えるか”と話した。 現在会員制ゴルフ場は全国的に約350ヶ所,ゴルフ場会員券を持った人は10万人内外だ。個別消費税廃止はその間これらとゴルフ場事業主らの常連嘆願だった。ゴルフ場業界は個別消費税が違憲とし訴訟を起こすこともした。 業界関係者は“朴正煕政府時期ぜいたく性施設という荷札がついて今に至っている”として“会員制ゴルフ場個別消費税は内国人カジノ(5000ウォン)の4倍,競馬場の23倍に達するほど科する”と明らかにした。 し かし今年のはじめ憲法裁判所は裁判官6対2意見で会員制ゴルフ場に賦課される個別消費税が合憲だと決めた。憲法法院は“ゴルフ場立場行為に個別消費税を賦 課するのは税収確保はもちろんぜいたく性消費に租税賦課を通じて課税の公平性を企てるという点でその目的の正当性と方法の適切性を認められる”と明らかに した。ゴルフ界で続く旋風…韓国勢、強さの背景
日本の国内プロゴルフでここ2年、賞金ランキングのトップに輝いたのは男女とも韓国人選手だ。男子は2010年金庚泰(25)、11年裴相 文(25)と続き、女子はアン・ソンジュ(24)が2年連続で戴冠。米ツアーでも女子を中心に韓国勢が席巻している。次々と強豪選手を生み出す背景を探っ てみた。
〈男子〉 | 〈女子〉 | ||
1 | 裴相文 | 1 | アン・ソンジュ |
12 | 金庚泰 | 2 | 李知姫 |
18 | 金度勲 | 6 | 全美貞 |
19 | J・B・パク | 11 | 宋ボベ |
20 | ドンファン | 23 | 金ナリ |
22 | S・K・ホ | 24 | イ・ジウ |
25 | 趙ミンギュ | 28 | イ・ナリ |
27 | 黄重坤 | 29 | 朴仁妃 |
PGM では2009 年より、セールス本部内にアジア営業開発部を設置し、韓国や中国、台湾等のアジア諸国からの訪日ゴルファーのニーズを満たした「推奨ゴルフ場」を選定し、 積極的にアジア諸国からの訪日ゴルファーを受け入れてまいりました。今後、更なる受け入れの強化を図る活動の一環として、2012 年5 月14 日(月)より、韓国国内連絡事務所をソウル市江南区に開設いたしました。これにより、韓国内でのPGM ゴルフ場の広告・宣伝、市場調査を強化し、韓国内でのPGM ゴルフ場の認知度向上を目指します。 商号 : パシフィックゴルフマネージメント株式会社 韓国支社 進出形態 : 韓国国内連絡事務所(国内支社) 設立 : 2012 年5 月14 日(月) 所在地 : ソウル市江南区駅三洞707-34 ハンシンインターベリー24 1015 号室 ※地下鉄2 号線 宣陵駅より徒歩3 分 連絡先 : TEL 02-2183-0321 / FAX 02-2183-0320 ※韓国の国番号は+82 駐在員 : ファン ヒョンチョル(PGM セールス本部 アジア営業開発部) 業務内容 : ①韓国国内のゴルフ場、練習場、企業への広告・宣伝活動 ②韓国国内の市場調査 上記を行い、韓国内でのPGM ゴルフ場の知名度向上を行います。[PDF]
PGM広報部ブログ : 「第1回PGM日中韓ゴルフ大会」が開催されました!
blog2.pgm-players.com/pressroom/archives/5001840.html - キャッシュ
2011年12月22日 – 日本全国にあるPGMのゴルフ場をアジアに売り込むための業務をしております。 部署のメンバーも、日本人スタッフ2名、韓国人スタッフ2名、中国人スタッフ1名の計5名体制で国際色豊かにチームワークも非常に良く活動しております。
PGM 韓国オフィス(韓国国内連絡事務所)を開設しました。
2012年6月15日 – PGM 韓国オフィス(韓国国内連絡事務所)を開設しました。 PGM では2009 年より、セールス本部内にアジア営業開発部を設置し、韓国や中国、台湾等のアジア諸国からの訪日ゴルファーのニーズを満たした「推奨ゴルフ場」を選定し、積極的 ...
PGM 韓国オフィス(韓国国内連絡事務所)を開設しました。 |
PGM では2009 年より、セールス本部内にアジア営業開発部を設置し、韓国や中国、台湾等のアジア諸国からの訪日ゴルファーのニーズを満たした「推奨ゴルフ場」を選定し、 積極的にアジア諸国からの訪日ゴルファーを受け入れてまいりました。今後、更なる受け入れの強化を図る活動の一環として、2012 年5 月14 日(月)より、韓国国内連絡事務所をソウル市江南区に開設いたしました。これにより、韓国内でのPGM ゴルフ場の広告・宣伝、市場調査を強化し、韓国内でのPGM ゴルフ場の認知度向上を目指します。 商号 : パシフィックゴルフマネージメント株式会社 韓国支社 進出形態 : 韓国国内連絡事務所(国内支社) 設立 : 2012 年5 月14 日(月) 所在地 : ソウル市江南区駅三洞707-34 ハンシンインターベリー24 1015 号室 ※地下鉄2 号線 宣陵駅より徒歩3 分 連絡先 : TEL 02-2183-0321 / FAX 02-2183-0320 ※韓国の国番号は+82 駐在員 : ファン ヒョンチョル(PGM セールス本部 アジア営業開発部) 業務内容 : ①韓国国内のゴルフ場、練習場、企業への広告・宣伝活動 ②韓国国内の市場調査 上記を行い、韓国内でのPGM ゴルフ場の知名度向上を行います。[PDF]
PGM だより 2012/6 月号
ファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - クイック ビュー
2012年6月1日 – 枚方国際 GC」・「ライオンズ CC」・「木津川 CC」にて. 『カート運転代行サービス』を 7 月から2ヵ月限定で開始します。 ○ PGM 韓国オフィス(韓国国内連絡事務所)を開設しました。 ○ PGMグループでは、今年も節電に取り組んでいます。[PDF]
PGM 韓国語ウェブサイト、2009 年 12 月 15 日(火)よりベータ版公開
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2009年12月15日 – 北海道・九州を中心とした推奨 20 コースを中心に、PGM のゴルフ場情報を韓国語で提供. バイリンガル韓国人営業 ... 期間を経て、2010年春にはサービスやコンテンツを更に拡充し、正式版PGM韓国語ウェブサイトを公開する予定です。
www.pacificgolf.co.jp/jiwoo/index.html - キャッシュ
PGM パシフィックゴルフマネージメント株式会社 · WEB会員マイページ | ヤードの照会 | メルマガ ... Ji-Woo Lee 2011.6.20(mon). イ・ジウ(韓国). 主催・開催場所:京カントリークラブ 記念撮影会、サイン会実施. コースの詳しい情報はこちら. △ページのトップへ ...
[PDF]PGM だより 2012/6 月号
ファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - クイック ビュー 2012年6月1日 – 枚方国際 GC」・「ライオンズ CC」・「木津川 CC」にて. 『カート運転代行サービス』を 7 月から2ヵ月限定で開始します。 ○ PGM 韓国オフィス(韓国国内連絡事務所)を開設しました。 ○ PGM グループでは、今年も節電に取り組んでいます。
Sagano Romantic Train Ride
The flamingly beautiful autumn leaves at Kiyomizudera.
Autumn in Kyoto : Kyoto Trip part 1
Finally, turned red in Kyoto
December 2nd. The city of Kyoto is now ablaze with colors in autumn.
This year the autumn leaves were coming out a quite late...really late.
Taken at Nanzenji(南禅寺).
Kyoto, one of the best season for visiting
The season of autumn leaves (Koyo) will come in November in Kyoto, one of the best season for visiting.
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autumn leaves
見る: ベストショット | すべての写真
富山県の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
有峰森林文化村 | 富山市有峰 | - | 10月中旬~10月下旬 | |
立山山麓粟巣野平 | 富山市本宮花切 | - | 10月下旬 | |
神通峡 | 富山市大沢野 細入地域 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
高岡古城公園 | 高岡市古城1-1 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
二上山 | 高岡市東海老坂字馬鞍2056 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
黒部峡谷(宇奈月駅周辺) | 黒部市 黒部峡谷口 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
黒部峡谷(欅平駅周辺) | 黒部市黒部 奥山国有林 | - | 10月下旬~11月上旬 | |
宇奈月温泉街 | 黒部市宇奈月温泉 | - | 11月中旬 | |
庄川峡 | 砺波市庄川町小牧(起点) | - | 10月下旬~11月上旬 | |
桂湖 | 南砺市桂 | - | 10月下旬~11月上旬 | |
立山(室堂平:標高2,450m付近) | 立山町芦峅寺ブナ坂外11国有林 中部山岳国立公園 | 色付き半ば。(2012年9月20日現在) | 9月中旬~9月下旬 | |
立山(弥陀ヶ原:標高2,000m付近) | 立山町芦峅寺ブナ坂外11国有林 中部山岳国立公園 | 2割程度の色づき。(2012年9月20日現在) | 9月下旬~10月上旬 | |
立山(大観峰周辺:標高2,300m付近) | 立山町芦峅寺ブナ坂外11国有林 中部山岳国立公園 | 2割~3割程度の色づき。(2012年9月20日現在) | 9月下旬~10月上旬 | |
立山(称名滝:標高1,000m付近) | 立山町芦峅寺ブナ坂外11国有林 中部山岳国立公園 | まだ。(2012年9月20日現在) | 10月下旬~11月上旬 | |
立山(美女平:標高1,000m付近) | 立山町芦峅寺ブナ坂外11国有林 中部山岳国立公園 | まだ。(2012年9月20日現在) | 10月下旬~11月上旬 | |
立山(黒部平:標高1,828m付近) | 立山町芦峅寺ブナ坂外11国有林 中部山岳国立公園 | - | 10月中旬~10月下旬 | |
立山(黒部ダム:標高1,470m付近) | 立山町芦峅寺ブナ坂外11国有林 中部山岳国立公園 | - | 10月上旬~10月中旬 |
石川県の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
特別名勝兼六園 | 金沢市兼六町 | - | 11月下旬~12月上旬 | |
鶴仙渓 | 加賀市 山中温泉 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
白山スーパー林道(県境三方岩駐車場:標高1,450m付近) | 白山市中宮 白山国立公園 | - | 10月中旬 | |
白山スーパー林道(栂の木台駐車場:標高1,400m付近) | 白山市中宮 白山国立公園 | - | 10月下旬 | |
白山スーパー林道(白山展望台:標高1,350m付近) | 白山市中宮 白山国立公園 | - | 10月下旬 | |
手取峡谷 | 白山市釜清水町地内~河原山町地内 | - | 11月中旬 | |
那谷寺 | 小松市那谷町ユ122 | - | 11月上旬~11月下旬 | |
医王寺、我谷ダム、県民の森、薬師山 | 加賀市 山中温泉 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
白山スーパー林道(ふくべの大滝駐車場:標高900m付近) | 白山市中宮 白山国立公園 | - | 10月下旬 | |
白山スーパー林道(蛇谷園地駐車場・姥ヶ滝:標高770m付近) | 白山市中宮 白山国立公園 | - | 10月下旬 | |
白山スーパー林道(国見展望台:標高1,100m付近) | 白山市中宮 白山国立公園 | - | 10月下旬 | |
白山スーパー林道(白山自然保護センター中宮温泉:標高600m付近) | 白山市中宮 白山国立公園 | - | 11月上旬 |
福井県の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
九頭竜湖 | 大野市 長野~箱ヶ瀬 | - | 10月下旬~11月中旬 | |
永平寺 | 永平寺町志比5-15 | - | 11月上旬 | |
萬徳寺 | 小浜市金屋74-23 | - | 12月中旬 | |
刈込池 | 大野市上小池 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
越前陶芸公園 | 越前町小曽原 | - | 10月下旬 | |
三方石観世音 | 若狭町三方22-1 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 |
長野県の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
乗鞍岳 | 松本市・岐阜県高山市 | ナナカマドなど一部の色がつき始めたものもある。(2012年9月20日現在) | 9月下旬~10月上旬 | |
白骨温泉 | 松本市安曇白骨温泉 | - | 10月中旬 | |
上高地(涸沢方面) | 松本市 安曇上高地 | まだ。(2012年9月20日現在) | 9月下旬~10月上旬 | |
上高地(大正池、河童橋周辺) | 松本市 安曇上高地 | まだ。(2012年9月20日現在) | 10月中旬~10月下旬 | |
乗鞍高原 | 松本市 安曇乗鞍高原 | - | 10月中旬 | |
軽井沢(雲場池) | 軽井沢町 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
軽井沢(白糸の滝) | 軽井沢町 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
白樺高原(蓼科山) | 立科町大字芦田八ケ野 | - | 10月下旬 | |
志賀高原 | 山ノ内町 | - | 10月上旬~10月中旬 | |
久米路峡 | 長野市信州新町水内 久米路公園 | - | 11月上旬 | |
戸隠高原 | 長野市戸隠 | - | 10月上旬~10月中旬 | |
鬼無里 奥裾花自然園 | 長野市鬼無里日影11130-1 | - | 10月中旬~10月下旬 | |
美鈴湖 | 松本市三才山 | - | 10月下旬 | |
美ヶ原高原 | 松本市入山辺 美ヶ原高原 | - | 10月中旬 | |
角間渓谷 | 上田市真田町角間 | - | 10月下旬 | |
名勝 天龍峡 | 飯田市龍江、川路 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
しらびそ高原・下栗の里 | 飯田市上村 | - | 10月下旬 | |
懐古園 | 小諸市丁311 | - | 11月上旬 | |
布引観音 釈尊寺 | 小諸市大久保2250 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
高峰高原 | 小諸市高峰高原 | - | 10月中旬 |
長野県の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
小黒川渓谷 | 伊那市荒井内の萱 | - | 10月中旬~10月下旬 | |
権兵衛峠 | 伊那市西箕輪 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
南アルプス林道 | 伊那市長谷 | - | 9月下旬~10月中旬 | |
高遠城址公園 | 伊那市高遠町東高遠 | - | 11月初旬~11月中旬 | |
中央アルプス 千畳敷カール | 駒ヶ根市赤穂1 | - | 9月20日頃~10月10日頃 | |
東山公園 | 中野市東山 | - | 10月下旬 | |
牧の入高原 | 中野市大字田上牧の入 | - | 10月下旬 | |
高瀬渓谷 | 大町市平 | - | 10月上旬~10月下旬 | |
横谷渓谷 | 茅野市蓼科中央高原 | - | 10月中旬 | |
中房渓谷 | 安曇野市穂高有明中房 国有林 | - | 10月15日頃 | |
白駒の池 | 小海町・佐久穂町 八ヶ岳国有林内 | - | 10月上旬 | |
八千穂高原自然園 | 佐久穂町大字八郡2049-183 | - | 10月中旬~10月下旬 | |
軽井沢(塩沢湖) | 軽井沢町 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
軽井沢(旧碓氷峠見晴台) | 軽井沢町 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
白樺高原(御泉水自然園) | 立科町芦田八ケ野 | - | 10月下旬 | |
白樺高原(町道夢の平線~大河原峠~春日渓谷) | 立科町芦田八ケ野 | - | 10月下旬 | |
小渋峡 | 中川村大草小渋ダム湖一帯 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
富士見台高原 | 阿智村智里3731番地4 | - | 10月下旬~11月中旬 | |
丸畑渓谷 | 売木村長下 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
やまなみ広場 | 売木村 平谷峠付近 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 |
長野県の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
寝覚の床 | 上松町寝覚 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
赤沢自然休養林 | 上松町小川入国有林内 | - | 10月15日頃~10月25日頃 | |
柿其渓谷 | 南木曽町読書 | - | 11月上旬 | |
開田高原 | 木曽町 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
大峰高原七色大カエデ | 池田町 大峰高原 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
八方尾根 | 白馬村八方 | - | 10月中旬 | |
栂池自然園 | 小谷村栂池高原 栂池自然園 | - | 10月上旬 | |
湯田中渋温泉郷 | 山ノ内町平穏 | - | 10月下旬~11月上旬 |
京都府の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
高雄(神護寺) | 京都市右京区梅ヶ畑高雄町5 | - | 11月10日頃~11月23日頃 | |
大原(三千院) | 京都市左京区大原来迎院町540 | - | 11月中旬 | |
洛北(貴船神社) | 京都市左京区鞍馬貴船町180 | - | 11月中旬 | |
東山(永観堂) | 京都市左京区永観堂町48 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
東山(清水寺) | 京都市東山区清水1丁目294 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
嵐山 | 京都市右京区嵐山 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
宇治(宇治川・興聖寺) | 宇治市宇治山田27-1 | - | 11月下旬~12月上旬 | |
洛北(常照皇寺) | 京都市右京区京北井戸町丸山14-6 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
槇尾(西明寺) | 京都市右京区梅ケ畑槙尾町1 | - | 11月10日頃~11月23日頃 | |
栂尾(高山寺) | 京都市右京区梅ケ畑栂尾町8 | - | 11月10日頃~11月23日頃 | |
高雄・清滝 | 京都市右京区清滝 | - | 11月10日頃~11月23日頃 | |
大原(実光院) | 京都市左京区大原勝林院町187 | - | 11月中旬 | |
大原(宝泉院) | 京都市左京区大原勝林院町187 | - | 11月中旬 | |
洛北(蓮華寺) | 京都市左京区上高野八幡町1 | - | 11月中旬 | |
洛北(鞍馬寺) | 京都市左京区鞍馬本町1074 | - | 11月中旬 | |
洛北(圓光寺) | 京都市左京区一乗寺小谷町13 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
東山(真如堂) | 京都市左京区浄土寺真如町82 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
東山(南禅寺) | 京都市左京区南禅寺福地町 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
東山(長楽寺) | 京都市東山区八坂鳥居前東入円山町626 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
東山(東福寺) | 京都市東山区本町15丁目778 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 |
京都府の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
洛北(大徳寺) | 京都市北区紫野大徳寺町 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
鷹峯(源光庵) | 京都市北区鷹峯北鷹峯町47 | - | 11月中旬 | |
鷹峯(光悦寺) | 京都市北区鷹峯光悦町29 | - | 11月中旬 | |
衣笠(金閣寺) | 京都市北区金閣寺町1 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
嵐山(宝筐院) | 京都市右京区嵯峨釈迦堂門前南中院町9-1 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
嵐山(二尊院) | 京都市右京区嵯峨二尊院門前長神町27 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
嵐山(常寂光寺) | 京都市右京区嵯峨小倉山小倉町3 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
嵐山(鹿王院) | 京都市右京区嵯峨北堀町24 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
洛西(勝持寺) | 京都市西京区大原野南春日町1194 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
洛西(大原野神社) | 京都市西京区大原野南春日町1152 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
洛西(善峯寺) | 京都市西京区大原野小塩町1372 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
洛東(山科毘沙門堂) | 京都市山科区安朱稲荷山町18 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
洛南(醍醐寺) | 京都市伏見区醍醐東大路町22 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
宇治(三室戸寺) | 宇治市菟道滋賀谷21 | - | 11月中旬~12月上旬 | |
世屋高原 | 宮津市上世屋 世屋高原家族旅行村・丹後縦貫林道高山一帯 | - | 10月中旬~11月上旬 | |
成相寺 | 宮津市成相寺 成相寺周辺一帯 | - | 10月中旬~11月中旬 | |
大江山 | 宮津市小田 | - | 10月下旬~11月下旬 | |
出雲大神宮 | 亀岡市千歳町千歳出雲 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
鍬山神社 | 亀岡市上矢田町上垣内22 | - | 11月上旬~11月中旬 | |
保津峡(保津川下り) | 亀岡市保津町~京都市 | - | 11月下旬~12月上旬 |
京都府の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
光明寺 | 長岡京市粟生西条ノ内26-1 | - | 11月下旬 | |
柳谷観音 楊谷寺 | 長岡京市浄土谷堂ノ谷2 | - | 11月下旬 | |
石清水八幡宮 | 八幡市八幡高坊30 | - | 11月中旬 | |
松花堂庭園 | 八幡市八幡女郎花43 | - | 11月中旬 | |
善法律寺 | 八幡市八幡馬場28 | - | 11月中旬 | |
国営公園 淀川河川公園背割堤地区 | 八幡市八幡在応寺1番地先 | - | 11月下旬 | |
神應寺 | 八幡市八幡西高坊24 | - | 11月下旬 | |
金刀比羅神社 | 京丹後市峰山町泉 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
弥栄町野間地域一帯 | 京丹後市弥栄町野間地域一帯 | - | 10月下旬 | |
府立笠置山自然公園 | 笠置町笠置山 | - | 11月中旬 |
奈良県の紅葉名所 | 2012/9/20 日本観光振興協会 |
色づきマーク凡例 | ||||||||
色づき始め | 色づき進む | 見ごろ | まだ見頃 | 落葉進む | 終了 |
奈良公園 | 奈良市春日野町他 | - | 10月下旬~12月上旬 | |
多武峰・談山神社 | 桜井市多武峰319 | - | 11月上旬~11月下旬 | |
大台ヶ原(東大台、西大台) | 上北山村 大台ヶ原 | - | (山頂)10月10日頃~10月下旬、(ドライブウェイ沿いから下の山々)11月上旬まで | |
正暦寺 | 奈良市菩提山町157 | - | 11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
長岳寺 | 天理市柳本町508 | - | 11月下旬 | |
初瀬・長谷寺 | 桜井市初瀬731-1 | - | 11月中旬 | |
鳥見山公園 | 宇陀市榛原萩原 | - | 11月下旬 | |
室生寺、竜鎮渓谷 | (室生寺)宇陀市室生、(竜鎮渓谷)宇陀市榛原荷坂 | - | (室生寺)11月中旬~12月上旬、(竜鎮渓谷)11月中旬~11月下旬 | |
高取城跡 | 高取町高取 | - | 12月上旬 | |
吉野山 | 吉野町 | - | (奥千本)11月上旬~、(下千本)10月下旬(サクラもみじ)・11月下旬(カエデもみじ) | |
みたらい渓谷 | 天川村北角地内 | - | 11月中旬 |
The Classic Christmas Cake
This, with no apologies, is a Christmas cake that has been in print since 1978, has been made and loved by thousands and is, along with the Traditional Christmas Pudding, one of the most popular recipes I've produced. It is rich, dark and quite moist, so will not suit those who like a crumblier texture. Recently we took some of these cakes along to book-signing sessions up and down the country and were quite amazed to see so many people take a mouthful and then buy a book!Ingredients |
1 lb (450 g) currants |
6 oz (175 g) sultanas |
6 oz (175 g) raisins |
2 oz (50 g) glacé cherries, rinsed, dried and finely chopped |
2 oz (50 g) mixed candied peel, finely chopped |
3 tablespoons brandy, plus extra for 'feeding' |
8 oz (225 g) plain flour |
½ level teaspoon salt |
¼ level teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg |
½ level teaspoon ground mixed spice |
8 oz (225 g) unsalted butter |
8 oz (225 g) soft brown sugar |
4 large eggs |
2 oz (50 g) almonds, chopped (the skins can be left on) |
1 level dessertspoon black treacle |
grated zest 1 lemon |
grated zest 1 orange |
4 oz (110 g) whole blanched almonds (only if you don't intend to ice the cake |
Conversions |
Need help with conversions? |
You will also need an 8 inch (20 cm) round cake tin or a 7 inch (18 cm) square tin, greased and lined with silicone paper (baking parchment). Tie a band of brown paper round the outside of the tin for extra protection. |
You need to begin this cake the night before you want to bake it. All you do is weigh out the dried fruit and mixed peel, place it in a mixing bowl and mix in the brandy as evenly and thoroughly as possible. Cover the bowl with a clean tea cloth and leave the fruit aside to absorb the brandy for 12 hours. Next day pre-heat the oven to gas mark 1, 275°F (140°C). Then measure out all the rest of the ingredients, ticking them off to make quite sure they're all there. The treacle will be easier to measure if you remove the lid and place the tin in a small pan of barely simmering water. Now begin the cake by sifting the flour, salt and spices into a large mixing bowl, lifting the sieve up high to give the flour a good airing. Next, in a separate large mixing bowl, whisk the butter and sugar together until it's light, pale and fluffy. Now beat the eggs in a separate bowl and add them to the creamed mixture a tablespoonful at a time; keep the whisk running until all the egg is incorporated. If you add the eggs slowly by degrees like this the mixture won't curdle. If it does, don't worry, any cake full of such beautiful things can't fail to taste good! When all the egg has been added, fold in the flour and spices, using gentle, folding movements and not beating at all (this is to keep all that precious air in). Now fold in the fruit, peel, chopped nuts and treacle and finally the grated lemon and orange zests. Next, using a large kitchen spoon, transfer the cake mixture into the prepared tin, spread it out evenly with the back of a spoon and, if you don't intend to ice the cake, lightly drop the whole blanched almonds in circles or squares all over the surface. Finally cover the top of the cake with a double square of silicone paper with a 50p-size hole in the centre (this gives extra protection during the long slow cooking). Bake the cake on the lowest shelf of the oven for 4½-4¾ hours. Sometimes it can take up to ½-¾ hour longer than this, but in any case don't look till at least 4 hours have passed. Cool the cake for 30 minutes in the tin, then remove it to a wire rack to finish cooling. When it's cold 'feed' it – make small holes in the top and base of the cake with a cocktail stick or small skewer, then spoon over a few teaspoons of brandy, wrap it in double silicone paper secured with an elastic band and either wrap again in foil or store in an airtight container. You can now feed it at odd intervals until you need to ice or eat it. Paul Clerehugh's perfect Christmas cakePaul Clerehugh's perfect Christmas cake
By Paul Clerehugh December 01, 2008
Making a Christmas cake can be a disaster but it doesn’t need to be that way.
If you want to make the perfect cake here’s the answer.
Owner of The Crooked Billet, Stoke Road, and London Street Brasserie, chef Paul Clerehugh reveals the secret of his rich moist fruitcake for food monthly
This is my favourite Christmas cake recipe – I’ve modified it over the years and consider it to be perfect, a rich moist fruitcake that improves with keeping.
Not everyone is confident about making a Christmas cake – probably because we only bake them once a year.
Often, recipes have a telephone directory’s worth of ingredients – along with the contents of half an off-licence.
The resulting cake is confused, tasting of everything, usually dry, having been baked for three or four hours, and is often far too sweet.
My recipe is sugar-free, as I prefer the deeper toffee flavour and sophistication of dark treacle with a honeyed oomph.
Personally, I can’t stand marzipan and Royal icing, although marzipan can disguise a multitude of sins, potholes and cracks.
My mum’s Christmas cake always sank in the middle. The embarrassing hollow had to be filled with marzipan, stuck to the cake with melted apricot jam.
Royal icing is like snowy peaks brought up with the flat of the knife resembling a badly artexed kitchen. Alternatively, with steady hand and smoothing palate knife, you can flat-ice a cake .
Personally, I prefer to brush with sieved apricot jam and decorate with glacé fruits.
Alternatively, I arrange split almonds and glace cherry halves in a pattern over the top of the cake – just before it goes in the oven.
Paul’s Christmas Cake
150g sultanas
150g raisins
150g currants
150g halved glacé cherries
100g cut mixed dried peel
500ml apple juice
175g self-raising wholemeal flour
175g self-raising white flour
2 tsp mixed spice
6 tbsp (90ml) sunflower oil
3 tbsp clear honey
2 tbsp dark treacle
250ml Guinness
2 eggs beaten
50g toasted hazelnuts – smashed up a bit
Place the sultanas, raisins, currants, halved cherries and mixed peel in a bowl and stir in the apple juice. Cover and leave to soak overnight.
Preheat the oven to 160C/325F/Gas Mark 3.
Grease and line a deep round 20cm cake tin. Secure with string and triple folded brown paper around the outside. Sift the flours into a mixing bowl together with the mixed spice and make a well in the centre.
Put the sunflower oil in a bowl, stir in the dark treacle, honey and Guinness. Now add to the sifted flours.
Drain the dried, mixed fruit from the apple juice. Discard the apple juice.
Add the mixed fruit to the cake mixture. Add the beaten eggs and toasted hazelnuts; thoroughly mix all the ingredients together.
Turn the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth the surface.
Bake for two hours or until a skewer comes out clean.
Transfer to a wire rack until cold, then lift out of the tin and remove the paper. fm
An easy-to-make alternative to traditional Christmas cakes which requires no beating
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Iced Christmas Cake - Christmas Cake Recipe
Simmer-&-stir Christmas cake
Recipe uploaded by
117 ratings Recipe by Mary Cadogan Subscribe to Good Food magazine - 3 issues for £3Leave a comment or rate this recipe
Difficulty and servings
Makes a 20cm round cakePreparation and cooking times
Prep 1 hr - 1 hr 15 mins Cook 1 hr - 2 hrs 30 mins (Cooking time 2 hrs 30 if gas oven)- Put the butter, sugar, fruit, zests, juice and 100ml/3½fl oz brandy in a large pan. Bring slowly to the boil, stirring until the butter has melted. Reduce the heat and bubble for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for 30 minutes.
- Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 150C/gas 2/ fan 130C and line the cake tin. Toast the nuts in a dry frying pan, tossing them until evenly browned, or in the oven for 8-10 minutes - keep an eye on them as they burn easily. When they are cool, chop roughly. Stir the eggs, nuts and ground almonds into the fruit mixture and mix well. Sift the flour, baking powder and spices into the pan. Stir in gently, until there are no traces of flour left.
- Spoon the mixture into the tin and smooth it down evenly - you will find this is easiest with the back of a metal spoon which has been dipped into boiling water.
- Bake for 45 minutes, then turn down the heat to 140C/gas 1/ fan120C and cook for a further 1-1¼ hours (about a further 1¾ hours if you have a gas oven) until the cake is dark golden in appearance and firm to the touch. Cover the top of the cake with foil if it starts to darken too much. To check the cake is done, insert a fine skewer into the centre - if it comes out clean, the cake is cooked.
- Make holes all over the warm cake with a fine skewer and spoon the extra 4tbsp brandy over the holes until it has all soaked in. Leave the cake to cool in the tin. When it's cold, remove it from the tin, peel off the lining paper, then wrap first in baking parchment and then in foil. The cake will keep in a cupboard for up to three months or you can freeze it for six months.
Recipe from Good Food magazine, November 2002.
Step by Step Classic British Christmas Cake
By Elaine Lemm, About.com Guide
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A Classic British Christmas Cake
Easy Fruit Cake RecipeLearn How to Make Cake with the Recipe Toolbar - Free!TotalRecipeSearch.com
No British Christmas is complete without a classic Christmas cake. My Christmas cakerecipe may look complicated but is actually easy if you assemble and weigh all the ingredients and line the cake tin before you start. The rest is straightforward.A Christmas cake can be made 2 months before Christmas for it to mature and to be fed at regular intervals with brandy. If you are making it later, don't worry, it will still taste good.To make this wonderful traditional Christmas cake follow the step by step instructions on the following pages. In the photos I am making 2 cakes, if you want to prepare 2 at the same time you will need to double the ingredients listed here.
Ingredients of a Classic Christmas Cake
For 1 Cake you will need:- 1lb 2oz/525g currants
- 8oz/ 225g golden raisins/sultanas*
- 8oz / 225g raisins
- 4oz / 110g mixed candied peel, finely chopped
- 6oz / 165 glace cherries, halved
- 3 tbsp brandy, plus extra for feeding
- 2 ½ sticks / 300g butter, slightly softened
- 10 oz / 300g soft brown sugar
- Zest of ½ lemon
- 6 large eggs, lightly beaten
- 10oz/ 300g all purpose or plain flour
- ½ level tsp mixed spice **
- ½ level tsp ground cinnamon
- ½ level tsp freshly ground nutmeg
- Pinch salt
Chilled Fruit Salad & Nut Christmas Cake
Recipe Ingredients
(Serves 16)- 1 cup (160g) chopped Brazil nuts
- 1/2 cup (90g) chopped dried papaya
- 1 cup (150g) chopped dried pineapple
- 1/2 cup (75g) chopped dried apricots
- 1/2 cup (75g) chopped dried peaches
- 3/4 cup (150g) red glace cherries, cut in half
- 3/4 cup (150g) green glace cherries, cut in half
- 1 cup (190g) NESTLÉ Milk CHOC BITS
- 2 tbsp plain flour
- 1 1/2 cups (180g) almond meal
- 395g can NESTLÉ Sweetened Condensed Milk
- extra red glace cherries, for decoration
How to make
1. Preheat oven to 150°C/130°C fan forced. Grease and base line a 20cm ring pan with baking paper.
2. Place Brazil nuts, papaya, pineapple, apricots, peaches, cherries, NESTLÉ Milk Choc Bits, flour, almond meal and NESTLÉ Sweetened Condensed Milk in a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Press mixture into prepared pan.
3. Bake for 45 minutes or until firm to touch. Cover with foil for final 10 minutes to prevent browning if required.
4. Cool in pan; serve decorated with glace cherries.
Preparation time:
20 minutes
Cooking time:
45 minutes
Christmas 2009: the perfect Christmas cake
Posted on 23 October 2009. Tags: Food and Diet, Green Parenting, Random articles
For the perfect Christmas cake, chef Jeremy Lee advises swapping currants and raisins for other fruit – and buying whole nuts, rather than ready ground.
If I had been born in Dundee, I’d be feeling somewhat anti-Italian. It seems the bakers of Italy have stolen the limelight from the traditional fruit cake.
A panettone was a rare sight until 10 years ago. Now you can hardly open the door to a guest in the festive season without them thrusting one of those tackily gift-wrapped giant bath sponges studded with candied fruit towards you.
Whatever happened to the dear, leaden Dundee cake, that fruited, whisky-drenched curling stone? I have to admit that my last few tastes of British fruitcakes have found the old favourite wanting. Dry slices falling into drier crumbs, currants like shrivelled beetles, followed by a flavour void, left by the absence of butter when vegetable oil or margarine has been used instead. No wonder panettone, with its light, elastic yeasty dough and plump fruit suddenly seems so appetising.
The chef Jeremy Lee, of the Blueprint Café, who was born and raised in Dundee, has hinted that it would do no harm to dust off the old Scottish favourite and its English equivalents. “Cakes with great ingredients add up to great cakes,” he says. “They need to be made with butter and no other fat, but I sometimes worry we are turning our back on our traditions.”
He likes panettone and other Italian dolci, “but only in Italy”. Making a comparison between the invaders and the cakes of his childhood, he maintains we are overly impressed with novelty.
“It’s like drinking bottled water when tap is perfectly good,” he says. ”I grew up eating incredibly delicious rock cakes, lovely old-fashioned things everyone has forgotten. We need to get back to this type of thing.”
Last week I made Christmas pudding and it’s now maturing nicely in its bowl under a cloth. Using the remaining dried fruit store I decide to attempt a real old-fashioned fruit cake. Lee advises swapping some of the usual currants and raisins for other fruits: “It is worth spending the extra buck to get the good stuff.”
I already have prunes, apricots, figs, golden sultanas and dried blueberries and a pack of those small, honeyed, sun-dried mini bananas (absolutely delicious and not to be confused with banana chips). Lee suggests buying whole almonds or pistachios then grinding them. “Whole is best – if you buy ready ground almonds the cake will not be as moist.”
As with Christmas pudding, the cake will be better for being ”aged” in an airtight container. Lee remembers how his mother Eileen’s cakes, stored for weeks in a tin, improved all the time. “She would keep gingerbread for two to three weeks, but a cake for Christmas needs more,” he says. “A minimum
of three weeks, but a maximum of six.”
This vintage cake can be covered with marzipan and iced later on. Alternatively, brush with apricot glaze and decorate with candied fruit, for those that like it (although, as per the pudding last week, I promised the children not to put peel inside the cake, either).
One word of warning, issued simply because the high cost of the ingredients means failure is especially hard to take: this cake will take more than five hours to cook. Unless the tin is insulated from the temperature of the oven, the edges will be dry, or worse, burnt, even if they’re cooked at a low temperature.
Paying attention to lining the cake tin with plenty of baking paper is as important with this recipe as not curdling the mixture.
By doing this you can also overfill the tin and end up with a cake that is nearly as tall as a panettone – but twice as delicious.
Good ready-made cakes
The Lebanese Recipes Kitchen (The home of delicious Lebanese Recipes and Middle Eastern food recipes) invites you to try Christmas cake Recipe. Enjoy Christmas recipes collection and learn how to make Christmas cake.
If you're after an old-fashioned Christmas cake, look no further. This fruity cake will be the star attraction at any festive feast!
Preparation Time 30 minutes
Cooking Time 180 minutes
Ingredients (serves 20)
510g (3 cups) sultanas
265g (1 1/2 cups) Sunbeam flame raisins
155g (1 cup) currants
150g (1 cup) pitted dates, finely chopped
1 x 100g pkt red glace cherries, quartered
75g (1/2 cup) Ocean Spray craisins
75g (1/2 cup) dried pineapple, finely chopped
50g (1/4 cup) mixed peel
185ml (3/4 cup) brandy
2 tsp finely grated orange rind
Melted butter, to grease
250g butter, at room temperature
200g (1 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
4 eggs
300g (2 cups) plain flour
2 tsp mixed spice
Blanched almonds, to decorate
Red glace cherries, extra, halved, to decorate
2 tbs brandy, extra
1. Combine sultanas, raisins, currants, dates, cherries, craisins, pineapple, mixed peel, brandy and orange rind in a large bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside, stirring occasionally, for 2 days to macerate.
2. Preheat oven to 150°C. Brush a round 22cm (base measurement) cake pan with melted butter to lightly grease. Line the base and side with 3 layers of non-stick baking paper.
3. Use an electric beater to beat butter and sugar in a bowl until pale and creamy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well between each addition until just combined. Add butter mixture to fruit mixture and stir to combine. Add flour and mixed spice and stir until well combined. Spoon into prepared pan and smooth the surface. Lightly tap pan on benchtop to release any air bubbles. Arrange almonds and cherries on top of the cake.
4. Bake in oven, covered with foil, for 2 hours 40 minutes to 3 hours or until a skewer inserted into centre comes out clean. Drizzle hot cake with extra brandy. Set aside to cool before turning out.
You can make this cake up to 3 months ahead. Cover with plastic wrap and store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
Good Taste - December 2005, Page 205
Recipe by Sarah Hobbs
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By Rose Prince Source: The Telegraph
Published: 12:00PM BST 22 Oct 2009
Yule love it: Christmas cake with crystallised clementines and an apricot glaze Photo: HEATHCLIFF O’MALLEY
Related Articles
Good ready-made cakes
- The Christmas Cake (07932 656 898; www.thechristmascake.com for mail order)
- Simply Delicious Fruit Cake Company from Forman & Field (020 8525 2352; www.formanandfield.com for mail order)
- Daylesford Organic (0800 083 1233; www.daylesfordorganic.com for mail order)
- More on Christmas
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas cake recipe
Try this Sweet Freedom Christmas Cake recipe (and win your own bottle…)
Sweet Freedom is a great way of reducing the amount of calories you consume, because it has 25% less calories than sugar and you only need to use half as much. As it also has a low GL (Glycemic Load) it’s a good choice for diabetics and the weight conscious. Plus with a following including the likes of Raymond Blanc you can rest assured that it tastes great! Email me with your name and address if you’d like a chance to win 1 of 20 bottles of Sweet Freedom (UK only, offer closes Thursday 2nd December 2010) Christmas Cake with Sweet Freedom Try out both the Sweet Freedom Syrup and Sweetener in this recipe for a traditional fruity rich Christmas Cake. Makes a 18cm (7”) round cake 300g Sultanas 300g Raisins 100g Currants 85ml Rich Cream Sherry 125g Butter, softened 125g Sweet Freedom Natural Syrup 125g Plain Flour (or 75g of rice flour and 50g of ground almonds for a Gluten Free version) ¼ Tsp Ground Mixed Spice ¼ Tsp Ground Nutmeg 3 Medium Eggs, beaten To Decorate 15ml Brandy 200g Ground Almonds 100g Sweet Freedom Natural Sweetener ½ Tsp Almond Extract 5ml Lemon Juice Red & Green Food Colouring Pastes You will need a deep round cake tin measuring 18cm (7”) in diameter. 1) Place the dried fruit in a bowl and pour over the sherry, stir to coat all of the fruit and then cover and leave overnight. 2) The following day, preheat the oven to 160C/Fan 140C and line the base and sides of the cake tin with non stick baking parchment. Also, make a collar out of several layers of brown paper and fasten around the outside of the tin with string or a paperclip. 3) Cream the butter and Sweet Freedom until pale and fluffy. Mix together the spices and flour and mix a spoonful into the mixture, followed by a little of the beaten egg. Continue adding flour and egg little by little until they have all been mixed in. Finally mix in the soaked fruit and then spoon into the prepared cake tin. Flatten the top with a knife or spoon and bake in the preheated oven for 2 hours or until a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean. 4) Leave to cool in the tin for about an hour then transfer to a cooling rack. When the cake is cold wrap in baking parchment and tin foil and leave in a cool place. 5) The cake is best made several weeks in advance to allow it to mature. To decorate 1) Remove all the wrappings from the cake and brush the top with the brandy. Leave to soak in for a few minutes. 2) Mix together the ground almonds, Sweet Freedom, almond extract and lemon juice until it forms a soft dough. Knead into a ball. As you knead the almond paste the oil is released from the almonds which makes it easier to handle. 3) Take 225g of the almond paste, place it between two sheets of baking parchment and roll out into a circle the same size as the top of the cake. Remove the top layer of parchment, slide your hand underneath the bottom layer and flip the almond paste over onto the top of the cake. Gently press it onto the top and tidy up the edges. 4) Colour two thirds of the remaining almond paste with green colouring and the rest with red colouring. Roll the green in between two layers of baking parchment and cut out holly leaves. Roll small amounts of red almond paste into balls for the berries. Decorate the top of the cake with the holly leaves and berries. They should easy stick to the almond paste topping but if not, just lightly brush the top of the cake with a little water.The Classic Nutty Christmas Cake
An elegant, glossily glazed nut-topped Christmas Cake. Based on our traditional Christmas Cake and the perfect alternative for those who prefer a cake covered in nuts: walnuts, pecans and brazils. This is a rich, dark, moist cake filled with the most beautiful fruits: candied orange and lemon peels, raisins, sultanas, currants, and cherries soaked in brandy combined with almonds, molasses sugar and west Indian spices. We take great care in the preparation of this cake to incorporate as much air into the mixture as possible to ensure a lightness which clearly distinguishes this Christmas Cake from others: it is not a heavy cake, but a lighter rich fruit cake. This cake is matured and fed cognac to create a delicately boozy cake which has a natural preservative and will keep the cake for up to a year......if, of course, you haven’t polished it off by the New Year by then! Delicious with a glass of port and a large slither of vintage Cheddar.Size: | 7 inch square |
Weight: | 2.2kg |
Price: | £45 |
Serves: | 20-25 |
Today my co-worker brought us cakes for my boss’s birthday. She walked 15 minutes from our office to the Saint Germain on Kuhio Avenue and 15 minutes back during her lunch break! The cakes are $2.85 each.
Saint Germain - Mocha Cake
Saint Germain - Blueberry Cheesecake
If there’s anything worth temporarily lifting my ban on sugar for, it’s strawberry shortcake, I decided.
Saint Germain - Strawberry Shortcake
There’s nothing I love in this world more than cake, especially strawberry shortcake, wedding cake, and birthday cake. I’ve been known to buy birthday cakes at Safeway for myself (note: it was not my birthday).
Friday, November 5, 2010
German Chocolate Cakes Galore!
Black Forest Cherry Cake
- 1 Duncan Hines Swiss Chocolate Cake Mix or . .make this homemade dark chocolate cake
- 1 package instant chocolate pudding (2 cups milk size)
- 1 pint whipping cream
- 2 tablespoons instant vanilla pudding mix
- 1 recipe cherry pie filling
- shaved chocolate for garnish
- Make the cake according to directions. . .bake in two 9 inch pans.
- Make the pudding according to directions and refrigerate until the cake layers have cooled.
- Make one recipe Cherry Pie Filling and allow to come to room temperature.
- Whip the cream and the vanilla pudding mix together and refrigerate until assembly.
- 3 cups frozen or fresh pitted Montmorency Pie Cherries (now. . finding them may prove to be the biggest problem. I had a supplier and they stopped selling them and now I will be planting my own tree. These cherries have a beautiful color and flavour. I find the easiest way to pit cherries is with the tip of a potato peeler.
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- Put the frozen or fresh cherries in a microwave safe measuring cup. Heat on high for one minute. . stir and repeat until the cherries begin to release juice.
- Add the combined cornstarch and sugar.
- Stir well. Heat on high until it is thickend, the juices have cleared and it is bubbling.
- Stir well every few minutes.
- Cut both the cake layers in half. Put the first layer on a cake plate.
- Spread half the pudding on the first layer.
- Add the next layer of cake.
- Put half the Cherry Pie Filling on this layer.
- Add the third layer of cake. . and top with the second half of pudding.
- Add the last layer of cake.
- Spread the whipping cream all over the cake. . .reserving 1 cup or so to pipe around the edge.
- Put the Cherry Pie Filling in the center.
- Chill until ready to serve.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Black Forest Cake Recipe
My husband and I love this cake. The combination of chocolate and cherries is divine and it looks so fancy (like you spent the whole day making it), but in reality it is pretty easy to make!
Here's my recipe:
Black Forest Cake
2-20 oz. cans cherry pie filling
2-9 inch chocolate cake layers, baked and cooled
3 cups Cool Whip
1 can vanilla frosting
Split each cake layer in half, so you end up with four layers. Place one cake layer on a serving plate. Spread with 1 cup of the Cool Whip; top with ¾ cup of the cherry topping. Top with second cake layer, 1 cup Cool Whip and ¾ cup of cherry topping; top with third cake layer. Frost cake sides with the vanilla frosting; with the remaining frosting, place into a pastry bag fitted with a star pipe. Pipe around top and bottom edges of the cake. Spoon the remaining cherry topping over the top of the cake. Refrigerate any leftovers.
完成したケーキの写真を撮り忘れました! こんな写真で申し訳ありません。 |
Black Forest Cherry Cake – Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Jun 24th, 2011 by minnah
I had first time in my life Black Forest Cake in Dubai couple of years ago when we moved here. I never knew about this cake before. Even in my family we like to make all kind of cakes, somehow I missed this German delicatessen. We hardly ever bought cakes from markets or bakery in Finland, because it was too expensive and not that delicious.
In Dubai you cannot bother yourself of baking, if you get fairly reasonable simple fruit or black forest cake from supermarket with 20 dirhams (4 €) only. I used to buy these cakes and garnish them with fresh fruits and berries. My husband loves Black Forest cake, but I was always thinking that cake is not really having cherries enough and not tasting chocolate enough for my liking. I promised to make one to die for, I needed to challenge myself.
Ever since I saw Australian Master Chef program episode in which they made Black Forest Cake, I have been waiting to get affordable cherries from Dubai’s supermarkets. It seems that somewhere in the world it’s cherry time right now. I found reasonable looking and priced cherries from Carrefour yesterday. Looking back at recipe from Master Chef Australia I decided to combine something from that and something from recipe by European Cuisines blog which claims that their recipe is more authentic.
The cake is named not directly after the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) mountain range in southwestern Germany but rather from the specialty liquor of that region, known as Schwarzwälder Kirsch(wasser) and distilled from tart cherries. I left alcoholic out from my recipe and cake ended up delicious like no other, njam.
At first it looked too much complicated to make, however I managed to simplify the making. I know if you take a look at the recipe I wrote, you will think no way, it’s too many things going on there. But it is easy and simple.
Simply you need chocolate cake, whipped cream, cherry compote and some fresh or candied cherries and shaved chocolate. That’s all. If you don’t want to follow the recipe, just whip the cream, cut readymade cake to layers and fill with cream and cherry compote and decorate with whipped cream, cherries and chocolate.
Black Forest Cherry Cake – Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Chocolate cake
6 large eggs
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or essence
80 grams chocolate, melted
1 cup (self rising) flour, sifted
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 teaspoon cream of tartar (optional)
Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla together until thick and fluffy, about 10 minutes. Alternately fold melted chocolate and flour with cream of tartar and cocoa powder into the egg mixture, ending with flour. Pour the batter into 24 cm cake pan that have been well greased and floured. Bake in a preheated 180-200 degree C oven for 30-45 minutes or until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Baking time depends on your oven; it might be less or more. Cool the cake completely and cut in 3 layers.
1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar / icing sugar
1/3 cup unsalted butter
1 large egg yolk
(2 tablespoons strong Cherry juice or ½ teaspoon of Cherry food flavor)
To make the butter-cream filling, beat together sugar and butter until well blended. Add egg yolk; beat until light and fluffy, about 3 to 5 minutes. (Fold in Cherry juice).
Cherry Compote
1/2 cup caster sugar
900 g pitted fresh cherries, halved
Add the sugar to a non-stick saucepan and place over medium heat. Once the sugar begins to dissolve add the cherries and cook until their juices is reduced
Or use 1 or 2 cans of cherry filling from supermarket
For decorating
2 cups of whipping cream
2 heaped table spoon of icing sugar
1 tsp Vanilla (optional)
chocolate (semi bitter)
Fresh or candied cherries
Whip the cream until heaps starts forming add icing sugar and vanilla and whip until nice and smooth. To make chocolate curls from chocolate bar, shave (at room temperature) with a vegetable peeler.
CAKE ASSEMBLY: To assemble cake, cut in 3 layers, place 1 layer on a cake plate. Brush with cherry juice, spread with butter cream filling and lay ½ of the cherry compote evenly over the butter cream, spread some of the whipped cream. Place second layer on cake. Repeat. Place third layer on top. Brush with cherry juice. Cover the sides and top of the cake with whipped cream and decorate with candied or fresh cherries and shave over lots of chocolate.
Layers rising
Cherry cake ready for decor
Gimme PieceOfCake
Tags: Black Forest Cake, Cherry, recipe, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
Posted in blog, Recipes | 1 Comment »
Tags: Black Forest Cake, Cherry, recipe, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte
(6) | rate this recipe » |
Hands-on time: | 20 mins. to 30 mins. |
Baking time: | 40 mins. to 45 mins. |
Total time: | 1 hrs 20 mins. to 1 hrs 35 mins. |
Yield: | 8" round, about 20 servings |
Published: | 11/05/2010 |
- Volume
- Ounces
- Grams
- 1 1/4 cups skinned hazelnuts
- 1 1/4 cups whole blanched almonds
- 3 cups candied mixed peel (or a mixture of candied orange peel and candied lemon peel)
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/8 teaspoon ground white pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 3/4 cup King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 2/3 cup honey
- 2 tablespoons butter
- confectioners' sugar, for topping
see this recipe's blog »
1) Preheat your oven to 300°F. Line an 8" round cake pan with parchment (or foil), and grease the parchment.
2) Toast the hazelnuts and almonds for 20 minutes, until they're a light golden brown. It's best to do this in separate pans, as they toast at slightly different rates, and you may want to take one pan out of the oven before the other. Remove the nuts from the oven, and set them aside to cool a bit. When you can handle them, chop them coarsely.
3) Put the nuts, candied peel, spices, salt, and flour in a mixing bowl. Stir to combine.
4) Combine the sugar, honey, and butter in a saucepan. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil. Using an instant-read or candy thermometer, boil the syrup, stirring frequently, till it reaches a temperature of about 245°F. This happens very quickly, so don't walk away; it should take about 2 minutes (or less) from the time the syrup starts to boil.
5) Immediately pour the boiling syrup over the fruit and nuts in the bowl. Stir to combine, and pour into the prepared pan, smoothing the top with a spatula (or your wet fingers; it cools down quickly, and you shouldn't find it overly hot). You need to work fast, as the mixture will start to stiffen up. Place the cake pan on a baking sheet, to catch any potential spills.
6) Bake the cake for 40 to 45 minutes; it won't seem firm, but will set as it cools. Remove it from the oven, and after 45 minutes, loosen the edges with a table knife or heat-proof spatula. Turn the warm panforte out of the pan onto a piece of parchment or foil. The bottom is now the top.
7) Sprinkle the top of the panforte heavily with confectioners' sugar, gently rubbing it in, if desired. Let it cool completely before wrapping airtight.
8) Store the panforte, at room temperature, for up to 2 months. To serve this rich cake, cut it in thin wedges.
Yield: about 20 servings.
To make chocolate panforte: Add 2 tablespoons Dutch-process cocoa to the nuts/peel/flour mixture. Melt 1/2 cup semisweet or bittersweet chocolate chips; stir them into the nuts/peel/flour along with the honey syrup. Bake as directed in the original recipe.
A vegan Christmas feast!
21 Dec As a bit of a diversion, I have a cookery post for you today! Apologies in advance for the frankly ropey photography – I hastily took photographs with my iPhone before everything was devoured! We were supposed to go down to Cornwall at the weekend for a pre-Christmas meet up with my husband, Dave’s family but due to various stuff it didn’t happen, alas. I was a bit upset actually as I was really looking forward to visiting the Eden Project Christmas thing again as it involves a walk around the rainforest biome in the dark! We went to the Enchanted Christmas walk at Westonbirt Arboretum instead, but it wasn’t really the same! It was infinitely muddier for a start… Anyway, thwarted of Cornwall, the plan instead became to have a Christmas lunch somewhere in Bristol which should have been straightforward except that we are vegan and Other People are a bit fussy and there was a lot of fuss about parking and stuff. In the end, I got so fed up with Dave getting upset and the suggestions that we just go to Harvester (I can only assume that anyone who suggests Harvester for a meal has never actually attempted to eat there) that I offered to host the bloody thing myself at our house. Now, this was a bit brave as I don’t actually rate my culinary skills all that highly despite evidence to the contrary. However, I was emboldened by the fact that I spent my formative years helping my grand mother, a former army wife, cater for huge formal dinner parties, shooting lunches and so on so cooking for large numbers isn’t actually all that terrifying to me. Or at least, it shouldn’t be. Yes, that’s right, I was raised to be at least VAGUELY ladylike. It’s much more fun to forget about all of that though. After much lugging around of cookery books, Dave and I decided on a menu and off we went to Sainsbury’s to buy STUFF and also many MANY bottles of J20 Glitter Berry drink (it’s a spiced cherry drink with gold shimmery glitter inside!) and Schloer. Dave’s father was paying and no one other than Dave and I seems to drink so I manfully resisted the urge to add a bottle of Hendricks gin and a bottle of Captain Morgan Spiced rum to the trolley. I am very good. Yesterday passed in a blur of cooking as, like an idiot, I had failed to prep a single thing. Other than cupcakes. Anyway, this is what we had: Spiced pumpkin and chocolate chip cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. These are SERIOUSLY DELICIOUS. Not being American, I have always been vaguely wary of the whole sweet pumpkin thing but it’s amazing how a bit of sugar and spice transforms a tin of squished pumpkin. Miraculous even. Chocolate and peppermint cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World, surely the greatest cupcake recipe book ever. These were gorgeous as well, although the icing was way too runny, which is why there is no photographic evidence! It still tasted better than good though! For the main course, we had: A courgette and chickpea filo pie from the Pieminister cookbook. This turned out to be a lot spicier than expected but was still very nice! I love cooking with filo as it makes me feel like I am really creative and competent but is actually a doddle to work with. A pistachio and cranberry roast from the 2011 Jamie Oliver Christmas magazine. This was the hit of the day, I think! It was pretty simple to make – you caramelise some fresh cranberries and put them at the bottom of a loaf tin and then put the rest of the mixture on top. The actual recipe called for a mushroom risotto base to the nut roast, but as Dave loathes mushrooms, I made a sweet potato risotto instead, which worked very well. You can see the recipe online here and I wholeheartedly recommend it if you are catering for vegans and/or vegetarians over Christmas or, indeed, EVER. All of this was served with new potatoes roasted with olive oil, sprigs of rosemary and slices of lemon (Dave was dubious about adding the lemon but was glad that he trusted my judgement in the end); stuffing, gravy, carrots and home made vegan bread sauce from another Jamie Oliver recipe (torn up bread, soya milk, cloves and some bay leaves) which turned out brilliantly and was seriously delicious. We bought one of those Christmas puddings with cherries inside from Sainsbury’s (not vegan, alas) and I made a gingerbread and caramelised clementine pudding from the 2011 Jamie Oliver Christmas magazine, which we were all too full to eat but made our kitchen smell like Tudor Christmas while it was baking. I’ll be having that later on with some custard, I think! And that concludes our vegan Christmas feast! The Jamie Oliver magazine is still in shops here in the UK and is brilliant if you are vegan/vegetarian and like me, enjoy his sort of rustic rough around the edges culinary style. I’d also recommend the vegan cupcake book of JOY – I thought they’d be really difficult to make but actually it’s SO simple and, BONUS, you can eat ALL THE BATTER without being scared of catching weird egg diseases (is that just me?). (In my next post, just wait and see what my father in law gave me for Christmas! It’s brilliant.)
Wanted to share some Christmas drink ideas.
These are super creative and you are sure to impress your guests by serving these delicious drinks.
Fruit Pops Recipe @taste.com.au
Berry Christmas Punch @taste.com.au
Pimms Cocktail @taste.com.au
Summer Iced Tea @taste.com.au
Cranberry and Lime Sparkler @taste.com.au
Alegria @taste.com.au (My Personal Favorite)
Let us know if you use any of these and we would love to see photos of the finished product!
Tags: christmas, drinks
ヤンケさんのバイオリンも押収 フランクフルト税関、1億2千万円の関税要求
2012.10.4 09:58
バイオリン名器再び差し押さえ ドイツ税関で
2012年10月4日 12時02分
<< 戻る 次へ >>
独フランクフルト空港で9月28日、バイオリニスト有希・マヌエラ・ヤンケさん(写真)使用の名器・ストラディバリウスが押収されていたことが4日分かった。(Shigeto Imura撮影、日本音楽財団提供) 【時事通信社】
Personal property (Article 2 ff. Council Regulation (EEC) No. 918/83)
The constantly strengthening trend towards globalization calls for high levels of geographical flexibility, especially in the occupational sector. But also in the private sphere, more and more have contacts and relationships across borders, and even across continents. It is therefore no longer out of the ordinary for people to go and live in another country. However, having to pay duty on personal property - furniture, clothing, and, in short, the entire "household effects" - would decidedly hamper this development as people wanting to transfer their place of residence to within the EU would be confronted with virtually insurmountable costs. To take account of this, and provided certain conditions are fulfilled, EU customs law allows socalled "personal property" to be exempted from the import duties/taxes that would normally be payable on it.What is personal property?
One of the most important questions for anyone planning to transfer their place of residence from a third country to the EU is doubtless which of their goods and chattels are eligible for relief from duties and which ones are not. As the term "personal property" by itself is capable of interpretation and may lead to misunderstandings, a definition of what constitutes "personal property" is contained in Council Regulation (EEC) No. 918/83 (Article 1 Clause 2 Letters c) and d) of the Regulation). According to this, personal property comprises:- Household effects, i.e. all personal effects, household linen, furnishings and equipment intended for personal use by the beneficiary or in the household;
- Private vehicles of all kinds, i.e. cycles and motor cycles, private motor vehicles (and their trailers), camping caravans, pleasure water craft and private aeroplanes;
- Household provisions, in quantities appropriate to normal family requirements - meaning appropriate at the former place of residence in the third country;
- Pets and saddle animals;
- Portable instruments and equipment needed for the exercise of skilled or professional activities provided the person transferring his/place of residence needs them for exercise of his/her profession.
What does not count as personal property?
According to the Regulation (Article 5), the following do not count as personal property:- Alcoholic products, i.e. beer, wine, aperitifs with a wine or alcohol base, brandy, liqueur, spirits etc.;
- Tobacco and tobacco products;
- Commercial vehicles;
- Items for commercial use, except portable instruments and equipment needed for skilled and professional activities.
Basic requirements
- on the part of the beneficiary: The most important precondition on the part of the beneficiary for the granting of customs relief on personal property is that the relocating person - who must be a natural person - is transferring his/her normal place of residence to the customs territory of the Community(Article 2 of the Regulation).Additionally, before moving into the EU, the beneficiary must have lived - i.e. have had his/her normal residence - for at least twelve months outside the customs territory of the Community (EU) (Article 4 of the Regulation). Exceptions from this rule are, however, possible, if the beneficiary can show that he/she at least clearly intended to live for twelve months or more outside the EU.Example: A German employee transfers his normal place of residence from Berlin to Mexico City in order to take up a new job there. For health reasons, however, he is forced to give up the job after only ten months and return to Germany. In this case, it is no problem that he has lived abroad for less than twelve months as it was his clear intention - as proved by his employment contract - to live in Mexico permanently. His personal property, which he has entered for release for free circulation within the EU customs territory, is therefore eligible for relief from duty.
- on the part of the personal property: The goods which have been declared as personal property must also fulfil certain conditions in order to qualify for exemption from import duties. First, the goods must constitute personal property within the meaning of the Regulation (Article 1 Clause 2 Letter c) of the Regulation); they must also not be excluded from relief under Article 5 of the Regulation (see above). Additionally, the goods must be the actual property of the beneficiary and have been used by him/her - in the case of non-consumable goods - for at least six months prior to transfer of the normal residence to the EU (Article 3 Letter a) of the Regulation). Proof of this must be provided in the form of invoices, purchase contracts etc. Additionally, the personal property may only be used at the new place of residence in the EUfor the same purposes as at the former place of residence (Article 3 Letter b) of the Regulation).Finally, customs relief may only be granted if the personal property is entered for free circulation within twelve months from the person concerned establishing his/her normal place of residence within the EU (Article 6 of the Regulation). That need not be done all at once, and the beneficiary can import his/her personal property in several part-consignments, but altogether, the twelve-month limit must not be exceeded. For all further details, e.g. premature import of the personal property, non-compliance with the twelve-month limit, please contact your competent customs office. Clearance of the personal property by a German customs office will be conditional on the personal property being initially used for the intended purpose in Germany itself, i.e.if the new place of residence - even if only temporarily - is in Germany.Where motor vehicles or private aeroplanes are declared as personal property, a certification by the competent authority in the third country must be presented as proof that the vehicle or aeroplane was registered in that country in the name of the person concerned.
Forms/Customs declaration
In the case of goods for which it is intended to claim special relief, the application for release for free free circulation must always be made in writing. To apply for relief, Form 0350 (Vordruck 0350) "Zollanmeldung für die Überführung von Übersiedlungsgut in den zollrechtlich freien Verkehr zur besonderen Verwendung" must be used. Note: Pursuant to German motor vehicle tax law ("Kraftfahrzeugsteuergesetz" - KraftStG), motor vehicle road tax must be paid on vehicles which are registered in a third country and which are declared at a German border customs post for release into free circulation in the customs territory - e.g. as personal property - if they drive into the customs territory of the Community on their own wheels. The law does not provide for any exemption for journeys to the place of registration in Germany. The driver must present a tax declaration form to the German border customs post and pay the tax immediately. After payment of the tax, the border customs post will issue a tax card with receipt as proof of payment.Use for intended purpose only
In order to prevent goods from being imported as personal property duty-free although they are in fact intended for commercial use, the personal property will remain under customs supervision even after release for free circulation in the customs territory. This means that the owner has only a limited right of disposal in relation to the personal property. Thus, for a period of twelve months starting from the date of receipt of the application for release for free circulation, the owner may not transfer or assign the personal property to any other person; i.e. he/she may, in particular, not:- lend,
- give as security,
- hire out,
- sell or
- give the property away.
Import VAT and special excise duties
Goods which are deemed personal property within the meaning of the law and as such are released for free circulation with relief from customs are also exempt from both import VAT and any other special excise duties which would otherwise normally apply (§ 1 Clause 1 EUStBV (Import VAT Relief Ordinance), § 1 Clause 1 No. 1 EVerbrStBV (Import Excise Duty relief Orinance)).
© Bundesministerium der Finanzen
The Member States of the European Union
The following 27 states are the members of the European Union:- Belgium (member since 1958)
- Germany (member since 1958)
- France (member since 1958)
- Italy (member since 1958)
- Luxembourg (member since 1958)
- the Netherlands (member since 1958)
- Denmark (member since 1973)
- United Kingdom (member since 1973)
- Ireland (member since 1973)
- Greece (member since 1981)
- Portugal (member since 1986)
- Spain (member since 1986)
- Austria (member since 1995)
- Finland (member since 1995)
- Sweden (member since 1995)
- Czech Republic (member since 2004)
- Estonia (member since 2004)
- Cyprus (member since 2004)
- Latvia (member since 2004)
- Lithuania (member since 2004)
- Hungary (member since 2004)
- Malta (member since 2004)
- Poland (member since 2004)
- Slovenia (member since 2004)
- Slovak Republic (member since 2004)
- Bulgaria (member since 2007)
- Rumania (member since 2007)
個人的使用目的であっても、EU域外から持ち込む物品の価値が合計430€を超える場合は、課税(関税・輸入売上税又は特定消費税)されま す。(ただし、コーヒー、たばこ、アルコール飲料は課税基準が異なります)。物品を持ち出した国がドイツと特恵関税協定を結んでいる場合は、10%が課税 されます。(この場合でも、例外として、ワイン等殆どの農産物には13.5%が課税されます。) 関税の種類には、輸入関税(Zoll-Euro)、農業税、石炭鉄鋼共同体製品税、アンチダンピング税、特定消費税にはタバコ税、コーヒー税、酒税、鉱油税などがあります。 前述の、特恵関税協定を結んでいる国から持ち込む物品の多くには、関税はかかりません(つまり、輸入売上税・特定消費税のみが掛かることになります)。 上記基準にあてはまらない場合には、書面での申告が必要になります。 現在の輸入売上税率は原則として19%です(2007年1月以降)。農産物や、書籍、絵画、切手等は7%が適用されます。関税については、約5000種類の物品について各々税率が決められています。2.非課税上限が定められている物品
ドイツに持ち込まれる手荷物中の物品のうち以下の物は、規定の量を超えない場合、商業目的でない限り課税の対象にはなりません。ただし、旅行者が個人的に手荷物として携帯することが条件となります。(i) たばこ類(17歳以上に適用) | ||
紙巻きたばこ |
200 本
或いは |
小型葉巻 |
100 本
或いは |
葉巻 |
50 本
或いは |
刻みたばこ |
(ii) アルコール飲料(17歳以下の場合は、以下の量を超えない場合も課税されます。) | ||
酒類(アルコール度22%以上)又は アルコール度80%以上の非変性アルコール |
1 リットル
或いは |
スピリッツ、ワイン他アルコール飲料を原料とするアペリティフ、ラム酒、日本酒等、アルコール度22%以下の酒類 |
2 リットル
或いは |
非発泡ワイン |
2 リットル
及び |
ビール |
16 リットル
(iii)薬品 | ||
旅行客の個人的服用量 | ||
(vi)車両用燃料 | ||
既に給油されたガソリン等の車両用燃料以外に、10リットルまでの燃料 | ||
(v)その他 | ||
物品合計300€迄空路/海路での入国に際しては430€迄15際以下の旅行者の場合は175€迄 |
また、ドイツから一旦EU域外へ持ち出し、ドイツに再び持ち込む物品についても、課税の対象にはなりません。※これを証明するためには、所定 の書式に記入の上、ドイツ出国時に税関に提出して証明を受け、これを再入国時に提示することが必要です。この際使用する書式「INF3」は空港の各税関で も入手できます。
空港には2つの通関窓口、「申告の不要な方(Anmeldefreie Waren)」(緑の看板のついた通路)と、「申告の必要がある品物をお持ちの方 (Anmeldepflichtige Waren)」(赤の看板のついた通路)の通路があります。
申告の必要がある物品をお持ちの方は、赤の通路をお通りの上、申告・納付手続きを行って下さい。 緑の通路(申告不要)を通られる場合、基本的 には手続きをすることなく通関することが出来ますが、濫用を防ぐため、税関職員は抜打ち検査をすることがあります。抜打ち検査で課税対象となる物 品が見つかった際には、密輸(脱税)となります。申告が必要かどうか悩ま れた場合には、赤の通路を通ることをお奨めします。
課税の基準となる物品価値は、基本的には実際に物品購入時に支払われた額をもとに計算されます。購入額を証明する為には、外国で買物されたときの領 収書をお持ちになっていること(出来れば英語のもの)が望ましいです。※例えばパソコンの場合、シリアルナンバーが書かれていれば日本語の領収書でも参考 になりますので、出来るだけ携帯されることをお奨めします。
領収書がない場合には、同様の物品の輸入価値より類推して計算されること になります。
Hauptzollamt Bielefeld | Lohbreite 6, 33607 Bielefeld | Tel. 0521-3047-0 Fax: 0521-3047-100 |
Hauptzollamt Bochum | Am Bergbaumuseum 43, 44791 Bochum | Tel. 0234-9588-0 Fax: 0234-581435 |
Hauptzollamt Dortmund | Hainallee 1, 44139 Dortmund | Tel. 0231-95710 Fax: 0231-9571-140 |
Hauptzollamt Düsseldorf | Am Stufstock 1-7, 40231 Düsseldorf | Tel. 0211-2101-0 Fax: 0211-2101-222 |
Zollamt Düsseldorf Flughafen | デュッセルドルフ 空港 | Tel. 0211-421 6927 (24時間ホットライン) |
Hauptzollamt Duisburg | Saarstraße 6-8, 47058 Duisburg | Tel. 0203-3008-0 Fax: 0203-3008-129 |
Hauptzollamt Emmerich | Parkring 6, 46446 Emmerich | Tel. 02822-961-0 Fax: 02822-961-107 |
Hauptzollamt Krefeld | Jungfernweg 40, 47799 Krefeld | Tel. 02151-850-0 Fax: 02151-850-111 |
Hauptzollamt Münster | Sonnenstraße 85/89, 48143 Münster | Tel. 0251-4814-0 Fax: 0251-4814-200 |
Hauptzollamt Paderborn | Bahnhofstraße 4-6, 33102 Paderborn | Tel. 05251-2998-0 Fax: 05251-2998-20 |
Hauptzollamt Wuppertal | Zollstraße 4, 42103 Wuppertal | Tel. 0202-4925-0 Fax. 0202-4925-104 |
テーマ:トラベル-Tip 先週、勤務先の会社で注意文書が回ってました。 『ドイツへ社用のノートパソコンを持ち込む際には、税関申告をしてください。』というもの。 これって、恐らく、ドイツで社用のノートパソコンと商品見本をいっしょに持ち込んだ際に、緑色のレーンを通ったら高額な制裁金を請求された事案から来ていると思うのですが、文書を発行したのが海外出張がまるっきしない総務なので、何か意味不明。 基になっているのは多分コレ ミュンヘン国際空港(フランツ・ヨーゼフ・シュトラウス空港)における通関手続きについて 案の定、海外によく行っている私のところに海外出張に行ったことが無いとある役員から質問が来ました。 「実際に、申告したことがあるか?」とかなんですが、申告したことはありませんということを伝えたら、なんか、「コンプライアンス違反だ。」と難癖をつけてきました。 人に質問しておいて、この態度は・・・ 「そもそも、EU域内でもドイツは厳しいとこ。 例えば、フランス行きでドイツ乗り継ぎの場合、手荷物だったら最初の入国地ドイツで申告義務があるが、預け荷物の場合は到着地で申告となる。フランスは旅行中に使用し持ち帰るノートパソコンは免税で申告不要と決まっているため預け荷物にしたら申告義務は無い。 また、ドイツの持込物品の価値が合計430ユーロを超えなければもともと申告義務なんか無い。私の個人的に使用しているパソコンはONKYOの2万円台で買ったものだし、デジカメや携帯電話と合わせても430ユーロの価値は無い。」とかなり、怒って言っておきました。 実際に、購入したばかりだったとすると430ユーロを超える可能性があるのですが、全部が新品ってことはまず無いですからね。 で、最初に紹介した在ミュンヘン領事館の文書の注意書きを読んでみると、次の記載があります。 中古品や会社の備品であっても、EU域外から持ち込む物品の価値が合計430ユーロを超える場合(15歳以 下の場合は175ユーロを超える場合)には申告が必要です。短期滞在者が個人的に使用する物品は原則として非課税となりますが、不申告の場合には違反と判 断される場合がありますのでご注意ください。 まとめてみると、次のとおり。 ・物品価値が合計430ユーロを超える場合は申告が必要 ・短期滞在者が個人的に使用する物品は非課税 ・不申告の場合には違反と判断される場合がある ということ。 したがって、合計430ユーロを超える場合にはとりあえず申告したほうが良さそう。 申告といっても実際には赤いレーンを通って個人的に使用し滞在後日本へ持ち帰る○○を持っています。滞在期間は○日間、と言うだけで済むと思います。 ドイツの税関ってあんまり印象が無いのですが、実際に免税になるものを申告しなかったから不申告で違反と言うのは他のEU諸国の税関と比較してもかなりム リがあるような気がしますし、そういった観点から領事館から注意喚起をされているのだと思いますが、高価なものをドイツに持ち込む場合は注意したほうが良 さそうです。 なお、税関の規則は頻繁に変更となります。 旅行の際には最新の情報を収集され注意する事をオススメします。 また、商用渡航の場合には一般的な旅行者よりも規則が厳しい場合がありますのでご注意ください。ドイツで観光する際の税関について
- 2007-12-09投稿
- 回答締切済
- 回答4件
english version
税関トラブル ドイツ・フランクフルト空港は要注意です!
By admin | 9月 23, 2007
ドイツのフランクフルト空港 税関検査 からのレポートです。ルフトハンザや日本航空を利用しフランクフルト空港またはミュンヘン空港乗継、ドイツ国内はもちろん欧州各国(シェンゲン協定国)へ渡航される特に出張者の方はご一読下さいませ。
○外務省 海外安全ホームページ: http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/
電話: (49-69) 2385730
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ドイツ・フランクフルト国際空港で9月28日、同国在住の若手バイオリニスト、有希・マヌエラ・ヤンケさん(26)が使用する名器「ストラディバリウ ス」が税関当局に押収されていたことが4日、分かった。楽器をヤンケさんに貸与している日本音楽財団(東京)の関係者が明らかにした。 楽器は1736年製の「ムンツ」で、時価6億円程度とみられている。税関当局は関税として約118万ユーロ(約1億2000万円)の支払いを要求しているという。財団側は無償での返還を求めている。ヤンケさんは日本での演奏会を終えた後、ドイツに戻ったところだった。 ヤンケさんはドイツ人の父と日本人の母を持つ。2004年にパガニーニ国際コンクールで1位なしの最高位2位に入り、世界的に活躍。07年からこの楽器を使ってきた。 財団関係者は「(ヤンケさんは)貸与契約書など必要書類を持っており、万全だと思っている。こういう事態が続けば、多くの演奏家の活動に悪影響が出ることは間違いない」と懸念を示した。 8月にはベルギー在住のバイオリニスト、堀米ゆず子さん(54)もフランクフルト国際空港で愛用のバイオリンを押収されたが、結局、罰金などは科されずに返されることになった。(2012/10/04-12:36)
独税関 またバイオリン名器押収 ストラディバリウスに1.2億円請求
【ベルリン=宮本隆彦】ドイツ在住の若手バイオリニスト、有希・マヌエラ・ヤンケさん(26)が、日本音楽財団(東京)から貸与され演奏活動に 使っているバイオリンの名器ストラディバリウスを、ドイツ・フランクフルト国際空港の税関に押収されていたことが分かった。関税として約一億二千万円を請 求されているという。
塩見和子・日本音楽財団理事長の話 楽器の貸与に際して演奏者の国籍を問わないのが当財団の特徴。複数のドイツ人にも貸し出している。そうした貢献は世界的に高く評価されており、今回の事態はとても残念だ。
- 2012年10月4日10時1分
日系演奏家のストラディバリウスも押収 独の空港で
ドイツ国籍のバイオリニスト、有希・マヌエラ・ヤンケさん(26)が先月28日、日本からの帰路、独フランクフルト空港の税関で愛器を押収されたこと が、日本音楽財団への連絡でわかった。ヤンケさんは2007年、チャイコフスキー国際コンクール3位入賞。ドイツ人の父親と日本人の母親の間に生まれ、現 在はドレスデン州立歌劇場管弦楽団のコンサートミストレスを務めている。
押収されたのは1736年製のストラディバリウスで、日本財団の助成を受ける日本音楽財団から貸与されている。財団は現在計20器の弦楽器を保有してお り、樫本大進さんや諏訪内晶子さんら、国際的に活躍する演奏家たちに無料で貸与してきた。財団によると、ヤンケさんは貸与証明書と楽器の写真、保険証書な どを一式携帯していたが「欧州連合(EU)内で売る可能性がないとは言い切れない」との理由で押収されたという。
関西ゴルフ連盟 関西グリーン研究所
第37回芝地用管理機械・資材総合展示会開催のお知らせ | |
今年は隔年開催の芝地用管理機械・資材総合展示会を10月24日(水)、25日(木)に万博記念公園お祭り広場にて開催いたします。今回は前回を上回る 39社が出展し、新製品をはじめとしてゴルフ場で非常に役に立つ製品が数多く出展されます。皆様、お誘い合せの上、多数のご来場をお待ちしております。 | |
期日: | 10月24日(水)、25日(木) |
場所: | 千里万博記念公園お祭り広場 |
出展: | 39 社 |
出展会社は以下の通りです(50音順)。 ㈱IHIシバウラ、㈱岩崎製作所、㈲エヌエフシー、㈱エヌテーシー、㈲オーリー、㈲オオタ商工、㈱共栄社、金馬商工㈱、グローベン㈱、グリーン関西㈱、ゴ ルフ場用品㈱、ゴルフリンクス㈱、㈱小西商会、サンアグロ㈱、シンジェンタジャパン㈱、ジェイカムアグリ㈱、㈱スチール、ストロング商事㈱、住化グリーン ㈱、タキイ種苗㈱、多木化学㈱、㈲土屋緑化機材、東洋グリーン㈱、㈱トモグリーン・ケミカル、豊中機工㈱、初田拡撒機㈱、BASFジャパン㈱、ハマダゴル フ機器㈱、フルタ電機㈱、紅大貿易㈱、㈱ミクニ、㈱ユーエム工業、雪印種苗㈱、㈱理研グリーン、レインバードインターナショナル、㈲ローヤルターフカンパ ニー、一季出版㈱、㈱国際農業社、㈱農経新報社。 |
- 阪急線:南茨木駅、山田駅、蛍池駅 地下鉄御堂筋線(北大阪急行線):千里中央駅 地下鉄 谷町線:大日駅 京阪本線:門真市駅 それぞれから大阪モノレール「万博記念公園駅」「公園東口駅」が便利です。
- JR線:茨木駅 阪急京都線:茨木市駅 地下鉄御堂筋線(北大阪急行線):千里中央駅 それぞれから路線バスが出ています。
- 新幹線でお越しの場合 新幹線「新大阪駅」下車。 地下鉄御堂筋線(北大阪急行線)で「新大阪駅」→「千里中央駅」へ。 大阪モノレールで「千里中央駅」→「万博記念公園駅」下車。
高速道路 京都、西宮、東大阪方面から名神高速道路、近畿自動車道 吹田 IC から「万博公園」方面へ。(下の地図の「大阪モノレール」の文字付近。短い距離で中央環状線を横断する必要があります。無理ならば次の出口(進歩橋南詰)を利用。) 宝塚方面から中国自動車道 中国吹田 IC を出て信号を左方向に上がって万博外周道路(府道1号線)へ。(下の地図の「調和橋」付近。) 一般道(大阪市内から) 新御堂筋(国道423号線)で北(千里ニュータウン方面)へ。緑地公園を過ぎたら箕面・茨木方面へ向かい、最終的に茨木方面の大阪中央環状線(府道2号線)へ。万博方面で中央環状線を上がって万博外周道路(府道1号線)へ。 一般道(宝塚方面から) 国道176号線、国道171号線で茨木・守口方面の案内に従い、大阪中央環状線(府道2号線)へ。箕面・大阪市内方面の分岐を過ぎたら万博公園方面 万博外周道路(府道1号線)へ。 一般道(京都方面方面から) 国道171号線を大阪方面へ。茨木 IC 手前の分岐点で茨木・吹田方面 大阪高槻京都線(府道14号線)へ。「茨木駅西駅前」交差点を右折、府道129号線(エキスポロード)を西へ。万博外周道路(府道1号線)に出ます。(日本庭園前交差点) 地図の下に駐車場の案内があります。 |
駐車場 万博外周道路沿いに万博記念公園の大型駐車場(約5千台)があります。ホテル、温泉などは専用駐車場があります。 |
Park Cafe
カフェ&レストラン みんぱく
ホテル阪急エキスポパーク レストランです。
TEL 06-6878-7284 / E-Mailinfo@kobe505.co.jp
2011年11月11日 10時00分 更新
記者も感染しました……:スマホウイルスはどのくらい怖いのか? (1/2)
PCでは必須のウイルス対策。急速なペースで普及が進むスマートフォンでもその必要性が高まっているといわれるが、実際のところはどうなのだろうか? エキスパートに聞いた。
F-Secure セキュリティ研究所主席研究員のミッコ・ヒッポネン氏。同社で1991年からウイルスなどの分析を手掛ける。世界中のカンファレンスでも数多くの講演を行うなど、世界のITセキュリティ業界では著名な専門家の一人である
スマートフォンが市場に登場したのは2000年代前半のこと。当時はSymbianやWindows Mobileを搭載する端末が主流で、これらの端末を狙うウイルスが既にこのころから存在していたという。ウイルスに感染すると端末がクラッシュしてしま うケースが多く、攻撃者は騒ぎを起こすことが主な狙いだったとのことだ。
ヒッポネン氏によれば、スマートフォンウイルスの数は、PCウイルスに比べるとまだはるかに少なく、PCウイルスは1日に1万種以上も出現してい るが、スマートフォンウイルスは2004年以降の累計で3700種ほどしかない。「PCウイルスの規模が太陽だとすれば、スマートフォンウイルスは地球に も満たない程度」(同氏)。スマートフォンウイルスの脅威の規模は、PCと比較すればそれほどではないようにみえる。
だが脅威の“質”という面でみると、PCウイルス並みの機能を備えたり、スマートフォンならでは機能を悪用したりするものが、この1年で急増して いるとヒッポネン氏は指摘する。スマートフォンウイルスの脅威は、数が少ないとはいえ、決して油断できないのが実態であるようだ。
PCウイルスとは異なり、スマートフォンならではの機能を悪用するウイルスの一例が、電話機能を不正に使って金銭を搾取するタイプである。2010年4月に発見されたウイルスは、中国の企業が開発・配布したゲームアプリ「3D Anti-terrorist action」に仕込まれて流通し、世界で数千人が感染したという。 3D Anti-terrorist action自体は正規のアプリだったが、これに目を付けた攻撃者がウイルスのコードを追加して、再配布したとみられる。感染すると、端末から勝手に特定 の国の電話番号あてに通話発信されてしまう。電話番号は有料ダイヤルサービスで、通話料とは別に高額の情報料が請求されるものであった(その情報料が攻撃 者の手元に入る)。F-Secureの解析から、着信先の国や地域は南極や中南米諸国であることが分かった。 着信先に南極が含まれることに違和感を覚える読者もいるだろう。ヒッポネン氏によると、南極への通話が実際に着信する先は別の国だったという。こ のウイルスによる攻撃では、悪質な電話会社も介在しており、南極への通話にみせかけるサービスを提供していた。攻撃者はこれを利用して、追跡の手から逃れ ることも画策していたようだ。 実は記者のスマートフォンもこのウイルスに感染した。記者はスマートフォンを目覚まし時計代わりに利用していたのだが、ある日の深夜に枕元でヘン な音がしていたことに気付き、大変に驚いた。記者の場合、10分の間に2回ほど不明な電話番号に通話発信されてしまった。それが失敗すると、一定の間を置 いて、また同じ動作を繰り返していた。 すぐにウイルス感染を疑ったが、同じような目に遭った人がほかにいるのか、また、どう対処すれば良いかはしばらくの間分からなかった。真夜中に Webサイトを巡回すると、記者が数日前にインストールしたこのゲームで「端末が不正に操作された」「ウイルスアプリではないか」といった投稿が幾つか見 つかった。記者は、取り急ぎこのゲームをアンインストールし、端末から電池を外して通話できないようにした。翌朝に端末をフルリセットして、バックアップ データから従前の環境に戻す作業に追われた。 とても恥ずかしいエピソードだが、実際にスマートフォンの感染に直面すると、しばらく身動きができないほどの混乱に陥る。記者がゲームをダウン ロードしたのは、数万人のユーザーがいる米国のメジャーサイトで普段から利用していた。スマートフォンウイルスの存在は知っていたが、まさか自分が感染す るとは思ってもみなかった。 幸いにも記者の場合は、電話会社が通話を規制していたために相手につながることはなく、高額な料金を請求をされることはなかった。枕元から聞こえたのは、電話会社の「この相手にはおつなぎできません」というメッセージで、まさに不幸中の幸いだったのである。OS別にみるウイルスへの耐性
スマートフォンのOSには幾つかの種類がある。米国や日本ではiOSやAndroidがおなじみだが、海外ではSymbianユーザーもいまだに 多く、スマートフォンウイルスの脅威に晒されているという。ヒッポネン氏は、ウイルスの脅威にある程度強いOSとしてiOSとWindows Phoneを挙げる。 この2種類のOSは、スマートフォンウイルスの温床となりがちなアプリの流通過程で厳しい審査が実施されているためだ。「実際、何十万種類もある iPhoneアプリではまだウイルスが見つかっていない。Windows Phoneは登場して間もないが、MicrosoftはApple並みの審査を徹底していくだろう」(ヒッポネン氏) 一方でAndroidは“オープン”をウリにしているだけに、基本的に開発者は自由にアプリを公開できるようになっている。現在では攻撃者がこれ を逆手に取り、正規のアプリにウイルスを混入させて再配布するケースが後を絶たない。実際にAndroidマーケットでアプリ名を検索すると、同じアプリ なのに何人もの開発者が結果に表示されるシーンを目にすることができる。問題のアプリが見つかるとGoogleが削除するという“いたちごっこ”の状態に なり始めた。 ヒッポネン氏は、この状況が遠い将来に深刻な問題になるかもしれないとも警鐘を鳴らす。Androidはスマートフォンだけでなく、今やタブレッ ト端末やPC、カーナビといったさまざま機器にも利用されており、世界中にこうした機器が広がれば、最もウイルスのリスクが高いOSになってしまう可能性 があると話している。ウイルス以外の脅威
またヒッポネン氏は、スマートフォンではウイルス以外にフィッシング詐欺の脅威も存在すると指摘する。フィッシング詐欺とは、実在する正規の企業や組織、商品、サービスなどになりすましてユーザーから個人情報や機密情報を盗み取る手口だ。 フィッシング詐欺は世界的な問題になっており、ITセキュリティの企業や団体がフィッシング詐欺サイト情報の共有化を進めている。PC用のWeb ブラウザの中には、この情報を利用してユーザーがフィッシング詐欺に誘導されるのをブロックしてくれる機能を備えているものが多い。 しかし、スマートフォンではこうした対策がまだ十分に講じられていない。さらにはスマートフォンの画面がPCよりも小さいため、Webサイトの URL表示が途中で切れてしまうのだ。接続する先のWebサイトが正規のものかフィッシング詐欺サイトであるかを見極める最も基本的な対策が、スマート フォンでは取りづらい。ヒッポネン氏は、「OSの種類に関係なく、すべてのユーザーがさらされている脅威だ」と指摘している。脅威対策は今のうちに!
スマートフォンを取り巻く脅威の現状をみると、ユーザーが被害に遭わないためには、今のうちに対策を準備して、普段から脅威の存在を意識しておく ことが必要なようだ。ヒッポネン氏は、「遠くない時期に、スマートフォンでもウイルスが大規模に発生して感染が拡大するアウトブレイクが起きるだろう」と 予測する。 そして本記事では触れなかったが、スマートフォンは小さく持ち歩きが便利であるだけに、端末の紛失や盗難といった物理的な脅威にも備えておかなければならない。 「スマートフォンのセキュリティソフトにはウイルス対策やデータのバックアップ、盗難・紛失対策、ペアレンタルコントロールといった機能があるので、ぜひ活用してほしい」と、ヒッポネン氏はユーザーにアドバイスを送っている。関連記事
ソフトイーサ株式会社は22日、Windows PCの通信内容とプロセスの起動を記録するソフト「パケット警察 for Windows」をリリースした。Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/Me/98 SE/98、Windows 2000/NT 4.0、Windows Server 2012/2008 R2/2008/2003に対応しており、同社サイトより無償でダウンロードできる。
いわゆる“遠隔操作ウイルス”“なりすましウイルス”により、PCの持ち主の知らない間にそのPCを踏み台として犯行予告の書き込みなど の犯罪が遠隔操作で行われ、本来は被害者であるPCの持ち主が誤認逮捕されてしまった事例が複数確認されている。インターネットユーザーに不安が起きてい ることを受け、冤罪防止に役立てるために緊急リリースしたという。VPNソフト「PacketiX VPN」などを手がけるソフトイーサが、同ソフトで使用しているパケット解析モジュールなどを活用して開発した。
パケット警察 for WindowsをPCにインストールして初期設定すると、以降、Ethernetの通信内容とプロセスの起動・終了を常時監視し、日時(ミリ秒単位)とともにそれぞれCSV形式のログファイルに記録し続ける仕組み。
通信内容のパケットログには、デフォルト設定では、TCP/IPパケットの重要なヘッダー情報を記録する。通常、遠隔操作ウイルスの挙動 を記録するためには十分と考えられるとしているが、ペイロードまで記録したり、TCP/IP以外のパケットも記録するよう設定することも可能。一方、プロ セスのログは、そのプロセスの実行ファイルが消去されてしまった後も残るため、ウイルスなどが消去された後でもそのウイルスの活動記録は残るとしている。
ログファイルはハードディスク上に保存されるが、パケット警察 for Windowsは、Windowsのシステムサービス権限で動作するため、通常の一般ユーザー権限では消去できない設定になっているという。また、 Windows 8/7/Vistaではユーザーアカウント制御(UAC)に対応しており、一般的な遠隔操作ウイルスの手口では、動作を止めたりログファイルを消去・改ざ んすることを困難にできるとしている。
ただし、遠隔操作ウイルスがシステム管理者権限で何らかの作業を行うことをPCのユーザーが許可してしまった場合、ハードディスクのパー ティションがNTFSではなくFAT32などセキュリティ機能のないフォーマットを用いている場合、OSがWindows 98系のようにセキュリティ機能のない場合など、遠隔操作を行う者がシステム管理者権限を取得してしまう場合がある。こうした場合、ログファイルが消去・ 改ざんされる可能性はあるが、ソフトイーサによれば、プロバイダーやサーバー側に保存されているログまで含めてすべて改ざんし、矛盾のない状況をねつ造す ることは極めて困難だと説明。ログファイルがねつ造された痕跡を消去することはほぼ不可能だとしている。
なお、パケット警察 for Windowsは、“キーロガー”のようにキーボードやマウスのログは記録しない。また、保存されたログファイルをソフトイーサや警察に送信・提供する機 能もないとしている。ただし、PCが押収された場合や紛失した場合などに備えてプライバシー保護を行いたい場合には、ハードディスクの暗号化ソフトなどと の併用を検討するよう求めている。
パケット警察 for Windows
デフォルトではTCP/IPパケットの重要なヘッダ情報を記録するが、設定変更でデータすべてを記録したり、TCP/IP以外のパケットを記録す ることもできる。HTTPパケットについては、ヘッダ情報に加え、アクセスしたURLやパラメータ、UserAgentなどの情報も記録できるため、遠隔 操作プログラムがリモート制御のためのHTTP通信を海外のサーバ間で行なうなどしていた場合、その通信記録も取ることができる。 Windows Vista/7/8のUAC(ユーザーアカウント制御)に対応し、Windowsのシステム権限で動作。ログは、一般ユーザー権限で削除できない設定で記 録するため、「一般的な遠隔操作ウイルスの手口では動作を止めたりログファイルを消去・改ざんしたりすることが困難」としている。
同社は、遠隔操作プログラムによる一連のえん罪事件が「ネット利用者の間で不安を引き起こしている」とし、「この不安を早急に解消しインターネッ トの安全な発展に寄与するため」、パケット警察を緊急で開発、無料公開したという。ソフト名の「警察」には、所有者が自分のPCについて「警察のように犯 罪を見張る」という意図を込めており、「通信ログを警察に対して自動的に送信し提供するための機能は含まれていない」としている。
インターネット上のホームページ(HP)などに犯罪予告が書き込まれた事件で、横浜、大阪両市のHPにセキュリティー上の弱点があっ たことが分かった。このうち横浜の事件では、不正な書き込みで以前から広く使われている攻撃手法が用いられており、犯行声明を出した「真犯人」が、横浜市 のHPの弱点を見抜いた上で、簡単な手法で別人を犯人に仕立てあげたとみられる。両市は不正書き込み発覚後、セキュリティー対策を強化した。
書き込みは通常、HPのトップページから意見投稿欄に進み、書き込む。しかし、犯行声明の中で、真犯人が横浜の事件で使ったと明かす攻撃手法「クロスサイ ト・リクエスト・フォージェリ(CSRF)」を使えば、投稿欄からでなくても他人になりすまして外部から書き込みを掲載することが可能になる。
CSRFを使った書き込みを防ぐ対策として、投稿欄以外から書き込みできないようにする「リファラーチェック」という方法がある。しかし、横浜市のHPで はこの機能がなかった。一連の事件は横浜が最初で、その後の大阪などの事件では、高度な遠隔操作ウイルスが使われた。無差別殺人の予告が書き込まれた大阪 市のHPもCSRF対策がとられていなかった。【服部陽】
毎日新聞 2012年10月20日 13時20分(最終更新 10月20日 14時06分)
PC遠隔操作:クリック直後襲撃予告 通販犯罪と同様手口
ウイルス感染したパソコン(PC)などから犯罪予告が書き込まれた事件で、神奈川県警に逮捕された男性 (19)がインターネット掲示板のURL(アドレス)をクリックしてわずか数秒後、横浜市ホームページ(HP)に小学校襲撃予告が書き込まれていたことが 県警の調べで分かった。同様の手口は業界では以前から知られており、ネット犯罪捜査の見直しを迫られている警察当局は新たな対策の確立が求められる。【宗 岡敬介、山下俊輔、山田麻未】
この事件で、福岡市の男性は、大阪、三重の男性2人と同じ手口でウイルスに感染したことが判明した。「2ちゃんねる」の書き込みから誘導され、無料ソフトをダウンロードして感染したとみられ、横浜の事件の男性とは別の手口だった。■正しい対策その4: CAPTCHAを正しく使用する方法
CAPTCHAはトークンの一種である。トークンがhiddenフィールドに格納された文字列ではなく、画像データとしてクライアントへ送られるという点 が上で説明したワンタイムトークン方式との違いだ。CAPTCHAは本来、HTTPクライアントを操作しているのが人間なのか、あるいは自動化されたプロ グラムなのかを判別するために使われる技術であり、CSRF対策とは無関係だ。ただ、CAPTCHAはトークンの一種であるので、正しくトークン方式として使われれば、結果としてCSRF攻撃を防ぐことができる。 CAPTCHAを使用する方法はつまりはワンタイムトークン方式である。そのため、上で説明したhiddenフィールドを使ったワンタイムトークン方式に 比べ、CSRF対策としての利点はない。また、ユーザビリティや実装の複雑さで劣るため、進んでCAPTCHA方式を採用する理由は存在しない。それがワ ンタイムトークンであることを知らずに「CSRF対策にはCAPTCHAを使おう。画像だから安全だ。」と考えるのは明らかに誤りなのである。 それでもCAPTCHA方式を採用する場合には、それが正しくワンタイムトークンとして動作するよう、次のように実装する必要がある。 レスポンス1にはトークンのような秘密情報が含まれない。そのため、リクエスト1はGETでもPOSTでもよい。 レスポンス1にはCAPTCHA画像へのリンクが含まれる。そのため、自動的にCAPTCHA画像へのHTTPリクエストが発生する。 CAPTCHA画像を含むレスポンス(レスポンス1.5とする)はキャッシュされないよう適切なヘッダーフィールドを持つ必要がある。 CAPTCHA画像に含まれるトークンはセッションと結びつけた形でサーバー側で保存しておく。 ワンタイムトークン方式と同様、リクエスト2はGETでもPOSTでもよい。 処理2はワンタイムトークン方式と同じように行う。 以上が正しい対策その4である。これはCSRF対策として正しく機能するが、先述の理由により推奨しない。Tor Projectが方針変換、FirefoxアドオンではなくTor統合版Firefox開発へ
2011年05月06日 15:21 末岡洋子
匿名でWebブラウズを行うためのツール「Tor(The Onion Router)」を開発するThe Tor Projectは5月2日、Firefox向けアドオン「Torbutton」を提供する代わりに、「Tor Browser Bundles」としてTorbottonを統合した独自Firefoxを開発する計画を発表した。
プロジェクトではTor Browser Bundlesを開発する背景について、ユーザービリティと技術の両方の理由を挙げている。ユーザビリティでは、Firefoxアドオンをインストールす ることは多くのユーザーにとって複雑であり、オン/オフのToggleシステムがわかりにくいという。技術面では、Firefox側のアップデートやバグ 修正への対応などの問題点を挙げている。
Tor Browserは、Torを統合したFirefoxのフォークとなる。プロジェクトはこれに合わせて、FirefoxアドオンレポジトリからTorbottunを削除し、プロジェクトのWebサイトで専門家向けとして提供する計画も発表している。
The Tor Project
匿名化ツール『Tor』を、全区間の暗号化ツールと誤解する者が多い――ある研究 者が、Torを利用していた日本やロシア大使館、インド国防省機関などのアカウント100件のユーザー名とパスワードを自身のサイトに掲載した。Torの 出口ノードをホストすることで、多岐にわたる通信内容を傍受できたという。
Kim Zetter 2007年09月13日
スウェーデン人のコンピューター・セキュリティー・コンサルタント、Dan Egerstad氏は8月30日(現地時間)、傍受対象の電子メール・アカウント100件のユーザー名とパスワードを自身のウェブサイトに掲載した。
トラフィックは経路の大部分で暗号化され、ユーザーが使用するたびにランダムな経路で送信される。Torアーキテクチャーのもとでは、入口ノードの管理者はユーザーのIPアドレスを確認できるが、私信の中身を読んだり、送信先を知ることはできな い。ネットワークの途中の各ノードで分かるのは、トラフィックを送ってきた直前のノードだけで、データに施された暗号化の層をはがすことにより、接続する 次のノードが分かる仕組みになっている。ちなみに、Torとは「The Onion Router」(玉ねぎルーター)の頭文字だ。
WIRED NEWS 原文(English)
Kim Zetter
Torを支援する非営利団体の開発ディレクターを務めるShava Nerad氏は、Torのリスクをより明確にするために、支援団体がユーザー向けの説明を改善して提供する必要があると認めている。
WIRED NEWS 原文(English)
Kim Zetter
Photo: Dan Egerstad
スウェーデン人のコンピューター・セキュリティー専門コンサルタント、Dan Egerstad氏は、匿名化ツール『Tor』の出口ノードを利用して傍受し、外国の大使館や企業、人権団体等が保有する1000件にのぼる電子メールア カウントのログイン情報とパスワードを入手した人物だ。ワイアード・ニュースでは8月に、同氏のことをとりあげた(日本語版記事)。
Egerstad氏(左の写真)によると、12日朝、車を移動させるためにマルメーにあるアパートの一室を出ようと玄関ドアを開けたところ、5人の私服捜 査官が立っていたという。そのうちの4人はIDカードを見せたが、残りの1人はIDカードを見せもしなかったし、名乗りもしなかった。
Egerstad氏は、コンピューターへの侵入容疑がかけられている以外、何の罪にも問われていない。また、同氏によればコンピューターへの侵入はまった くしていなという。捜査官からは、「海外の一部の国を怒らせた」のでEgerstad氏を捜査していると言われたらしい。
「どこか外国の政府が、スウェーデン政府とコンタクトをとって要請したようだ」とEgerstad氏は語る。怒っているのは香港かとEgerstad氏が 尋ねたところ、捜査官は頷いて、他にもう1ヵ国の外国政府が腹を立てていると言ったが、それがどこの国かは教えなかったという。
当初はオニオンルーティングの開発元でもある、米海軍調査研究所(United States Naval Research Laboratory)によって支援されていたが[2]、2004年以降は電子フロンティア財団(Electronic Frontier Foundation)により支援されるプロジェクトとなった。2005年11月以降[3]はEFFによる金銭の支援は終了した。なお、ウェブホスティングは継続されている。 オニオンルーティングと呼ばれる仮想回線接続により、通信を複数のノードを経由させることにより、匿名性を高めている。 暗号化が、あたかもタマネギの皮のように1ホップごとに積み重ねられることが名前の由来である。現実装においてはTCPでの通信を行うことができるがUDPやICMPなどのプロトコルは使用することができない。 The Onion RouterTOR: The Onion Router
In this document
- Introduction to routing
- Digital mixing
- Anonymizing proxies
- Onion routing with Tor
- Differences with other systems
See also
TOR or Tor is an abbreviation for The Onion Router. As the Tor homepage puts it "Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet." Tor uses so-called onion routing to defend against privacy attacks. Onion routing relies on multiple layers of security that are removed (like onion skin) one by one as a message is routed through the Tor network. To explain what onion routing is, I will elaborate on Tor as this is the leading software utilising onion routing. I will first give a short introduction what routing and routing protocols are, there after which technologies are used to achieve enhanced communication anonymity and subsequently, how Tor makes use of these techniques and in which way it differs from (traditional) onion routing.
Introduction to routing
Routing can be defined as the complete system of selecting appropriate paths in a computer network along which data should be sent or forwarded from one location to another. This path is built out of a string of nodes, which all receive a data packet and subsequently send it to the next node in the path. This path should result in the most efficient and effective connection between location A and location B.The rules: routing protocols
Routing is most effective if one or more routing protocols are in use. A routing protocol is in essence a set of rules used by nodes to determine the most appropriate paths into which they should forward packets towards their intended destinations. A routing protocol specifies amongst others how intermediary nodes report changes in the network and share this information with the other nodes in the network. Without a routing protocol, the network cannot dynamically adjust to changing conditions, resulting in the fact that all routing decisions are predetermined and thus static.Routing in practice: an example
I will use a simplified example to clarify these definitions however the principle is the same irrespective of the scale of the network. If Alice would like to connect to Bob, she sends a request to her ISP to find out which route should be used to make a connection and her provider will respond with the routing information. After Alice's computer received the route to be used the request will be split into smaller data packets and sent to the first node which in turn sends the packet to the consecutive nodes to eventually reach Bob.A risk: Traffic analysis
See also
Digital mixing
Figure 1: Encryption in three layers
In the early eighties of the last century, David Chaum invented the principle of digital mixes (sometimes called mix networks) to achieve a higher level of anonymity with personal communication. Digital mixing uses a similar system as routing but it adds several layers in the connection between the sender and receiver of the communication. Figure 1 illustrates how these layers function in practice. The layers are created using public key cryptography.
Mixing the message
See also
Figure 2: Digital mixing - a three-layered encrypted message being processed
Using digital mixing is comparable to sending a letter encased in four envelopes pre-addressed and pre-stamped with a small message reading, "please remove this envelope and repost". (With the difference of course that the encryption of the message is not easily removed as an envelope.) If the three successive recipients would indeed post the letter, the letter would reach the intended recipient without there being a paper trail between the initial sender and the intended recipient.
Security of digital mixing systems
This system is effective because as long as the three successive recipients, the re-senders, send enough messages it is impossible for a third person e.g. an ISP, and subsequently government (policing) agencies, to find out what message was originally sent by whom and to whom. Digital mixing also has some downsides. First of all, it only works if the re-senders send enough messages (at any given moment and during a set amount of time e.g. a day). However, because (most) nodes, the resending servers, do not send enough messages at the same time, digital mixing would be vulnerable to statistical analysis such as data mining by governments or government policing agencies. By making use of e.g. a threshold batching strategy the proxy servers are able to solve this lack of messages at the same moment. However, this results in the fact that the period between the sending and the eventual receiving of the message by the intended recipient can be several hours depending on the amount of messages deemed critical. Which means a threshold batching strategy makes digital mixing a (rather) slow technique. And because the use of public key cryptography in itself is not very fast, it would not take several hours for a series of proxy servers to decrypt and permute a message but it would be significantly longer than a normal transfer lasting milliseconds. This all results in the conclusion that digital mixing is only effective in case of static data packages such as e-mails, because if digital mixing were to be used for web browsing or data transfer a high latency would be the result. This in turn means that digital mixing is not a suitable solution for one who wants anonymity while web browsing or conducting data transfers with the aid of e.g. FTP servers.Anonymizing proxies
See also
Figure 3: An anonymizing proxy connecting several nodes
The system of proxy servers has many positive aspects. Firstly it is useable for both static-, e.g. e-mail, and dynamic data packets, such as web browsing. Secondly, proxy servers do not require expensive techniques like public key encryption to function, and thirdly it is an easy system. A user only needs to connect to a proxy server via his or her web browser to use it, as is illustrated by figure 3 above.
However, anonymizing proxies have one fatal flaw, which makes them less than reliable for anyone who wants anonymous communication. If an unreliable third party controls the proxy server, e.g. a group of criminals who use the proxy server for phishing, the user is no longer guaranteed of a secure, and anonymous, communication.
Onion routing with Tor
See also
- Design of Tor (PDF, 171kB)
- Tor (Wikipedia)
Figure 4: How Tor works (1) - getting a directory listing
Connecting to the Tor network
If Alice wants to make a connection to Bob through the Tor network, she would first make an unencrypted connection to a centralised directory server containing the addresses of Tor nodes as illustrated. After receiving the address list from the directory server the Tor client software will connect to a random node (the entry node), through an encrypted connection. The entry node would make an encrypted connection to a random second node which would in turn do the same to connect to a random third Tor node. That third node, the exit node, would then connect to Bob as visualised below. Every Tor node is chosen at random (However, the same node cannot be used twice in one connection and depending on data congestion some nodes will not be used.) from the address list received from the centralised directory server, both by the client and and by the nodes, to enhance the level of anonymity as much as possible.
Figure 5: How Tor works (2) - Alice connecting to Bob
Changing routes
If the same connection, the same array of nodes, were to be used for a longer period of time a Tor connection would be vulnerable to statistical analysis, which is why the client software changes the entry node every ten minutes, as illustrated.
Figure 6: How Tor works (3) - the route to Bob changes
Increasing anonymity by becoming a node
To increase anonymity Alice could also opt to run a node herself. I mentioned earlier that the identity of all Tor nodes is public, which could lead to the conclusion that running a node would not increase the level of anonymity for Alice. This notion would however not be correct. I will try to explain why running a Tor node actually increases anonymity. If Alice uses the Tor network to connect to Bob, she does this by connecting to a Tor node, however if she functions as node for Jane she would also connect to a Tor node. This would result in a situation in which a malevolent third party would not be able to know which connection is initiated as a user and which as node.
Figure 7: How Tor works (4) - Alice as a Tor node
Which means this makes data mining significantly more difficult, and in a situation where Alice functions as a node for dozens of users, it makes data mining virtually impossible. As Roger Dingledine said it poignantly, "Anonymity loves company [...] it is not possible to be anonymous alone". This is also one of the reasons why the United States Department of Defence funded and still funds, amongst others through organisations such as DARPA and CHACS, the research, development and refinement of Tor.
Differences with other systems
Besides the obvious differences, Tor is usable for both low and high latency communication and it is not reliant on one (possibly comprised) server, Tor differs significantly from digital mixing and anonymizing proxies. There are many technical differences but I will limit myself to three positive differences and two negative differences.Positive aspects of Tor
See also
Negative aspects of Tor
The fact that it is possible for individual users to run a Tor node is also a negative aspect of Tor in comparison to classical onion routing. Through this option, a malevolent third party with enough resources could compromise the anonymity of all users by adding a significant number of nodes to the network and perform analysis of all traffic through these compromised nodes. A small-scale experimental set-up by Murdoch and Danezis (PDF, 364kB) in November 2004 proved that traffic analysis is theoretically possible by adding a corrupt server. However, Murdoch and Danezis were neither capable of ascertaining the initiator of the communication nor the user connected to the node. A second less positive difference between Tor and classical onion routing is the use of, or rather lack of, a batching strategy like the aforementioned threshold batching strategy or e.g. the timed dynamic-pool batching strategy utilised by Mixminion. Tor does not use any specific batching strategy, which means that data packets are processed and permuted as soon as they are received; whereas digital mixing systems wait for a critical amount of data packets before permuting them to the next server or the intended recipients. Whether or not Tor should use a batching strategy was a design objective proposition requiring an assessment of on the one hand a higher latency and on the other hand a form of communication that is slightly more traffic analysis sensitive. Since a low latency network was deemed most important for web browsing, utilising a batching strategy was not a design option however it is still considered for future refinements of Tor.TorStatus - Tor Network Status
Tor Exit Node Query | TorStatus Server Details | Opinion Source | Advanced Query Options | Advanced Display Options | Network Statistic Summary | Network Statistic Graphs · CSV List of Current Result Set | CSV List of All Current Tor Server ...
Proxy.org - Tor servers - Tor IP List
proxy.org/tor.shtml - このページを訳す
Tor IP, Server Name, Exit Node? Country, ISP. 1,, Jamie, NO, Japan, NTT PC Communications,Inc. 2,, Unnamed, YES, Anonymous Proxy, WebNX. 3,, byronical, NO, New Zealand, CallPlus ...
Tor-Serverliste mit Bandbreitenangaben
21. Mai 2009 – Gibts die Möglichkeit, dass Tor nur Server benutzt, die ich vorgebe und er die lokale Liste von mir verwendet? ... A list of identity fingerprints or nicknames of nodes to never use when building a circuit. Siehe auch ... Last updated: 2012-10-21# | Tor IP | Server Name | Exit Node? | Country | ISP |
1 | | Jamie | NO | Japan | NTT PC Communications,Inc. |
2 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | WebNX |
3 | | byronical | NO | New Zealand | CallPlus Services Limited |
4 | | forestsofazure | NO | New Zealand | CallPlus Services Limited |
5 | | AlastairPro | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Exigent Enterprise Pty Ltd |
6 | | dudeathk | YES | Anonymous Proxy | |
7 | | SweetAlice | NO | Hong Kong | |
8 | | kiwi | NO | New Zealand | RimuHosting |
9 | | Cobies | YES | South Africa | |
10 | | chakalak | NO | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
11 | | echo | NO | China | Linode, LLC |
12 | | ChampiOnion | NO | China | Linode, LLC |
13 | | Tn3tComBravo | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode, LLC |
14 | | Arendt | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode, LLC |
15 | | greyarea | NO | Japan | Linode, LLC |
16 | | 1IcbYaIK | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode, LLC |
17 | | harriet | NO | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
18 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | KDDI CORPORATION |
19 | | 774 | NO | Japan | UQ Communications Inc. |
20 | | whisker | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
21 | | bagel | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AT&T U-verse |
22 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
23 | | wildcat | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
24 | | EFFCTGreybeard | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
25 | | Unnamed1111 | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
26 | | Gravity | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
27 | | AnonymousA | NO | United States | Sprint PCS |
28 | | ididnteditheconfig | NO | Canada | Start Communications |
29 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Psychz Networks |
30 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Psychz Networks |
31 | | vomoxey71a | YES | Anonymous Proxy | New Wave NetConnect, LLC |
32 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Verizon FiOS |
33 | | secretasianman | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
34 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
35 | | 4U2Guess | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AT&T U-verse |
36 | | ninjaPacket | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
37 | | freethought | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
38 | | fiberB4Spectrum | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
39 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
40 | | yeenoghu | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
41 | | Kybalion | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
42 | | moldedchaff | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
43 | | nonever | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
44 | | ndnr1 | NO | Sweden | NORDUnet |
45 | | Panther | NO | Czech Republic | Vodafone Czech Republic A.s. |
46 | | srv6jk4f | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Brightbox Systems Ltd |
47 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Brightbox Systems Ltd |
48 | | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | LLC TK Altair |
49 | | Unnamed | NO | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Jahan Ruye Khat |
50 | | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Kabelfernsehen Muenchen ServiCenter GmbH & Co.KG |
51 | | zau0aoJohRahg3ek | YES | Anonymous Proxy | PPTP Broadband Connections |
52 | | Unnamed | NO | France | SFR |
53 | | randomdatanet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Voxility S.R.L. |
54 | | HTPRelay4 | NO | Romania | SrsVPS |
55 | | rammstein | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Servergurusllc |
56 | | altro | NO | Italy | Emergency Onlus Ong |
57 | | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Of The OJSC VolgaTelecom |
58 | | gigatux | YES | Anonymous Proxy | GigaTux |
59 | | hands | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hands.com Ltd |
60 | | baldric | NO | United Kingdom | Thrust VPS |
61 | | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Summa Telecom Common ISP Network |
62 | | Unnamed | NO | Poland | INEA Network |
63 | | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Network For PPPoE Clients Terminations In |
64 | | Torisawesome | NO | France | OVH SAS |
65 | | ServerTOR | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Intersvyaz |
66 | | charon | NO | Germany | Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG |
67 | | Tunstall | NO | Russian Federation | Telecom.ru Ltd |
68 | | EkoDDL | YES | Anonymous Proxy | HostHatch Inc |
69 | | TORoC4SSoORG | NO | Netherlands | VPS Hosting |
70 | | AmericanRedneck | NO | Russian Federation | Closed Joint-Stock Company ZhANR |
71 | | laatikko | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tampereen Puhelin Oy / Infrastructure |
72 | | upyoursbigbad | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ADSL24 Internet Ltd |
73 | | kokolokosokoa436kc | NO | Czech Republic | M.NET STUDENKA S. R. O. |
74 | | mayolxyajljmyan | NO | Israel | Triple C Computation Ltd. |
75 | | wuschelpuschelnew | NO | Germany | Weesly Webhosting / Webdesign |
76 | | Torsolo | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Critical Case S.r.l |
77 | | sergey | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Benet |
78 | | skytales2 | NO | Netherlands | XenEurope VPS Services Www.xeneurope.com |
79 | | labrat15 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XenEurope VPS Services Www.xeneurope.com |
80 | | Inferno | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UAB Interneto Vizija |
81 | | jtccloudone | NO | Germany | JiffyBox Servers |
82 | | Unnamed | NO | Croatia | B.Net Hrvatska |
83 | | fedosis | NO | Russian Federation | JSC M2C |
84 | | RedTriangleTC01 | NO | Russian Federation | TC TEL Colocation |
85 | | YanLunYiZou | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chirado OHG |
86 | | hoopbdadooba | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
87 | | FreedomToast | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
88 | | dkjj2194 | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
89 | | manzer | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
90 | | dngfBEeco | NO | Belgium | Brutele SC |
91 | | Totor | NO | Belgium | Brutele SC |
92 | | grepro | NO | Romania | ROMTelecom S.A. |
93 | | MaoDebHomeRTC | NO | Romania | ROMTelecom S.A. |
94 | | ninehells | NO | Australia | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
95 | | NoAusNetFilTor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
96 | | Thylacine | NO | Australia | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
97 | | YoYoCantDoThat | NO | Australia | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
98 | | ONIONSHIELD | NO | Japan | NEC BIGLOBE Ltd. |
99 | | Unnamed | NO | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
100 | | Unnamed | NO | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
101 | | Buddha | NO | India | Phase II , Noida Dadri Road. |
102 | | tomoki1sanaki | NO | Japan | InfoSphere (NTTPC Communications, Inc.) |
103 | | Hakase | NO | Korea, Republic of | Korea Telecom |
104 | | KennethChan | YES | Singapore | M1 Ltd |
105 | | Unnamed | NO | Japan | U's Communications Corp. |
106 | | Unnamed | NO | Australia | Netbay Internet Pty Ltd |
107 | | kuze | NO | Japan | Open Computer Network |
108 | | Unnamed | YES | Taiwan | Taipei Taiwan |
109 | | Unnamed | NO | Japan | So-net Entertainment Corporation |
110 | | mitdoffice | NO | Australia | MyNetFone |
111 | | Unnamed | YES | Australia | Symbio Networks |
112 | | hanhphuc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Viettel-CHT Company Ltd |
113 | | newzealandfast | NO | New Zealand | Business Online (www.bizoservices.com) |
114 | | Coiner | NO | Pakistan | North CM Broadband DHCP |
115 | | momotaro | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Gigahost Limited |
116 | | Valhalla | NO | Indonesia | PT. First Media, Tbk. |
117 | | vifnarjicHelik4 | NO | Japan | NTT Plala Inc. |
118 | | Unnamed | NO | Thailand | TOT Public Company Limited |
119 | | THtorrelay | NO | Thailand | TOT Public Company Limited |
120 | | curmudgeon | NO | Australia | Internode |
121 | | 9wallala | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Internode |
122 | | DSLer | YES | Japan | Open Computer Network |
123 | | Pacman | NO | Korea, Republic of | Korea Telecom |
124 | | Spica | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Korea Telecom |
125 | | RelayforLife | NO | New Zealand | CallPlus Services Limited |
126 | | MukiMukiAmaguri | NO | Japan | Technology Networks |
127 | | PPrivCom004 | NO | Anonymous Proxy | InfoMove Limited |
128 | | Unnamed | NO | Korea, Republic of | LG POWERCOMM |
129 | | 0xABCD | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd |
130 | | hosg | YES | India | Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. |
131 | | octavion | YES | India | Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. |
132 | | tomoki0sanaki | NO | Japan | Excite Japan Co., Ltd. |
133 | | Unnamed | NO | Korea, Republic of | Korea Telecom |
134 | | fruitsco | NO | Japan | So-net Entertainment Corporation |
135 | | torex | NO | Australia | Internode |
136 | | egilsstadir | NO | New Zealand | Orcon Internet Ltd Support |
137 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dodo Australia |
138 | | default | NO | India | Airtel |
139 | | RgC | NO | Japan | Open Computer Network |
140 | | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dodo Australia |
141 | | TempNode | NO | Australia | Dodo Australia |
142 | | Unnamed | NO | Japan | NTT PC Communications,Inc. |
143 | | drinkaglassofwater | NO | New Zealand | Broadcast Communications Limited (BCL) |
144 | | Unnamed | NO | Australia | Telstra Internet |
145 | | Unnamed | NO | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
146 | | HKserv | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SunnyVision Limited |
147 | | oniontoys | NO | Japan | Internet Initiative Japan |
148 | | miss | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Nec Corporation |
149 | | tomassey | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Pacific Internet (Australia) Pty Ltd |
150 | | EnpurDeS6 | NO | United States | Purdue University |
151 | | zemeckis | NO | United States | University Of California, Santa Barbara |
152 | | GEO | YES | Anonymous Proxy | National Center For Atmospheric Research |
153 | | crunch0r | NO | Austria | Technische Universitat Wien |
154 | | Unnamed | NO | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Maxnet DSL Network (Zanjan) |
155 | | BlackIce | NO | United States | Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ. |
156 | | vtluug | NO | United States | Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ. |
157 | | siteRcomplex | NO | United States | University Of Missouri-Columbia |
158 | | DreadPirateRoberts | NO | United States | University Of Washington |
159 | | EnWAn8 | NO | United States | University Of Washington |
160 | | ephemer3 | NO | United Kingdom | University Of Cambridge Computer Laboratory |
161 | | moria1 | NO | United States | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology |
162 | | Xternal | NO | Norway | UNINETT Backbone Network |
163 | | piyaz | NO | United States | Columbia University |
164 | | ypochthonix | NO | United States | Columbia University |
165 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Columbia University |
166 | | wranglerrutgersedu | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Rutgers University |
167 | | ARC | NO | United States | Northwestern University |
168 | | EnUtaO | NO | United States | University Of Texas At Arlington |
169 | | WesCSTor | NO | United States | Wesleyan University |
170 | | MatlabMaster | NO | Norway | Norwegian University Of Science And Technology |
171 | | bulleyeOne | NO | Ukraine | Web Services |
172 | | LV426 | NO | New Zealand | Massey University |
173 | | LV427 | NO | New Zealand | Massey University |
174 | | LV223 | NO | New Zealand | Massey University |
175 | | acheron | NO | Germany | TU Berlin, Campus Network |
176 | | casttor | NO | United States | University Of Arkansas |
177 | | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Xirra GmbH - Various Customer |
178 | | Unnamed | NO | Bulgaria | Blizoo Media And Broadband |
179 | | torrelay389752132 | NO | Sweden | Uppsala Student Network |
180 | | lexotan | NO | Italy | |
181 | | internalheadless | NO | United Kingdom | University Of Manchester |
182 | | ui | NO | Netherlands | University Twente |
183 | | wissenistmacht | NO | Austria | LAN University Of Vienna |
184 | | tortuga | NO | Germany | Universitaet Bonn |
185 | | tortellini | NO | Germany | Universitaet Bonn |
186 | | Unnamed | NO | Canada | University Of Montreal |
187 | | mortor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TwooIT GmbH |
188 | | quaknase42 | NO | Germany | Universitaet Bremen |
189 | | kaiotor | NO | Germany | Technische Universitaet Braunschweig |
190 | | theophysicsatunikn | NO | Germany | Universitaet Konstanz |
191 | | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | JSC Ufanet |
192 | | TORy3 | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Universiteit Van Tilburg (UvT) |
193 | | TORy1 | NO | Netherlands | Universiteit Van Tilburg (UvT) |
194 | | CriptoLabTORRelay3 | NO | Spain | Universidad Politecnica De Madrid |
195 | | Dragon | YES | Anonymous Proxy | City Telecom (H.K.) Ltd. |
196 | | Peace | YES | Anonymous Proxy | City Telecom (H.K.) Ltd. |
197 | | Unnamed | NO | Australia | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
198 | | ieditedtheconfig | NO | Australia | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
199 | | dunkdunk778 | NO | Taiwan | Taiwan Academic Network |
200 | | Unnamed | NO | Taiwan | Taiwan Academic Network |
201 | | default | NO | Taiwan | MOEC |
202 | | FSF | NO | United States | Free Software Foundation |
203 | | 1q84 | NO | Russian Federation | Litservers |
204 | | Unnamed | NO | Belgium | Telenet N.V. |
205 | | ivitorr | NO | Netherlands | TransIP BV |
206 | | skunkbear | NO | United States | University Of Michigan College Of Engineering |
207 | | BridgeBuster | NO | United States | University Of Michigan College Of Engineering |
208 | | MTULUG | NO | United States | Michigan Technological University |
209 | | EnUbcThr | NO | Canada | University Of British Columbia |
210 | | UVic1100 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | University Of Victoria |
211 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
212 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Bright House Networks |
213 | | vks24949 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ovh (chi) |
214 | | Zoe | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ovh (nwk) |
215 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Ovh (snj) |
216 | | Unnamed | NO | Indonesia | OVH Hosting |
217 | | mella | NO | Canada | OVH Hosting |
218 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | WebNX |
219 | | imfreien | NO | Switzerland | VTX Services SA |
220 | | propsy | NO | Czech Republic | Michal Rudolf PE |
221 | | SunnySmile | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
222 | | 481517scc | NO | United Kingdom | Lancaster University Campus Network |
223 | | manymanymore | NO | Italy | Universita' Di Milano-Bicocca |
224 | | ando | NO | Austria | EDIS GmbH |
225 | | usdoxlockcom | NO | United States | EDIS Infrastructure In The USA |
226 | | AnonymTorProxy | NO | Germany | Kabel BW GmbH |
227 | | anonymous | YES | Germany | Kabel BW GmbH |
228 | | default | NO | Germany | Kabel BW GmbH |
229 | | safdef | NO | United States | Internet Systems Consortium |
230 | | kyanos | NO | United States | Internet Systems Consortium |
231 | | 5f9aff2c | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OpenITC |
232 | | BeshirUK | NO | United States | OpenITC |
233 | | jalopy | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
234 | | nixnix | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
235 | | myrnaloy | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
236 | | busbyberkeley | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
237 | | che | NO | Italy | Infostrada IUnet |
238 | | burla | NO | Italy | Infostrada IUnet |
239 | | CyberTorValley | NO | Italy | WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A |
240 | | default | NO | Italy | WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A |
241 | | kwlel | NO | Italy | WIND Telecomunicazioni S.p.A |
242 | | Rohan | NO | Italy | WIRELESS GATE S.n.c |
243 | | WeAreAHedge | NO | United States | University Of North Carolina At Greensboro |
244 | | Faravahar | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
245 | | eol | NO | Russian Federation | Digital Networks Lab |
246 | | DoctorWho | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EDIS GmbH |
247 | | Riga | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Attistibas Komplekss - ATTEKO SIA |
248 | | tizimin | NO | Italy | Universita' Di Milano |
249 | | merida | NO | Italy | Universita' Di Milano |
250 | | brapse | NO | Italy | Universita' Di Milano |
251 | | Anonymous | YES | Anonymous Proxy | FastVPS Network For VPS |
252 | | HenkEnIngrid2 | NO | Netherlands | AXC IP Infrastructure |
253 | | nwps | NO | Finland | DNA Oy |
254 | | Torsti | YES | Anonymous Proxy | DNA Oy |
255 | | securetor | NO | Russian Federation | Joint Institute For Nuclear Research |
256 | | iNCrisTor | NO | Italy | Universita' Della Calabria |
257 | | foioss | NO | Croatia | Fakultet Organizacije I Informatike |
258 | | DieYouRebelScum1 | NO | Croatia | Carnet Backbone |
259 | | brale | NO | Croatia | Prirodoslovno Matematicki Fakultet -Matematicki Od |
260 | | Vaquero | NO | United States | Verizon Internet Services |
261 | | dvjs | NO | Japan | Nippon RAD Inc. |
262 | | Unnamed | NO | Czech Republic | PODA S.r.o. |
263 | | UPennResTor | NO | United States | University Of Pennsylvania |
264 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Joyent |
265 | | CorvidLabs1 | NO | United States | Joyent |
266 | | spotlessmoon | NO | United States | Joyent |
267 | | ididnteditheconfig | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XMission, L.C. |
268 | | pseudotsuga | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XMission, L.C. |
269 | | xmission | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XMission, L.C. |
270 | | MidtownMiamiMD | NO | United States | Panix Public Access Internet |
271 | | Yo3 | NO | United States | Davis Community Network |
272 | | teenfan2 | NO | United States | Microsoft Corp |
273 | | DFRI0 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Foreningen For Digitala Fri- Och Rattigheter |
274 | | DFRI1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Foreningen For Digitala Fri- Och Rattigheter |
275 | | DFRI3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Foreningen For Digitala Fri- Och Rattigheter |
276 | | maatuska | NO | Sweden | Foreningen For Digitala Fri- Och Rattigheter |
277 | | Unnamed | NO | Thailand | 3BB Broadband |
278 | | Japnonymous | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bright House Networks |
279 | | TDINet1 | NO | United States | Dnsslave.com |
280 | | nargothrond | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
281 | | babelfish | NO | United States | Tide Dye-com |
282 | | LachrymatoryFactor | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
283 | | TORdotDEFCONdotORG | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
284 | | MadRelayLasalle | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
285 | | FreeInternet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comcast Business Communications |
286 | | OrbotRelay | NO | United States | Sprint PCS |
287 | | shadowhouse | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comcast Business Communications |
288 | | wingedgods | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
289 | | Unnamed | YES | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
290 | | MadRelay1NoExit | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
291 | | xpdmSaphira | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
292 | | Hermes | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
293 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
294 | | ihuhubhd1wya | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
295 | | danielunderwood | YES | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
296 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosting Services |
297 | | Jehanne | NO | United States | Mediacom Communications Corp |
298 | | cloud1loomiverse | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Slicehost |
299 | | FreedomNZ2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | WholeSale Internet |
300 | | asurahosting11 | YES | United States | WholeSale Internet |
301 | | gratinee | NO | United States | Infinitie Networks Cloud VPS |
302 | | Pascal3 | NO | United States | Eonix Corporation |
303 | | default | NO | United States | Sonic.net |
304 | | jjjUnnamed | YES | United States | Sonic.net |
305 | | icanhazfunk | NO | United States | Linode |
306 | | irthd | NO | United States | TurnkeyVPS |
307 | | EffSSLObservatory | NO | United States | SingleHop |
308 | | Mitsuki | NO | United States | Suite224 Internet |
309 | | Anthracite | YES | Anonymous Proxy | VolumeDrive |
310 | | goodvikings | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Private Systems Networks |
311 | | OrphanOrOften | NO | United States | Prgmr.com |
312 | | caliceaux | NO | United States | Gandi US |
313 | | nthdimension | NO | United States | Gandi US |
314 | | fourmajor | YES | United States | Gandi US |
315 | | ittorbox2 | NO | Canada | ZEROFAIL |
316 | | aaronb | NO | United States | Mediacom Communications Corp |
317 | | f3ndot | NO | United States | OC3 Networks & Web Solutions, LLC |
318 | | noiseexit01a | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Noisebridge |
319 | | noiseexit01b | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Noisebridge |
320 | | noiseexit01c | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Noisebridge |
321 | | noiseexit01d | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Noisebridge |
322 | | wobblyjelly | NO | United States | Linode |
323 | | cleverrelaynickname | NO | United States | Linode |
324 | | elhefe | NO | United States | Linode |
325 | | HCTOR001 | NO | United States | Linode |
326 | | shengeeh | YES | United States | Linode |
327 | | BYTORANDTHESNOWDOG | NO | Canada | Rogers Cable |
328 | | mankiriake | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
329 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
330 | | rpgman | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
331 | | InfoWantsToBeFree | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
332 | | MeekLeek01 | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
333 | | ETechRelay | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
334 | | PatrickHenry | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
335 | | tortuous | NO | United States | Verizon Internet Services |
336 | | Torack | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
337 | | nessuno | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
338 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
339 | | Unnamed | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
340 | | paranoidpresscom | YES | United States | Road Runner |
341 | | Jayu | NO | United States | Road Runner |
342 | | 222222222222 | NO | United States | Road Runner |
343 | | ZXW | YES | United States | Road Runner |
344 | | WOPR | NO | Canada | Rogers Cable |
345 | | juvhaddyoama | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Arp Networks |
346 | | BarkerJrPheonix | NO | United States | Secured Servers LLC |
347 | | t00lhav3n | NO | United States | DirectSpace Networks, LLC. |
348 | | buttercup | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IWeb Dedicated CL2 |
349 | | lapiste | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Slicehost |
350 | | VarmitEcoPunk | NO | United States | Century Link |
351 | | Unnamed | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
352 | | default | YES | Canada | Shaw Communications |
353 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Ubiquity Server Solutions Atlanta |
354 | | serverbob | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Socket Internet |
355 | | ArikaYumemiya | NO | United States | Fanart Central |
356 | | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
357 | | Citytorrelay | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
358 | | torayne | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
359 | | Blargh | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
360 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cox Communications |
361 | | fortytwo | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AussieHQ PTY |
362 | | MalaysiaTor | YES | Malaysia | Telekom Malaysia Berhad |
363 | | Unnamed | NO | Singapore | Amazon.com |
364 | | obb | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
365 | | IOnlyComeOutAtNight | NO | Germany | Ilm-provider |
366 | | danyko | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Pavutina.Net Ltd |
367 | | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Beeline |
368 | | AnnetColins | NO | Russian Federation | Beeline |
369 | | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Net By Net Holding LLC |
370 | | anonymous | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
371 | | Tor4ok | NO | Russian Federation | CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Yoshkar-Ola Branch |
372 | | robintelcloud | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sc Hostway Romania Srl |
373 | | TorExit1MttJocy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sky Broadband |
374 | | becks | NO | Germany | Hosteurope GmbH |
375 | | MonaStereo | NO | France | OVH SAS |
376 | | ks394798 | NO | France | OVH SAS |
377 | | yyytopdown | NO | France | OVH SAS |
378 | | YellowMagic | NO | France | OVH SAS |
379 | | BipBip | NO | France | OVH SAS |
380 | | trelowney | NO | France | OVH SAS |
381 | | ICanBreatheNeon | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MinivPS Node Block |
382 | | phillw | NO | United Kingdom | Thesii.org |
383 | | x00EUNumber2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH GmbH |
384 | | vks23667 | NO | Italy | OVH Srl |
385 | | vks16304 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Srl |
386 | | Malaclypse | NO | Spain | OVH Hispano |
387 | | AnonPulsar | NO | France | OVH SAS |
388 | | svx | NO | France | OVH SAS |
389 | | FrenchGuy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
390 | | djsmb | NO | France | OVH SAS |
391 | | xyxyyxzxxzxyzzxy | NO | Ireland | Amazon Data Services Ireland Ltd |
392 | | Unnamed | NO | Saudi Arabia | SaudiNet, Saudi Telecom Company |
393 | | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | OJSC Sibirtelecom |
394 | | LumiaMed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Istanbul DC Customer |
395 | | Unnamed | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
396 | | meteor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode, LLC |
397 | | BikiniTeam | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Deepak Mehta FIE |
398 | | Unnamed | NO | Hungary | UPC Magyarorszag Kft. |
399 | | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | JSC Comstar-Regions |
400 | | idideditheconfig | NO | Ukraine | McLaut ISP |
401 | | chontor | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
402 | | SocietyServer | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
403 | | ieditedtheconfig | NO | Germany | Febas |
404 | | hankipanki | NO | Germany | Fanatical Dev |
405 | | cartman | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
406 | | macnet | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
407 | | ianus | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
408 | | saravator | NO | Brazil | TELECOMUNICACOES DE SAO PAULO S.A. - TELESP |
409 | | default | NO | Brazil | NET Serviços De Comunicação S.A. |
410 | | Unnamed | NO | Brazil | A100 ROW SERVICOS DE DADOS BRASIL LTDA |
411 | | FreeBavaria | NO | Germany | Vodafone D2 GmbH |
412 | | MoscoVV | YES | Anonymous Proxy | National Cable Networks |
413 | | ngc1976 | NO | Slovakia | Orange Slovensko, A.s. |
414 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | KHarkov , Rogan |
415 | | morgas | NO | Lithuania | UAB Cgates |
416 | | Nekrosoft | NO | Germany | Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously Netdirekt E. K.) |
417 | | Stefan3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | I.C.S. Trabia-Network S.R.L. |
418 | | NeuroNNetwork | NO | France | Ikoula Net SAS |
419 | | OrbotRelay | NO | Syrian Arab Republic | GPRS |
420 | | NoWay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | San Jose, CA |
421 | | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | San Jose, CA |
422 | | HanaMakihatayama | NO | United States | Funke Internet Services Ltd. |
423 | | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | OJSC Sibirtelecom |
424 | | slash | YES | Russian Federation | OJSC Sibirtelecom |
425 | | Unnamed | NO | Switzerland | Bluewin |
426 | | x | NO | Switzerland | Bluewin |
427 | | default | NO | Switzerland | Bluewin |
428 | | idideditheconfig | NO | Germany | Vodafone D2 GmbH |
429 | | default | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
430 | | ViDiBoX | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
431 | | meilix | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
432 | | CleverNickname | NO | Switzerland | EDIS GmbH |
433 | | watson | NO | Switzerland | EDIS GmbH |
434 | | chvps | NO | Switzerland | EDIS GmbH |
435 | | snoekstor | NO | Netherlands | DirectVPS |
436 | | YAMN | NO | Netherlands | DirectVPS |
437 | | laazzerr | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Serverius Holding B.V. |
438 | | NightElfBuroBar | NO | Poland | E24 Sp. Z O.o. |
439 | | FastTmpRelay | NO | Poland | E24 Sp. Z O.o. |
440 | | osqa | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sida LLC |
441 | | srv2chezberinfo | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosteam S.c. |
442 | | xvyskjba | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
443 | | vgsegnze | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
444 | | hwutztwd | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
445 | | gdrndvjl | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
446 | | kjeudsxz | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
447 | | dogzjbek | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
448 | | swiqyhcb | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
449 | | kqkqeqji | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
450 | | wbzieexy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
451 | | mdygddnl | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
452 | | sbdekslf | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
453 | | flqwbbld | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
454 | | sumkledi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
455 | | jlhdkqlb | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
456 | | rouivllv | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
457 | | cbabbbjw | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
458 | | ididnteditheconfig | NO | Russian Federation | EServer.ru Hosting Operator |
459 | | lordhelmetstorrelay | NO | Netherlands | MCE-Hosting |
460 | | Marroltor | NO | United Kingdom | BurstNET Limited |
461 | | varda | NO | Germany | Giga-Hosting GmbH |
462 | | Tartaros | NO | Netherlands | AXC |
463 | | shishko | NO | Netherlands | Netrouting |
464 | | xnij | NO | Sweden | Residential Cust BRF Blakulla |
465 | | GeorgeIV | NO | Russian Federation | NWLINK-NET |
466 | | CivilDefence | NO | Russian Federation | NWLINK-NET |
467 | | mbTorServerNode | NO | Germany | GREATNET |
468 | | Riviera2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | CentralHosts |
469 | | ahmiaTORproxy02 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
470 | | ahmiaTORproxy01 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
471 | | Riviera | YES | Anonymous Proxy | CentralHostsNewFR |
472 | | cypher | NO | France | Hyperreal.info |
473 | | Zwiebelschale | NO | France | OVH GmbH |
474 | | syndicatemessaging | NO | France | OVH SAS |
475 | | BuddaFree | YES | Poland | Netia SA |
476 | | Platte1234 | NO | Germany | Vodafone D2 GmbH |
477 | | icubdw2o2xipsdc | YES | Poland | Neostrada |
478 | | pseudodyne | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
479 | | michitor | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
480 | | chee | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Itc Hensel |
481 | | Geheimnis | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
482 | | alice | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
483 | | qjkatdyk | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
484 | | wliyolfr | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
485 | | kzrhimjh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
486 | | zjfdtkct | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
487 | | hajymvyz | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
488 | | qexhtrdy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
489 | | tigobmjh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
490 | | fxjcjjyh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
491 | | default | NO | Germany | Xenhome.ru |
492 | | Cleopatra | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
493 | | chelloveck | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
494 | | Biverse | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
495 | | sevps | NO | Sweden | EDIS Infrastructure In Sweden |
496 | | ItsHiddenYa | YES | Anonymous Proxy | VPNTUNNEL.se NETWORK |
497 | | CappUchIn | NO | Russian Federation | Omskie Kabelnye Seti Ltd. |
498 | | cornholi0 | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
499 | | selma | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
500 | | jiephiaP0eiDeeJ | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
501 | 178.**.***.*** | pyrite | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
502 | 178.**.***.*** | yoshimitsu | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
503 | 178.**.***.*** | extatic | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
504 | 178.**.***.** | suddaby | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
505 | 178.**.***.*** | Tn3tComAlpha | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode, LLC |
506 | 178.**.***.** | totally | NO | United Kingdom | Linode, LLC |
507 | 178.**.**.** | Vigialia | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
508 | 178.**.**.*** | default | YES | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
509 | 178.**.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Ukraine | Alexzvonov - Aleksey Zvonov |
510 | 178.**.**.*** | mozart | NO | Ukraine | JSC Ukrtelecom |
511 | 18.***.*.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology |
512 | 18.***.*.*** | pm | NO | United States | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology |
513 | 18.***.*.** | sipbtor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Massachusetts Institute Of Technology |
514 | 180.***.***.*** | DeepSeaExploration | NO | India | Web Werks India Pvt. |
515 | 180.***.**.** | Shaman0 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | GEMNET |
516 | 180.***.**.** | GargoyleTwo | NO | New Zealand | UberNetworks Limited |
517 | 180.***.**.** | chokaichokai | NO | Japan | Asahi Net |
518 | 182.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Japan | So-net Service |
519 | 182.***.**.** | ali | YES | Pakistan | PTCL |
520 | 182.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Korea, Republic of | LG POWERCOMM |
521 | 183.**.***.*** | MyTor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Korea Telecom |
522 | 184.***.***.** | Unzane | NO | United States | Fork Networking, LLC |
523 | 184.***.***.** | onconnex80 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | RR Systems |
524 | 184.***.***.** | Barbecue | NO | United States | Hurricane Electric |
525 | 184.***.***.** | 24thDegree | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hurricane Electric |
526 | 184.***.***.*** | exit1tornodesnet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Rackspace Hosting |
527 | 184.***.**.*** | barrysoetoro | YES | Canada | Bell Canada |
528 | 184.***.**.** | killjoy | NO | United States | SingleHop |
529 | 184.***.**.*** | new12345 | NO | United States | SingleHop |
530 | 184.***.**.** | starwolf | NO | United States | SingleHop |
531 | 184.***.***.** | idideditthebridge | NO | United States | Secured Servers LLC |
532 | 184.***.***.** | MontanaBlueSky | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bresnan Communications |
533 | 184.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | United States | Amazon.com |
534 | 184.***.**.*** | FateTestarrosa | NO | United States | Fanart Central |
535 | 184.***.**.* | Archer | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cybercon |
536 | 184.**.***.** | frankenzwiebel | YES | United States | Network Operations Center |
537 | 184.**.***.*** | Summerglauwiki | YES | United States | Network Operations Center |
538 | 184.**.***.** | blacksoftail | NO | United States | Network Operations Center |
539 | 184.**.***.*** | tormiddleone | NO | United States | Network Operations Center |
540 | 184.**.***.** | onionmuenzer | NO | United States | Network Operations Center |
541 | 184.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | BellSouth.net |
542 | 184.**.***.*** | Toradio1 | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
543 | 184.**.***.** | duckduckgo | NO | United States | Amazon.com |
544 | 184.**.***.*** | sierragolfvictor | NO | United States | Amazon.com |
545 | 184.**.***.** | maschinenzwiebel | NO | United States | Network Operations Center |
546 | 184.**.**.** | SnorkelTrousers | NO | United States | Network Operations Center |
547 | 184.**.**.** | WutangServer | NO | United States | Road Runner |
548 | 184.**.***.*** | pseudoanonymous | NO | United States | Century Link |
549 | 184.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Century Link |
550 | 186.***.**.*** | wwwDotfefuDoteu | YES | Anonymous Proxy | CABLEVISION S.A. |
551 | 186.***.**.*** | lxoliva | YES | Brazil | Global Village Telecom |
552 | 186.**.**.** | sergiodf | NO | Argentina | Telecentro S.A. |
553 | 186.**.***.*** | chloe | NO | Chile | Telmex Servicios Empresariales S.A. |
554 | 187.**.***.*** | noproxyserver | NO | Brazil | TELEFÔNICA BRASIL S.A |
555 | 187.***.**.*** | default | NO | Brazil | Global Village Telecom |
556 | 187.***.***.** | idideditheconfigsr | YES | Brazil | Global Village Telecom |
557 | 188.***.**.*** | DerAufbruch2 | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
558 | 188.***.***.*** | sork | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
559 | 188.***.**.** | PakKPl | NO | Poland | CIS NEPHAX |
560 | 188.***.***.*** | FreeRelay80 | NO | Russian Federation | TheFirst-RU Clients (WebDC Msk) |
561 | 188.***.***.*** | hassel | NO | Sweden | AllTele Broadband |
562 | 188.***.**.*** | tr909 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dedicated Servers |
563 | 188.***.**.*** | Algore | NO | Sweden | Anonine VPN Customers |
564 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
565 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
566 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
567 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
568 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
569 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
570 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
571 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
572 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
573 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
574 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Dedicated |
575 | 188.***.**.** | nikoledyr | NO | Sweden | Sweden Dedicated |
576 | 188.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Z-Telecom Network |
577 | 188.***.***.* | default | NO | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Shoja Abaad Site Wi-Fi Network |
578 | 188.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Netherlands | Intergenia AG |
579 | 188.***.***.*** | ergebnisoffen | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
580 | 188.***.***.*** | TorBonesBe | NO | United Kingdom | Intergenia AG |
581 | 188.***.***.*** | t8chnode | NO | Germany | Intergenia AG |
582 | 188.***.**.*** | zulu890 | YES | Germany | Intergenia AG |
583 | 188.***.***.** | coinet | NO | Hungary | UPC Magyarorszag Kft. |
584 | 188.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Neda Gostar Saba Data Transfer Company Private Joi |
585 | 188.***.***.*** | LstNghtaOnionSvdMLf | NO | France | OVH SAS |
586 | 188.***.***.** | EtaConnection | NO | France | OVH SAS |
587 | 188.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MOMENTOVPS VPSs |
588 | 188.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ireland | MOMENTOVPS VPSs |
589 | 188.***.***.*** | ivancikl | NO | Slovakia | UPC Slovensko S.r.o |
590 | 188.***.***.*** | poring | NO | Slovakia | UPC Slovensko S.r.o |
591 | 188.**.**.*** | ieditedetehconfig | YES | Russian Federation | OJSC Rostelecom |
592 | 188.***.***.*** | SedanUK | NO | Germany | M-net Telekommunikations GmbH |
593 | 188.***.**.** | toruser | YES | Anonymous Proxy | M-net Telekommunikations GmbH |
594 | 188.***.***.** | SlimServ | YES | Russian Federation | CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Tyumen' Branch |
595 | 188.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | CJSC Company ER-Telecom Tyumen' |
596 | 188.***.***.*** | YOURNICKNAME | YES | Russian Federation | CJSC Company ER-Telecom Yoshkar-Ola |
597 | 188.***.***.*** | Sokrates | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
598 | 188.***.***.*** | lychnuchus | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
599 | 188.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
600 | 188.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
601 | 188.**.**.*** | Balrog | NO | Austria | Telekom Austria |
602 | 188.***.***.** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Be Un Limited |
603 | 188.***.***.*** | cipra | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Be Un Limited |
604 | 188.***.**.** | default | NO | United Kingdom | Be Un Limited |
605 | 188.***.**.** | apocrypha38 | NO | Russian Federation | MiraLogic Telecommunication Systems |
606 | 188.***.***.*** | torvpn | NO | Hungary | DoclerWeb Kft. |
607 | 188.***.**.*** | KK | NO | Denmark | Altibox Danmark Residential Customer Linknets |
608 | 188.**.**.*** | robintel2 | YES | Romania | Rcs & Rds S.A. |
609 | 188.***.**.** | CityElder | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Banjaluka CABLE Static |
610 | 188.**.***.* | MaoDebHomeRDS | NO | Romania | Rcs & Rds S.A. |
611 | 188.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | National Cable Networks |
612 | 188.**.**.*** | halcyon | NO | Russian Federation | National Cable Networks |
613 | 188.**.***.** | shiven | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
614 | 188.**.***.*** | sputnik | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
615 | 188.**.***.*** | MicsInTrees | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
616 | 188.**.***.** | 0x42FF | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
617 | 188.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
618 | 188.**.***.* | mammon | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
619 | 188.**.***.** | rudiator | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
620 | 188.**.**.*** | spade | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
621 | 188.**.***.** | justanothernode | NO | Germany | Sarazin IT Systeme |
622 | 188.**.***.** | Mischmaschine | NO | Germany | Wertarbyte EDV-Dienstleistungen |
623 | 188.**.***.** | ferrot04st | NO | Germany | Netcup GmbH |
624 | 188.**.***.* | TestNetKadse | NO | Germany | Netcup GmbH |
625 | 188.**.***.** | 0belix3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
626 | 188.**.**.*** | OmNomNomNom | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
627 | 188.**.**.*** | shawnthesheep | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
628 | 188.**.**.*** | EatMoreKraut | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
629 | 188.**.**.*** | afo | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
630 | 188.**.**.*** | Fastnet | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
631 | 188.**.**.*** | nerdsurf | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
632 | 188.**.**.*** | agitator | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
633 | 188.**.**.** | mullbinde7 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
634 | 188.**.***.*** | sharky | NO | Switzerland | Bluewin |
635 | 188.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Hong Kong | Gibibits-Limited |
636 | 188.**.***.** | UAIP | NO | Ukraine | UAIP |
637 | 189.***.**.*** | mercutio22 | YES | Brazil | TELECOMUNICACOES DE SAO PAULO S.A. - TELESP |
638 | 189.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Mexico | Cablemas Telecomunicaciones SA De CV |
639 | 189.**.***.*** | Unn4med | NO | Brazil | Global Village Telecom |
640 | 189.**.***.*** | PauloBSD | YES | Brazil | NET Serviços De Comunicação S.A. |
641 | 190.***.***.*** | TatoBores | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Gigared S.A. |
642 | 190.**.***.** | CHI | NO | Chile | VTR Banda Ancha S.A. |
643 | 190.**.***.*** | correo681 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Intermedia Comunicaciones, Division Wireless |
644 | 192.***.**.*** | leek | NO | Israel | Bezeq International, Previously Trendline |
645 | 192.***.***.*** | Flange | NO | Russian Federation | |
646 | 192.***.***.*** | PPrivCom007 | NO | Russian Federation | MediaServicePlus Ltd. |
647 | 192.***.***.*** | Applied | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MediaServicePlus Ltd. |
648 | 192.***.***.*** | chaoscomputerclubhh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MediaServicePlus Ltd. |
649 | 192.***.***.** | PPrivCom006 | NO | Russian Federation | MediaServicePlus Ltd. |
650 | 192.***.***.** | h0rde | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MediaServicePlus Ltd. |
651 | 192.***.***.*** | krzyszpPL2 | NO | Poland | IWACOM Sp. Z O.o. |
652 | 192.**.***.*** | SEC | NO | Netherlands | SURFnet Bv |
653 | 192.**.***.** | GEO2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | National Center For Atmospheric Research |
654 | 192.**.***.*** | foghorn | NO | Italy | Prometeus Di Daniela Agro |
655 | 192.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Italy | Prometeus Di Daniela Agro |
656 | 192.**.***.** | coresecde2 | NO | Italy | Prometeus Di Daniela Agro |
657 | 192.**.***.*** | LIECHTENSTEIN | YES | Anonymous Proxy | The Liechtenstein Limited |
658 | 193.**.***.*** | Karlstad | NO | Sweden | Karlstad University Network |
659 | 193.**.*.*** | fejkse | NO | Sweden | SUNET/NORDUnet |
660 | 193.**.*.** | snakeoil | NO | Sweden | SUNET/NORDUnet |
661 | 193.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Latvia | Sia Vps Hosting |
662 | 193.***.***.** | RedLantern | NO | Russian Federation | IQHost Ltd |
663 | 193.***.***.** | ididnteditheconfig | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Gorset Ltd. |
664 | 193.***.**.* | tama | NO | Iceland | THOR Data Center Ehf |
665 | 193.***.**.** | TimmahTor | NO | Iceland | THOR Data Center Ehf |
666 | 193.***.**.*** | aponi | NO | Iceland | THOR Data Center Ehf |
667 | 193.***.**.** | sleeper | NO | Iceland | THOR Data Center Ehf |
668 | 193.***.**.** | tama | NO | Iceland | THOR Data Center Ehf |
669 | 193.**.***.*** | Kiruna | NO | Sweden | SUNET/NORDUnet |
670 | 193.***.**.** | 8af34cb1 | NO | Poland | Radio Muzyka Fakty Sp. Z O.o. |
671 | 193.***.***.* | torrorist | NO | Poland | Nette Sp. Z O.o. |
672 | 193.***.***.*** | 31173Services | YES | Anonymous Proxy | |
673 | 193.***.***.*** | Monk | NO | Germany | Giga-Hosting GmbH |
674 | 193.***.***.** | NiosHD | YES | Austria | OOe Studentenwerk Hagenberg |
675 | 193.***.*.** | torrrrme | NO | Germany | Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin Fuer Sozialforschung G |
676 | 193.***.**.** | CompanyZYXFooBar | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Forsvarets Materielverk |
677 | 193.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Finland | Elisa Oyj |
678 | 193.***.***.** | Soulfortress | NO | Russian Federation | AOZT Electronstroy |
679 | 193.***.***.** | default | YES | Hungary | NK Services (Magyarorszag) Kft. |
680 | 193.**.***.*** | dannenberg | NO | Germany | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
681 | 193.**.***.** | AfriendlyTorNode | NO | Germany | Lambda Solutions |
682 | 193.**.***.** | AndBeans | NO | Germany | Torben Diehr Trading As T-N-Media |
683 | 193.**.***.*** | zombo | NO | France | Groupe Mit Housing |
684 | 193.**.**.** | blackchili | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tele Danmark |
685 | 193.**.***.*** | raspberrytor | NO | Norway | Ventelo Norge AS |
686 | 193.**.**.*** | default | NO | Greece | Dialup Pool |
687 | 194.*.***.** | NETBONEDIGITAL | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Netbone Digital AG |
688 | 194.***.***.*** | TW | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet |
689 | 194.***.***.*** | dizum | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
690 | 194.***.***.*** | TorTure | NO | Austria | Draucom GesmbH |
691 | 194.**.***.** | LolAwesomeComputer | NO | Sweden | PirateISP AB |
692 | 194.**.***.** | kryptoanarki | NO | Sweden | PirateISP AB |
693 | 194.***.***.*** | bc1245cbe16d5ee9b2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Compukos |
694 | 194.***.***.*** | Player1 | NO | Netherlands | Compukos |
695 | 194.***.***.** | TorserversEnclave | NO | Europe | CCC E.V. |
696 | 194.***.***.** | anonymousHSX | NO | Ukraine | Proline TM Ltd |
697 | 194.***.***.*** | evil | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AVANET Multiservice Network |
698 | 194.***.***.*** | bytebutlerfive | NO | Germany | Interoute Deutschland GmbH |
699 | 194.**.***.*** | openBRAMA | NO | Poland | Politechnika Warszawska |
700 | 194.**.***.*** | sometoruser | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LLC Equant |
701 | 195.***.***.** | BM | NO | Czech Republic | Stredni Prumyslova Skola Strojni A Elektrotechnick |
702 | 195.***.***.*** | 456 | NO | United Kingdom | Freedom To Surf Plc |
703 | 195.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ukraine | PP Technical Company Mega |
704 | 195.***.***.*** | exitgb | YES | United Kingdom | NUQE Ltd |
705 | 195.***.**.*** | ronin | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Easynet GmbH |
706 | 195.*.***.** | zeltcs | NO | Latvia | Virtulis , SIA |
707 | 195.***.***.** | baajae3eet | NO | Austria | Kabelsignal AG |
708 | 195.***.***.*** | wsgeehjr | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amtel Svyaz ZAO |
709 | 195.***.***.** | dbkumfxt | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amtel Svyaz ZAO |
710 | 195.***.***.*** | fitwmnhc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amtel Svyaz ZAO |
711 | 195.***.***.** | wbuinxvj | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amtel Svyaz ZAO |
712 | 195.***.***.** | diiovydw | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amtel Svyaz ZAO |
713 | 195.***.***.** | oyzindub | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amtel Svyaz ZAO |
714 | 195.***.***.** | hswgkfsk | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amtel Svyaz ZAO |
715 | 195.***.***.** | Mundl | NO | Austria | Internet Club Burgenland |
716 | 195.***.***.*** | spiritdodger | NO | Netherlands | Telfort Internet |
717 | 195.***.***.*** | 666k | NO | Netherlands | Eureka Solutions Sp Z O.o. |
718 | 195.***.**.*** | GhostLord | NO | Sweden | TeliaSonera AB |
719 | 195.***.***.** | PPrivCom010 | NO | Romania | FastWeb SRL |
720 | 195.***.***.*** | PPrivCom051 | NO | Romania | FastWeb SRL |
721 | 195.**.***.** | HarryTuttle | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum |
722 | 195.**.***.** | ah3z | YES | Anonymous Proxy | VimpelCom |
723 | 195.*.***.*** | Cerritus | NO | Netherlands | Alvotech GmbH |
724 | 195.**.**.*** | Logforme2 | NO | Sweden | Treasurit AB |
725 | 195.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | St.Petersburg State University |
726 | 195.**.***.** | dsw2k3 | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
727 | 195.**.**.** | rfc822 | NO | Germany | Florian Lohoff |
728 | 195.**.***.** | Twinsen | YES | Russian Federation | Izhline Ltd. |
729 | 195.**.**.** | ToileLibre | NO | France | Toile-Libre |
730 | 196.***.***.** | gohomeprimaryrelay | NO | South Africa | Internet Solutions |
731 | 198.***.***.** | doublePlusGood | NO | Canada | OVH Hosting |
732 | 198.***.***.*** | vks24784 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ovh (nwk) |
733 | 198.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Ovh (snj) |
734 | 198.***.***.** | INSHAME | NO | United States | New Wave NetConnect, LLC |
735 | 198.***.***.*** | ididnteditheconfig | NO | United States | New Wave NetConnect, LLC |
736 | 198.***.***.*** | BlackMage | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Infinity Internet |
737 | 198.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Ovh (dal) |
738 | 198.***.***.** | eider | NO | United States | Riseup Networks |
739 | 198.***.***.** | riseupshell | NO | United States | Riseup Networks |
740 | 198.***.***.** | riseuppad | NO | United States | Riseup Networks |
741 | 198.***.***.** | fruiteater | NO | United States | Riseup Networks |
742 | 198.***.***.** | we | NO | United States | Riseup Networks |
743 | 198.***.***.** | riseupxmpp | NO | United States | Riseup Networks |
744 | 198.**.***.*** | vks32764 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Hosting |
745 | 198.**.***.*** | x00USNumber3 | NO | Canada | OVH Hosting |
746 | 198.**.***.** | x00USNumber1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Hosting |
747 | 198.**.***.** | x00USNumber2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Hosting |
748 | 198.**.**.** | Estemirova | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Hosting |
749 | 198.**.**.** | freevps | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Hosting |
750 | 198.**.**.*** | vks31723 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Hosting |
751 | 198.**.**.*** | BigJimSlade | NO | United States | Linode |
752 | 198.**.***.*** | anonirc1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Slicehost |
753 | 198.**.***.*** | AtlasShruggedAtLast | NO | United States | Slicehost |
754 | 198.**.***.* | gurgle | YES | Anonymous Proxy | |
755 | 199.***.**.*** | neo2 | NO | United States | Vpsland.com, LLC |
756 | 199.***.**.*** | neo1 | NO | United States | QuickPacket, LLC |
757 | 199.***.***.** | MagicalMysteryTor | NO | United States | VolumeDrive |
758 | 199.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Psychz Networks |
759 | 199.***.***.** | hoodat | NO | Canada | Telus Communications |
760 | 199.**.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Psychz Networks |
761 | 199.***.***.*** | Pickles | YES | United States | WebRulon, LLC |
762 | 199.***.***.** | smoothoperator | NO | United States | Dnsslave.com |
763 | 199.**.***.*** | c4b9 | YES | United States | VolumeDrive |
764 | 199.**.***.*** | nycFreeLove | NO | United States | WebRulon, LLC |
765 | 199.***.***.*** | nycBRIGADE | NO | United States | Neodelphi Ltd DBA QuickWeb Hosting Solutions |
766 | 199.***.***.*** | neo3 | NO | United States | FranTech Solutions |
767 | 199.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | New Wave NetConnect, LLC |
768 | 199.***.**.** | lmhx62lh6wqncjtz | NO | United States | RamNode LLC |
769 | 199.***.***.*** | c6f401e5 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited |
770 | 199.***.***.*** | wherelay | YES | United States | Riseup Networks |
771 | 199.***.***.** | pipit | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Riseup Networks |
772 | 199.**.**.** | peacegeeks1 | NO | United States | DFW Datacenter |
773 | 199.**.***.*** | Digby | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Toqen LLC |
774 | 199.**.***.*** | Krugman | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Toqen LLC |
775 | 199.**.***.*** | TMAnomaly0 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tailored Vps |
776 | 199.**.***.*** | Datalovexitnode | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tailored Vps |
777 | 199.**.***.*** | Greenwald | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tailored Vps |
778 | 199.**.***.** | tailoredvps11 | YES | United States | Tailored Vps |
779 | 199.**.***.** | Wheeler | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tailored Vps |
780 | 199.**.***.** | Lemieux | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tailored Vps |
781 | 199.**.***.** | isaacnewton | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tailored Vps |
782 | 199.**.**.*** | erixexit | NO | United States | BRMS03 Residential |
783 | 199.**.**.*** | marconismainspring | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Enzu |
784 | 199.**.**.*** | torfan2 | NO | United States | Enzu |
785 | 2.***.***.*** | default | YES | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Iran Cell Service And Communication Company |
786 | 2.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Ardebil Telecommunication Company |
787 | 2.***.***.*** | monnezzaNet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Fastweb |
788 | 2.***.*.* | OMGWTFBBQ | NO | Italy | Fastweb |
789 | 2.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United Kingdom | Orange WBC Broadband |
790 | 2.**.***.*** | Valinor | NO | Italy | Vodafone Italia |
791 | 2.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Beeline |
792 | 2.**.***.*** | lolrus | NO | Russian Federation | Beeline |
793 | 2.**.***.** | 8Mu | YES | Russian Federation | Beeline |
794 | 200.***.***.** | skatefish | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Servicio Co-Location RACSA |
795 | 200.**.***.*** | ReneFavaloro | YES | Anonymous Proxy | GLOBAL CROSSING ARGENTINA - DATACENTER |
796 | 200.**.***.** | ancon | NO | Russian Federation | HUB.ORG |
797 | 200.**.**.** | PPrivCom047 | NO | Panama | Net2Net Corp. |
798 | 200.**.***.*** | balastor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dattatec.com |
799 | 200.**.**.*** | nik3974 | NO | Panama | Panamaserver.com |
800 | 200.**.***.** | TORmenta1 | NO | Panama | Cable Onda |
801 | 200.**.***.** | TORmenta2 | NO | Panama | Cable Onda |
802 | 200.**.***.** | TORmenta3 | NO | Panama | Cable Onda |
803 | 200.**.***.** | TORmenta4 | NO | Panama | Cable Onda |
804 | 201.***.***.*** | noname2344 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Net2Net Corp. |
805 | 201.***.**.*** | uncuasiburromas | YES | Argentina | Telefonica De Argentina |
806 | 201.***.**.*** | SapoPepe | NO | Argentina | Telefonica De Argentina |
807 | 201.**.**.*** | tagesuhu | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comercial Cabo TV São Paulo S.A. |
808 | 202.***.***.** | EntrP | NO | Hong Kong | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
809 | 202.***.**.*** | BGC | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amnet IT Services Pty Ltd |
810 | 202.**.***.*** | mcmudflat | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Netvalue Ltd |
811 | 202.**.***.** | cryptoplasmagondii | NO | New Zealand | |
812 | 202.**.**.** | PPrivCom001 | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Dedicated Servers |
813 | 202.**.***.*** | PPrivCom002 | NO | Malaysia | Telekom Multimedia Of Telekom Malaysia Berhad |
814 | 202.**.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Viewqwest Pte Ltd |
815 | 202.**.***.*** | bent | NO | Singapore | Viewqwest Pte Ltd |
816 | 202.**.**.** | AliceInWonderland | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Wireless/Satellite Division Of Day3 |
817 | 203.***.***.*** | GargoyleThree | NO | New Zealand | Vodafone NZ Infrastructure |
818 | 203.***.***.** | BGCchrp | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amnet IT Services Pty Ltd |
819 | 203.***.**.** | wokwaixtor | NO | Australia | Amnet IT Services Pty Ltd |
820 | 203.***.***.*** | cenbab | NO | Vietnam | Vietnam Posts And Telecommunications (VNPT) |
821 | 203.***.***.*** | speekfree | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Imediabiz Indonesia |
822 | 203.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Korea, Republic of | KISTI |
823 | 203.**.**.* | BitcoinCryptAU | NO | Australia | Telstra Internet |
824 | 204.***.**.*** | minibofh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Jordi Espasa Clofent |
825 | 204.**.**.*** | BoingBoing | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Boing Boing |
826 | 204.**.**.*** | Osiris | NO | Canada | Pir8 Holdings |
827 | 204.**.***.** | AlwaysSomething | NO | United States | Zhou Pizhong |
828 | 204.***.**.*** | conformal01 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Conformal Systems, LLC. |
829 | 204.***.**.*** | conformal11 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Conformal Systems, LLC. |
830 | 204.***.**.*** | conformal21 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Conformal Systems, LLC. |
831 | 204.***.**.*** | conformal31 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Conformal Systems, LLC. |
832 | 204.***.**.*** | conformal03 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Conformal Systems, LLC. |
833 | 204.***.**.*** | PakaloloMoonrise | NO | United States | We Link Networks LLC |
834 | 204.***.**.*** | Clyde | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Uniserve On Line |
835 | 204.***.***.** | muHonu | NO | United States | Kampf + Associates, P.A. |
836 | 204.**.**.*** | havefun | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Joe's Datacenter, LLC |
837 | 204.**.***.*** | keysersoze | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
838 | 204.**.***.*** | Nyr01 | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
839 | 204.**.***.*** | StardustUtopia | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
840 | 204.**.**.* | AccessNowKromyon11 | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
841 | 204.**.***.*** | johanneskepler | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
842 | 204.**.**.** | PPrivCom036 | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
843 | 204.*.***.*** | BostonUCompSci | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Boston University |
844 | 204.**.**.*** | theredpill | YES | Canada | SaskTel |
845 | 204.**.***.** | En1One | NO | United States | North Carolina Research And Education Network |
846 | 204.**.***.*** | pingtor | NO | United States | StreamGuys |
847 | 205.***.***.** | astoriednepelyn | NO | United States | NorthWest RAINet |
848 | 205.***.**.*** | Sunflower | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EGIHosting |
849 | 205.***.***.*** | freedomserver2 | NO | United States | FranTech Solutions |
850 | 205.***.***.* | Anonymous | NO | United States | WiscNet |
851 | 205.***.***.** | MrSnow | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Global Net Access, LLC |
852 | 206.***.***.*** | reardencode | NO | United States | Brandon Smith |
853 | 206.***.***.*** | willow | NO | United States | Arp Networks |
854 | 206.***.***.*** | naodesu | NO | United States | New Wave NetConnect, LLC |
855 | 206.***.***.*** | Samus | NO | United States | Hosting Services |
856 | 206.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Hostigation |
857 | 206.**.***.** | EMPIRE | NO | Canada | MTS Allstream |
858 | 206.**.***.*** | SoftPower | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cutting Edge Communications |
859 | 207.***.*.** | overunder | NO | United States | Julie Thomas Associates |
860 | 207.***.***.*** | kibble | NO | United States | RCN Corporation |
861 | 207.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | RCN Corporation |
862 | 207.***.**.*** | masterfoo | NO | United States | Net Access Corporation |
863 | 207.***.***.*** | zerosubtly | NO | Canada | Yourlink |
864 | 207.***.***.*** | Malik | YES | United States | Black Oak Computers Inc - San Francisco |
865 | 207.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | United States | Black Oak Computers Inc - San Francisco |
866 | 207.***.***.* | intheforest | NO | United States | Networld Internet Services |
867 | 208.***.***.** | snatch | YES | United States | Limelight Networks |
868 | 208.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Host Virtual, Inc San Jose |
869 | 208.***.**.*** | manas0 | NO | India | Host Virtual India Pvt |
870 | 208.***.***.** | PakaloloSunshine | NO | United States | 123Systems Solutions |
871 | 208.***.***.*** | DoingItForTheLuLz | NO | United States | 123Systems Solutions |
872 | 208.***.**.** | nytr | NO | United States | FortressITX |
873 | 208.***.***.* | microshaft | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sonic.net |
874 | 208.**.***.** | alienpup | NO | United States | Visionary Communications |
875 | 208.**.***.** | PPrivCom052 | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
876 | 208.**.***.** | blottor | NO | United States | Etheric Networks |
877 | 208.**.**.** | section8 | NO | United States | Pocket Communications |
878 | 208.**.**.** | sheevaTorVPS | NO | United States | Netrouting |
879 | 208.**.**.*** | ImAnonymousToo | NO | United States | Infinitum Technologies |
880 | 208.**.**.*** | techn0madA | NO | United States | VE6VQ |
881 | 208.**.**.** | torwellian | NO | United States | The Beacon |
882 | 208.**.***.** | swisspig | NO | United States | Server Axis Corporation |
883 | 208.**.***.*** | opensesamebeef | NO | United States | TRIBE |
884 | 208.**.***.** | urras | NO | United States | RGNX |
885 | 208.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | VOLICO |
886 | 208.**.***.*** | ch1ll1nv1ll1n2 | NO | United States | WebRulon, LLC |
887 | 209.***.***.** | giga | NO | United States | Net Access Corporation |
888 | 209.***.**.*** | Tn3tComCharlie | NO | United States | FranTech Solutions |
889 | 209.***.**.** | palominot04st | NO | United States | FranTech Solutions |
890 | 209.***.***.* | chafedchaff | NO | United States | United Communications Systems Dba Call One |
891 | 209.**.***.*** | OhCanada | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ESecureData.com |
892 | 209.***.***.*** | supertor0 | NO | United States | Host Virtual, Inc Virginia |
893 | 209.***.***.*** | anfanillc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Anfani LLC |
894 | 209.*.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Columbia University |
895 | 209.**.**.*** | BelieveInGood | NO | United States | Slicehost LLC |
896 | 209.**.**.** | vispname2 | NO | United States | Slicehost LLC |
897 | 209.***.***.*** | sackville | NO | United States | The Zip Connection |
898 | 209.***.***.** | tor1wnh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Shayan Mohanty |
899 | 209.***.**.*** | AccessNowKromyon02 | NO | United States | WestHost |
900 | 209.***.**.* | tor1rufus | NO | United States | IpHouse |
901 | 209.***.*.*** | RazorsEdge | NO | United States | Convergent Internet Solutions |
902 | 209.**.***.*** | Pasquino | NO | Canada | Cybling Systems |
903 | 209.**.***.*** | aserver0090 | NO | United States | The Endurance International Group |
904 | 209.*.**.*** | MalfunctioningEddy | NO | United States | RCN Corporation |
905 | 211.***.***.*** | TorKorea | NO | Anonymous Proxy | SK Broadband Co Ltd |
906 | 211.***.*.** | 404server | YES | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
907 | 212.***.***.** | wuschelpuschel | NO | Germany | IPX Server GmbH |
908 | 212.***.***.** | gunther | NO | Cyprus | IPX Server GmbH |
909 | 212.***.***.*** | maximator | NO | Germany | IPX Server GmbH |
910 | 212.***.***.*** | gabelmoo | NO | Germany | IPX Server GmbH |
911 | 212.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | ISP Foxline (SPb) |
912 | 212.***.***.** | nodezero6 | NO | Germany | M-net Telekommunikations GmbH |
913 | 212.***.***.** | PPrivCom019 | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
914 | 212.***.***.** | Nichrome | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
915 | 212.***.***.** | PPrivCom024 | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
916 | 212.***.***.** | egotor | NO | Germany | Root SA |
917 | 212.***.***.*** | PPrivCom021 | NO | Germany | Root SA |
918 | 212.***.***.*** | PPrivCom026 | NO | Germany | Root SA |
919 | 212.***.***.** | PPrivCom025 | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
920 | 212.***.***.*** | PPrivCom022 | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
921 | 212.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
922 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Germany | Root SA |
923 | 212.***.***.** | OrangeLantern | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
924 | 212.***.***.*** | PPrivCom023 | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
925 | 212.***.***.** | psilotorlu | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
926 | 212.***.***.** | millionants | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
927 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Luxembourg | Root SA |
928 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Luxembourg | Root SA |
929 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Luxembourg | Root SA |
930 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
931 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
932 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
933 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
934 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
935 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Luxembourg | Root SA |
936 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Luxembourg | Root SA |
937 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
938 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
939 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Luxembourg | Root SA |
940 | 212.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Luxembourg | Root SA |
941 | 212.***.***.*** | AlfredJKwak | NO | Netherlands | Telfort Internet |
942 | 212.***.***.*** | sphere | NO | United Kingdom | PlusNet Technologies Ltd |
943 | 212.***.***.*** | InternetUzver | YES | Russian Federation | OJSC Sibirtelecom |
944 | 212.**.***.** | torgwthem | NO | Austria | UPC Broadband GmbH |
945 | 212.***.***.*** | diffschok | NO | Austria | Hilfsverein Der Baptisten |
946 | 212.***.**.*** | serverelrippo | NO | Austria | Telesystem Tirol |
947 | 212.***.**.** | conserve | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Telesystem Tirol |
948 | 212.*.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ukraine | Metro Optical Network For Belaya Tserkov Suburbian |
949 | 212.***.**.*** | idideditheconfig | NO | Germany | Studentenwerk Bonn AoeR |
950 | 212.***.**.*** | UseBitC0in | NO | Germany | Studentenwerk Bonn AoeR |
951 | 212.**.*.*** | Venom | NO | Russian Federation | Vpn Dynamic Pool |
952 | 212.***.***.** | saharalibre | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
953 | 212.***.**.** | ReclaimTheTubes | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Nessus Internet Dienstleistungs GmbH |
954 | 212.***.**.*** | loxodonta | NO | Austria | Dedicated-raum |
955 | 212.**.***.** | gedankenverbrechen | NO | Germany | Synergetic Medien- Und Systemtechnologie AG |
956 | 212.**.**.** | Torchwood | NO | Netherlands | Online Breedband B.V. |
957 | 212.*.***.** | Klompen | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dediserv Dedicated Servers Sp. Z O.o. |
958 | 212.*.***.** | HeroloungeDOTeu | NO | Netherlands | Dediserv Dedicated Servers Sp. Z O.o. |
959 | 212.*.***.** | ZiMnEpIwO | NO | Netherlands | Dediserv Dedicated Servers Sp. Z O.o. |
960 | 212.**.***.*** | TorMozilla | NO | Russian Federation | ISP In Moscow |
961 | 212.**.***.*** | noobody | NO | Belgium | Coditel - Internet Services |
962 | 212.**.***.*** | bach | YES | Anonymous Proxy | All Onlineservices GbR |
963 | 212.**.**.*** | TOR02DNSHallintaFI | NO | Finland | Oy IW-Net Ltd - Image World |
964 | 212.**.***.*** | bethok | NO | Czech Republic | SPERLNET S.r.o. |
965 | 213.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Lantjansten |
966 | 213.***.***.** | happynode | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Gorset Ltd. |
967 | 213.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | R2 LLC |
968 | 213.***.**.*** | mbsd | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bilink LLC |
969 | 213.***.**.** | torax | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
970 | 213.***.**.** | DanJoh74Relay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
971 | 213.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
972 | 213.***.***.*** | pmodin | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
973 | 213.***.***.*** | bluesnake | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
974 | 213.***.***.*** | idideditheconfig | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
975 | 213.***.***.*** | omgoeswherecom | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
976 | 213.***.***.*** | homer | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
977 | 213.***.***.** | dawn | NO | Russian Federation | Meridian-net Network |
978 | 213.***.***.** | kwasdserv | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Meridian-net Network |
979 | 213.***.**.** | Starsend | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Eclipse Internet |
980 | 213.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ukraine | Private Person |
981 | 213.***.**.** | PPrivCom035 | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Interactive 3D |
982 | 213.***.**.** | PPrivCom034 | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Interactive 3D |
983 | 213.***.**.* | STOPxACTAx | NO | Germany | Riconet GmbH |
984 | 213.***.**.*** | CantStopTheSignal | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Netclient A/S |
985 | 213.***.***.** | PimpMyRide | NO | Sweden | Toppmurklan |
986 | 213.***.***.** | forestnode1 | NO | Germany | HEAG MediaNet GmbH |
987 | 213.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | GT Net S.r.o. |
988 | 213.***.***.** | RedempTOR | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UPC Internet CATV |
989 | 213.***.***.*** | espresso434 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
990 | 213.***.***.*** | filiprem | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
991 | 213.***.***.*** | serotonin | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
992 | 213.***.***.*** | lordsputnik | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
993 | 213.***.***.** | CamerasInTheSky | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
994 | 213.***.***.*** | mullbinde6 | NO | Germany | Eigene Netze - Hetzner Online AG |
995 | 213.***.***.** | ninostor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NC Numericable S.A. |
996 | 213.***.**.** | TheGame | NO | France | Ikoula Net SAS |
997 | 213.***.***.*** | poTwORek | NO | France | OVH SAS |
998 | 213.***.***.** | xoroxFR1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
999 | 213.**.***.*** | DeathStar | NO | Austria | UPC Telekabel |
1000 | 213.**.**.** | fly88 | NO | Belgium | Scarlet |
1001 | 213.**.***.*** | che | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Telia Network Services |
1002 | 213.**.***.** | STHnet | NO | Sweden | Telia Network Services |
1003 | 213.**.***.** | anonterrorbyte | NO | Germany | Inter.Net Atom Root Server Housing |
1004 | 213.**.***.*** | NiGH | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
1005 | 213.*.**.*** | SupportWikiLeaks | YES | Anonymous Proxy | HKN GmbH |
1006 | 213.**.**.*** | eerstkoffie | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UPC NL |
1007 | 213.**.**.** | koe2 | NO | Netherlands | UPC NL |
1008 | 213.**.**.** | smurfix | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Housing Network For Staff |
1009 | 216.***.*.** | neutrality | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hunter Communications |
1010 | 216.***.***.** | lttlehlpr | NO | United States | Hosting Services |
1011 | 216.***.***.*** | octobangexit | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosting Services |
1012 | 216.**.***.** | larry | NO | Singapore | David Deitrich |
1013 | 216.**.***.** | moe | NO | Singapore | David Deitrich |
1014 | 216.**.***.** | curly | NO | Singapore | David Deitrich |
1015 | 216.**.***.*** | Tefnut | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Pir8 Holdings |
1016 | 216.***.***.*** | default | NO | Canada | Cogeco Cable |
1017 | 216.**.***.*** | getatorserver | YES | Anonymous Proxy | A1colo.com |
1018 | 216.**.***.** | MahoroAndou | NO | United States | A1colo.com |
1019 | 216.**.***.** | cronotor | NO | United States | A1colo.com |
1020 | 216.**.**.** | FILEZcom | NO | United States | A1colo.com |
1021 | 216.**.**.** | SKYNETHQ | NO | United States | A1colo.com |
1022 | 216.***.***.** | askatasuna | NO | United States | GWI |
1023 | 216.***.***.*** | tisiphone | NO | United States | Connex Internet Services |
1024 | 216.***.***.** | P2box0001 | NO | United States | Foroquimica SL |
1025 | 216.***.**.*** | UnknownUnknown | NO | United States | Speakeasy |
1026 | 216.**.***.*** | atlgonyovLi | NO | United States | BroadRiver Communication Corp. |
1027 | 216.***.**.*** | yawnbox | YES | United States | Condointernet.net |
1028 | 216.**.*.** | DevNullHost | NO | United States | MicroGlobe LLC |
1029 | 216.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hurricane Electric |
1030 | 216.**.**.** | justtesting | NO | United States | SimpleCDN Technologies |
1031 | 216.**.**.*** | Blabbit1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ACS Internet Static IP Addresses |
1032 | 216.*.***.** | itcrelay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Wave Direct |
1033 | 216.**.**.*** | JVGTORSERVER | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Omega Microsystems |
1034 | 217.**.**.*** | jabbercccde | NO | Germany | CCC E.V. Jabber Server |
1035 | 217.**.**.** | Risto | YES | Anonymous Proxy | JSC AKADO-Stolitsa, DOCSIS ISP, Moscow |
1036 | 217.***.***.*** | rat88 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Static Client Addresses |
1037 | 217.***.**.*** | chaoscomputerclub31 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1038 | 217.***.**.*** | chaoscomputerclub32 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1039 | 217.***.**.*** | chaoscomputerclub33 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1040 | 217.***.**.*** | chaoscomputerclub34 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1041 | 217.***.***.*** | CCN | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Host Europe GmbH |
1042 | 217.***.***.** | tinyturtle | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ISIK Bilgisayar Internet Ve Yayincilik Hizmetleri |
1043 | 217.**.***.* | jabla | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Speedbone Internet & Connectivity GmbH |
1044 | 217.**.**.** | thorgrimm | NO | Germany | Asco GmbH, Braunschweig |
1045 | 217.***.**.* | ridge | NO | Germany | Fixed Ip For Adsl Usage |
1046 | 217.***.**.*** | AMORPHIS | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Nxs Internet |
1047 | 217.**.***.*** | Scarlet | NO | Czech Republic | PIPNI IP Range For Free VPS |
1048 | 217.***.***.*** | PubliusAnonymous | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1049 | 217.***.***.** | kstrlb | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1050 | 217.***.***.** | whitytor01 | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1051 | 217.***.***.*** | morloi | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1052 | 217.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1053 | 217.***.***.* | minad | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
1054 | 217.***.***.*** | mailus | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
1055 | 217.***.***.*** | SuperTor | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
1056 | 217.***.***.*** | pax | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
1057 | 217.***.***.*** | anothertorserver | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
1058 | 217.***.***.*** | waterfall | NO | Poland | Multimedia Polska S. A. |
1059 | 217.***.***.** | freetztor | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1060 | 217.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | UralInterCard Net |
1061 | 217.***.***.*** | hamtor | NO | United Kingdom | VPS-LINNEW |
1062 | 217.**.***.*** | littletono | NO | Germany | Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously Netdirekt E. K.) |
1063 | 217.***.**.*** | VandelayIndustries | NO | Sweden | TeliaSonera AB |
1064 | 217.***.**.*** | creeper | NO | Sweden | TeliaSonera AB |
1065 | 217.**.***.** | Rotterwood | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
1066 | 217.**.***.*** | Thorium90 | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
1067 | 217.**.**.* | ELFT | NO | Netherlands | Stichting WonenBreburg |
1068 | 217.**.*.** | DUPirateParty | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Losers Network |
1069 | 217.**.***.** | egoldstein | NO | Germany | Fast IT Colocation |
1070 | 217.**.***.** | tsybulka | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ooo Lancronix |
1071 | 217.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | Volgainformnet |
1072 | 218.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Korea, Republic of | Tbroad Suwon Broadcating Corporati |
1073 | 218.**.***.*** | tor | NO | Korea, Republic of | Hanaro Telecom Co. |
1074 | 219.***.***.** | opalscence | NO | Japan | INTERLINK Co.,LTD |
1075 | 219.**.**.** | LoL | NO | Singapore | SingNet Pte Ltd |
1076 | 219.**.**.*** | SerembanPuru | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sony Network Taiwan Limited |
1077 | 219.**.***.*** | QBenis | NO | Australia | Adam Internet Pty Ltd |
1078 | 220.*.***.** | Anonymous | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Softbank BB Corp |
1079 | 220.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Japan | Koala Television Co., Ltd. |
1080 | 220.***.***.** | houstonrd | YES | Australia | Exetel |
1081 | 220.***.***.*** | yesieditedtheconfig | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Exetel |
1082 | 220.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Korea, Republic of | Korea Telecom |
1083 | 222.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
1084 | 222.*.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Japan | KDDI CORPORATION |
1085 | 223.***.**.* | Unnamed | NO | Japan | So-net Service |
1086 | 23.**.**.** | ASeriesOfTubes | NO | Canada | Telus Communications |
1087 | 23.**.***.*** | grintor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amazon.com |
1088 | 23.**.***.* | torsi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comcast Business Communications |
1089 | 24.***.***.* | OHSputnik75 | NO | United States | Armstrong Cable Services |
1090 | 24.**.***.* | musicmaker1118 | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1091 | 24.***.**.** | redshift | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Wave Broadband |
1092 | 24.***.**.*** | Anosgnosia | NO | United States | Cable One |
1093 | 24.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1094 | 24.***.**.*** | coldguy | NO | United States | RCN Corporation |
1095 | 24.***.***.** | penguintek | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1096 | 24.***.***.*** | Dario | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1097 | 24.***.***.*** | eKSmwObf | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1098 | 24.***.***.** | Thezookeeper | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1099 | 24.***.**.*** | theirongiant | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1100 | 24.***.***.** | empmaster | NO | United States | Optimum Online |
1101 | 24.**.***.** | sysrqalt | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1102 | 24.***.***.** | keflavik | NO | Canada | Videotron Ltee |
1103 | 24.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | United States | Road Runner |
1104 | 24.***.***.*** | CTiyvHpptx | NO | Canada | TekSavvy Solutions |
1105 | 24.***.**.** | LetFreedomRing | NO | United States | Braintree Electric Light Department |
1106 | 24.***.***.*** | blender | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1107 | 24.***.***.*** | LooseMoose | NO | United States | GCI Communications |
1108 | 24.***.***.** | default | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1109 | 24.***.**.** | bafotezix | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1110 | 24.**.*.** | honeypoocakes | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1111 | 24.**.*.*** | PurpleTramSoftware | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1112 | 24.**.**.** | MiddleMan | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Videotron Ltee |
1113 | 24.**.***.*** | amigan | NO | United States | Full Channel |
1114 | 24.*.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1115 | 24.**.***.** | default | NO | United States | Knology |
1116 | 24.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1117 | 24.**.***.*** | torongay | NO | Canada | TekSavvy Solutions |
1118 | 24.**.***.** | trumper | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1119 | 24.**.***.** | GargoyleOne | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1120 | 24.*.**.** | guitsaru | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1121 | 24.**.*.*** | Tor4Anonymity | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
1122 | 24.**.***.*** | wannadothefoofoo2 | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
1123 | 24.**.**.*** | default | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
1124 | 24.**.***.*** | TorrenceAndPhillip | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Shaw Communications |
1125 | 24.**.**.** | dharmalab | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
1126 | 24.**.***.*** | ZMTorNode | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Road Runner |
1127 | 24.**.**.** | YouRelayMe | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1128 | 27.***.***.*** | GargoyleTen | NO | New Zealand | Vodafone New Zealand |
1129 | 31.***.**.*** | exitrittervg | YES | Anonymous Proxy | PE Skurykhin Mukola Volodumurovuch |
1130 | 31.***.***.*** | KAMAGURKA | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UPC NL |
1131 | 31.**.**.** | anothergermanrelay | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
1132 | 31.***.***.*** | kiutl | NO | United Kingdom | Tagadab Ltd |
1133 | 31.***.**.* | chaoscomputerclub18 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1134 | 31.***.**.* | chaoscomputerclub19 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1135 | 31.***.**.* | chaoscomputerclub20 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1136 | 31.***.**.* | chaoscomputerclub21 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1137 | 31.**.***.*** | wittgendorf | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
1138 | 31.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | TIS-DIALOG Dynamic Ppp Users |
1139 | 31.**.***.*** | bigbox1 | NO | Germany | Ewacom FTTH Customer Access Pool |
1140 | 31.**.**.* | fissefjaes | NO | Denmark | WAOO A/S |
1141 | 31.*.***.** | ivitorrr | NO | Netherlands | XL Internet Services Amsterdam Network |
1142 | 31.*.***.*** | Torento | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Connexions4London Ltd |
1143 | 31.*.***.** | dog | NO | United Kingdom | Connexions4London Ltd |
1144 | 31.**.**.*** | vm2442 | NO | Czech Republic | WEDOS Hosting Services |
1145 | 31.**.**.*** | wdstg1 | NO | Czech Republic | WEDOS Hosting Services |
1146 | 31.**.**.** | Azad | NO | France | Bouygues Telecom S.A. |
1147 | 31.**.***.*** | mrkafka | NO | Sweden | Voicetech Sweden AB |
1148 | 31.**.**.*** | anonion | YES | Anonymous Proxy | British Telecommunications |
1149 | 31.*.***.** | default | NO | Syrian Arab Republic | Tarassul Inetnet Service Provider |
1150 | 31.*.**.** | default | NO | Syrian Arab Republic | Tarassul Inetnet Service Provider |
1151 | 37.***.***.*** | homerelay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
1152 | 37.***.***.*** | TorLand1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosting Services |
1153 | 37.***.***.*** | TorLand2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosting Services |
1154 | 37.***.**.*** | wii | NO | Russian Federation | VimpelCom |
1155 | 37.***.***.** | StopkaConsulting02 | NO | Czech Republic | WEDOS Hosting Services |
1156 | 37.***.***.** | wdstg2 | NO | Czech Republic | WEDOS Hosting Services |
1157 | 37.***.***.** | zidel | NO | Norway | Lynet Internett End Users |
1158 | 37.***.**.*** | Justrelay | NO | Russian Federation | National Cable Networks |
1159 | 37.***.*.*** | PolPotsOptometry | NO | Czech Republic | VpsFree.cz - Prague |
1160 | 37.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ukraine | Kyivstar GSM |
1161 | 37.***.**.** | lalalalator | NO | Netherlands | XL Internet Services B.V. |
1162 | 37.***.*.** | eme11 | NO | Austria | Emerion WebHosting GmbH |
1163 | 37.***.*.** | eme21 | NO | Austria | Emerion WebHosting GmbH |
1164 | 37.***.**.*** | owa | NO | Poland | EDIS Infrastructure In Poland |
1165 | 37.***.**.** | frostyiceland | NO | Iceland | EDIS Infrastructure In Iceland |
1166 | 37.***.**.*** | LetsDataFlow | NO | United Kingdom | VPS Block For Pm |
1167 | 37.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Italy | Prometeus Di Daniela Agro |
1168 | 37.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Greece | Greek Research And Technology Network S.A |
1169 | 37.**.***.** | swedenlovesya | NO | Sweden | Ownit AB |
1170 | 37.**.**.*** | tatooine | NO | Germany | Kabel BW GmbH |
1171 | 37.**.***.*** | askatasuna64 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
1172 | 37.**.***.*** | Unnamed4good | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
1173 | 37.**.***.*** | plebia | YES | Anonymous Proxy | FLOUZO |
1174 | 37.**.**.** | IgaRyu1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
1175 | 37.**.***.*** | Hymen | NO | United Kingdom | Putt Hosting VPS Customer |
1176 | 37.**.**.** | Dunkelzahn | NO | France | OVH SAS |
1177 | 37.**.**.** | whyd01n33danam3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
1178 | 37.**.*.*** | Kharan | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
1179 | 37.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Ireland | MOMENTOVPS VPSs |
1180 | 37.*.***.*** | darker01 | NO | Slovakia | VPS |
1181 | 38.***.***.*** | relay3anb | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
1182 | 38.***.***.*** | Mercury | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cogent Communications |
1183 | 38.***.**.** | FordModelA | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1184 | 38.***.**.** | williamhaines | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1185 | 38.***.**.** | hardy | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1186 | 38.***.**.** | normatalmadge | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1187 | 38.***.**.** | RedDragon | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1188 | 38.***.**.** | WhiteDragon | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1189 | 38.***.**.** | GreenDragon | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1190 | 38.***.**.** | GoldDragon | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1191 | 38.***.**.** | Ramsgate | NO | United Kingdom | Cogent Communications |
1192 | 38.***.**.* | BigBoy | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
1193 | 38.**.***.** | AccessNowKromyon12 | NO | Canada | Cogent Communications |
1194 | 42.*.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Netvigator |
1195 | 46.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | CJSC ER-Telecom Company Samara |
1196 | 46.***.***.** | uncloaked | NO | France | OVH SAS |
1197 | 46.***.***.** | OrionTorNode | NO | France | Www.serv.lt |
1198 | 46.***.***.*** | default | YES | Latvia | SIA Lattelecom |
1199 | 46.**.**.*** | D0nT0ny | NO | Greece | FORTHnet SA |
1200 | 46.***.***.** | default | YES | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1201 | 46.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1202 | 46.***.**.** | tux11 | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1203 | 46.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ireland | Amazon Web Services, Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2, E |
1204 | 46.***.***.*** | ryxtor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amazon AWS Services - Cloudfront - FRA |
1205 | 46.***.***.*** | zma | NO | Russian Federation | Moscow Local Telephone Network (OAO MGTS) |
1206 | 46.***.***.** | default | NO | Saudi Arabia | Etihad Etisalat |
1207 | 46.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | OJSC Rostelecom Macroregional Branch South |
1208 | 46.**.***.** | Eriador | YES | Anonymous Proxy | 7Host Web Hosting |
1209 | 46.***.***.*** | devrandom2 | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
1210 | 46.***.**.*** | TerminaT0r | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
1211 | 46.***.**.*** | zorrolero | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
1212 | 46.***.**.*** | AllquanTor | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
1213 | 46.***.**.** | judas | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
1214 | 46.***.***.** | PPrivCom016 | NO | Germany | Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously Netdirekt E. K.) |
1215 | 46.***.***.** | sprockets | NO | Germany | Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously Netdirekt E. K.) |
1216 | 46.***.***.*** | Germany | YES | United Kingdom | Santrex Internet Services |
1217 | 46.***.***.*** | Eli1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Zdenek Klauda - FinalTek.com |
1218 | 46.***.***.** | Bohemian | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Zdenek Klauda - FinalTek.com |
1219 | 46.**.**.*** | YoureOnCCTV | NO | United Kingdom | Goscomb Technologies Limited |
1220 | 46.***.**.** | Meduzzza | NO | Russian Federation | Gorset Ltd. |
1221 | 46.***.**.*** | antiflex | NO | Germany | NbIServ VServer |
1222 | 46.***.**.*** | ManInTheMiddle | NO | Germany | NbIServ VServer |
1223 | 46.***.**.** | marvin | NO | Germany | NbIServ VServer |
1224 | 46.**.**.** | REVYNET02 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tilaa |
1225 | 46.**.**.*** | default | NO | Germany | APPVZ |
1226 | 46.**.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dedicated-servers |
1227 | 46.**.**.** | torso | NO | Sweden | Customer Dedicated Servers Located In Falkenberg |
1228 | 46.***.***.* | OrbotRelay | NO | Syrian Arab Republic | Syriatel Mobile Telecom |
1229 | 46.***.**.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SC NextGen Communications SRL |
1230 | 46.**.***.** | HermesRelay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dedicated Servers |
1231 | 46.***.**.*** | AFC | YES | Anonymous Proxy | New Range For Customers In Brno City |
1232 | 46.***.***.** | tor7385418 | NO | Poland | Systemia.pl Sp. Z O.o. |
1233 | 46.**.**.** | Zuma | NO | Latvia | Balticom JSC |
1234 | 46.***.***.*** | Waldi1 | NO | Germany | Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG |
1235 | 46.***.***.** | zermanes | NO | Germany | Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG |
1236 | 46.***.***.*** | guilhem | NO | Sweden | Student Housing Networks |
1237 | 46.***.***.*** | 42ragnar23 | NO | Germany | M-net Telekommunikations GmbH |
1238 | 46.***.**.** | nilpferd | NO | Sweden | EDIS Infrastructure In Sweden |
1239 | 46.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | Business Communication Agency, Ltd. |
1240 | 46.***.**.*** | schnudel | NO | Germany | JiffyBox Servers |
1241 | 46.***.**.*** | AlfredNobulus | NO | Russian Federation | IHC.RU Network In Oversun |
1242 | 46.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Norway | Netpower Datacenter AS |
1243 | 46.**.***.*** | teishi | NO | Czech Republic | WEDOS Hosting Services |
1244 | 46.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Eurobyte VPS |
1245 | 46.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Eurobyte VPS |
1246 | 46.**.***.** | freed00m | YES | Czech Republic | INFOS Art, S.r.o. |
1247 | 46.**.**.*** | BearNecessities | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TC TEL Hosting |
1248 | 46.**.***.* | frogbeard | NO | Sweden | Stockholm Stadsnät FTTH Solna |
1249 | 46.**.***.** | krtek | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SMART Comp. A.s. |
1250 | 46.*.***.** | darwinfish | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1251 | 46.*.***.*** | gnode | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1252 | 46.*.***.*** | goetschitsTOR | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
1253 | 46.*.**.*** | tormiko | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1254 | 46.*.***.*** | vandaltwo | NO | Germany | Fanatical VPS |
1255 | 46.*.***.*** | pinkiwinki | NO | Germany | Fanatical VPS |
1256 | 46.*.***.** | munioDE | NO | Germany | Living Internet GmbH |
1257 | 46.*.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Living Internet GmbH |
1258 | 46.*.***.*** | clopen | NO | Germany | Dolorem Ipsum |
1259 | 46.*.**.*** | dsfknvdsz | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1260 | 46.*.***.*** | felixker | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dolorem Ipsum |
1261 | 46.*.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1262 | 46.*.**.* | AccessNowKromyon21 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1263 | 46.*.**.** | Raztor | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1264 | 46.**.***.*** | Infinity | YES | Bulgaria | Bulsatcom AD |
1265 | 46.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | JSC Zap-Sib TransTeleCom |
1266 | 46.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ireland | Amazon Web Services, Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2, E |
1267 | 46.**.**.** | kippei | NO | Sweden | Bahnhof Internet AB |
1268 | 46.**.**.*** | 0nameGbg | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
1269 | 46.**.**.** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
1270 | 49.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | India | Beam Telecom Pvt Ltd |
1271 | 49.***.***.*** | Sakura | NO | Japan | SAKURA Internet Inc. |
1272 | 49.***.**.** | Morrigan | NO | Japan | SAKURA Internet Inc. |
1273 | 49.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Japan | SAKURA Internet Inc. |
1274 | 49.***.**.*** | DLkuW2RRZIQDT6kb | NO | Japan | SAKURA Internet Inc. |
1275 | 5.***.**.** | PrivacyRepublic10 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network |
1276 | 5.***.**.** | PrivacyRepublic11 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network |
1277 | 5.***.**.* | PrivacyRepublic04 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network Project |
1278 | 5.***.**.* | PrivacyRepublic05 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network Project |
1279 | 5.***.**.* | PrivacyRepublic06 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network Project |
1280 | 5.***.**.** | PrivacyRepublic12 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network |
1281 | 5.***.**.** | PrivacyRepublic13 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network |
1282 | 5.***.**.** | PrivacyRepublic14 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network |
1283 | 5.***.**.* | PrivacyRepublic07 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network Project |
1284 | 5.***.**.* | PrivacyRepublic08 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network |
1285 | 5.***.**.* | PrivacyRepublic09 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Privacy Network |
1286 | 5.***.***.*** | yogi | YES | Germany | Unitymedia Dynamic IP Customer Pool |
1287 | 5.***.***.** | DiraE2yhvB | NO | Sweden | Bahnhof Internet AB |
1288 | 5.***.***.** | Lithium | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cluster Network |
1289 | 5.*.**.*** | FreePussyRiot | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UGMK-Telecom Network |
1290 | 5.***.***.*** | AusMan4u | YES | Sweden | VPNTunnel Network |
1291 | 5.**.***.** | okletsee | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sweden Network |
1292 | 5.**.**.** | DoubleLariat | NO | France | Ssdvm.net Vps Hosting |
1293 | 5.**.**.*** | TorServer | YES | Anonymous Proxy | |
1294 | 5.*.***.** | totalezwiebel | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1295 | 5.*.**.** | muon | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1296 | 5.*.**.*** | 64TypesOfPrivacy | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1297 | 5.*.**.** | drachentor | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1298 | 5.*.**.** | panik | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1299 | 5.*.**.* | proto | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1300 | 5.*.**.** | schubduese | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1301 | 5.*.**.** | fritz | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1302 | 5.*.**.** | toretableret | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1303 | 5.*.**.*** | lilith | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1304 | 5.*.**.*** | IOnlyComeOutAllDay | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1305 | 5.*.*.*** | wbsurvey2 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1306 | 5.*.**.** | 0x000001Hahaa | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1307 | 50.*.**.*** | ZolaII | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sonic.net |
1308 | 50.***.***.** | TorFreeBSD1 | NO | United States | Hosting Services |
1309 | 50.***.***.** | TorFreeBSD2 | NO | United States | Hosting Services |
1310 | 50.***.***.** | TorFreeBSD4 | NO | United States | Hosting Services |
1311 | 50.***.**.*** | NotSoJollyRogger | NO | United States | Linode |
1312 | 50.***.**.** | superfruitboots | YES | United States | Linode |
1313 | 50.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1314 | 50.***.**.*** | NothingToSeeHere | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1315 | 50.***.***.** | athena | YES | United States | Comcast Cable |
1316 | 50.***.***.** | Orr | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1317 | 50.***.***.*** | IllNet | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1318 | 50.***.***.** | TankMan | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comcast Cable |
1319 | 50.***.**.*** | default | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1320 | 50.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1321 | 50.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Amazon.com |
1322 | 50.**.***.** | bavius | NO | United States | Amazon.com |
1323 | 50.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amazon.com |
1324 | 50.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Amazon.com |
1325 | 50.**.***.*** | Cantarella | NO | United States | Hosting Services |
1326 | 50.**.***.** | Slipstream | NO | United States | Frontier Communications |
1327 | 50.**.***.*** | novictimnocrime | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Rackspace Hosting |
1328 | 50.**.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Rackspace Hosting |
1329 | 50.**.**.** | ididnteditheconfig | NO | United States | Rackspace Hosting |
1330 | 50.**.***.** | Garden | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cirtex Corp |
1331 | 50.**.***.** | Zion | NO | United States | GoDaddy.com, LLC |
1332 | 50.**.**.*** | TorNode02 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | GoDaddy.com, LLC |
1333 | 50.*.***.*** | Sector001 | NO | Netherlands | FDCservers.net |
1334 | 50.*.***.*** | CzechMate | NO | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1335 | 50.*.***.*** | CzechMix | NO | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1336 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1337 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1338 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1339 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1340 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1341 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1342 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1343 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1344 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1345 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1346 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1347 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1348 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1349 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1350 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1351 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1352 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1353 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1354 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1355 | 50.*.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Czech Republic | FDCservers.net |
1356 | 50.**.***.** | starchild | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
1357 | 50.**.**.*** | TorRelay70F5 | NO | United States | Mediacom Communications Corp |
1358 | 50.**.***.** | default | NO | United States | BrightHouse Networks Indianapolis |
1359 | 54.***.***.*** | teenfan1 | NO | United States | Amazon Technologies |
1360 | 54.***.***.*** | MiniDonuts | NO | United States | Amazon Technologies |
1361 | 58.***.***.** | SuperDuperLative | NO | Korea, Republic of | Hanaro Telecom |
1362 | 58.***.***.** | planetexpress | YES | Australia | Telstra Internet |
1363 | 58.***.***.*** | default | YES | Australia | Primus Telecommunications |
1364 | 58.***.***.** | atpsin | YES | Anonymous Proxy | StarHub Cable Vision |
1365 | 59.***.***.*** | ChaoticGood | NO | Australia | Internode |
1366 | 59.***.***.** | garnet | NO | Australia | Internode |
1367 | 59.***.***.** | Discord | NO | Australia | Internode |
1368 | 59.***.**.* | kapler | YES | India | Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. |
1369 | 59.***.**.*** | Musicmail | YES | India | Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. |
1370 | 59.***.***.** | ApesTor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. |
1371 | 60.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Australia | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
1372 | 60.***.**.*** | TheSZRelay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TPG Internet Pty Ltd. |
1373 | 61.**.**.** | sheep | YES | Anonymous Proxy | DACOM Corp. |
1374 | 61.**.**.** | rsquare | NO | Thailand | This Field Was Added To Fix Syntax Error |
1375 | 62.***.***.*** | portofstix | NO | Denmark | Telia Stofa A/S |
1376 | 62.***.**.*** | TaurImDuinath | NO | Germany | Tldhost.de |
1377 | 62.***.**.** | QLEnDGKmay | NO | Russian Federation | TheFirst-RU Clients (WebDC Msk) |
1378 | 62.***.**.** | 42dhtUfler0 | NO | Russian Federation | TheFirst-RU Clients (WebDC Msk) |
1379 | 62.***.***.** | TorNode305234765 | NO | Hungary | Enternet |
1380 | 62.***.***.* | chaoscomputerclub10 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1381 | 62.***.***.* | chaoscomputerclub11 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1382 | 62.***.***.* | chaoscomputerclub12 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1383 | 62.***.***.* | chaoscomputerclub13 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1384 | 62.***.**.*** | Benedict | NO | Austria | Westermayer Und Partner KEG |
1385 | 62.**.***.*** | baba | NO | Switzerland | Dynamic Addresses For Customers Of Cyberlink AG |
1386 | 62.***.**.** | fsingtor | NO | Germany | Fast IT Colocation |
1387 | 62.***.**.*** | digineo1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Keyweb AG IP Network |
1388 | 62.***.**.** | spfTOR2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Keyweb AG IP Network |
1389 | 62.***.***.** | OneFreeInternet | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
1390 | 62.***.**.** | BlogsObserver | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Colocall Ltd. |
1391 | 62.***.*.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ukraine | Colocall Ltd. |
1392 | 62.***.**.*** | drakan | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1393 | 62.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1394 | 62.***.***.*** | TorExitProgressbar9 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ACSS Spol. S R.o. |
1395 | 62.***.*.*** | n4lksask972137tor | NO | Czech Republic | ASKO A.s. |
1396 | 62.***.***.*** | mergeslittletornode | NO | Austria | UPC Telekabel |
1397 | 62.***.***.* | Unnamed | NO | Netherlands | UPC NL |
1398 | 62.***.**.*** | Alice | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Loud-n-clear Un-Managed Colo Network |
1399 | 62.***.***.** | castle | NO | Ukraine | NetAssist/AlfaInet Broadband ETTH Network |
1400 | 62.***.**.*** | vtortor | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
1401 | 62.***.**.*** | gpfTOR6 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LeaseWeb |
1402 | 62.***.**.*** | BlueLantern | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
1403 | 62.***.**.*** | hasfevoe | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1404 | 62.***.**.*** | eyubtrfq | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1405 | 62.***.**.*** | zvvaykyi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1406 | 62.***.**.*** | hrxshais | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1407 | 62.***.**.*** | dtqznohh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1408 | 62.***.**.*** | klygenad | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1409 | 62.***.**.*** | ukstmqfx | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1410 | 62.***.**.*** | umzxvmnb | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1411 | 62.***.**.*** | zgdthlmc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1412 | 62.***.**.*** | mojsuhwl | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1413 | 62.***.**.*** | edktofxy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1414 | 62.***.**.*** | ggzrchuh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1415 | 62.***.**.*** | gbiwibly | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1416 | 62.***.**.*** | cykjlflv | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1417 | 62.***.**.*** | jzwsgmcn | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1418 | 62.***.**.*** | yneykvmk | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1419 | 62.***.**.*** | qtawwnge | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Komtet, LLC |
1420 | 62.***.***.*** | TorRelay1000 | NO | Germany | M-net Telekommunikations GmbH |
1421 | 62.***.**.*** | doodle | NO | Israel | Fixed-cables-customers |
1422 | 62.***.***.*** | spfTOR3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Swiss Privacy Foundation |
1423 | 62.***.***.*** | oilsrv1 | NO | Switzerland | Nimag Network |
1424 | 62.***.***.*** | torrefied | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Pim Housing Facility |
1425 | 62.***.***.* | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Regional Digital Telecommunication Company |
1426 | 62.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Belgium | Scarlet |
1427 | 62.***.***.** | ZombieSpongeBob | NO | Finland | DNA Oy |
1428 | 62.***.***.** | ididedittheconfig | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UPC Internet CATV |
1429 | 62.**.***.** | zeratul | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sofia University |
1430 | 62.**.***.*** | nerowolfe | NO | United Kingdom | Eastbourne BN214EU |
1431 | 62.**.***.*** | kellerteller | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE - Virtual Dedicated Server-Hosting |
1432 | 62.**.***.*** | FriedFrank | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE - Virtual Dedicated Server-Hosting |
1433 | 62.**.***.* | awxcnx | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
1434 | 62.**.***.*** | ldqetlem | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1435 | 62.**.***.*** | lksynvrh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1436 | 62.**.***.*** | qvacbzxj | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1437 | 62.**.***.*** | qxnwvyny | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1438 | 62.**.***.*** | qojbbqly | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1439 | 62.**.***.*** | rmwesboq | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1440 | 62.**.***.** | bhdqoohj | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1441 | 62.**.***.** | mhvqmmuc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1442 | 62.**.***.** | birgjavt | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1443 | 62.**.***.** | gavvroed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IT House, Ltd |
1444 | 62.**.***.*** | Torri | YES | Finland | DNA Oy |
1445 | 62.**.***.*** | BirdBay | NO | Finland | DNA Oy |
1446 | 62.**.***.*** | bertor | NO | Sweden | Leissner Data AB |
1447 | 62.**.***.** | TheBlueCat2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ONO |
1448 | 62.**.**.** | Uprising | NO | Italy | Eutelia |
1449 | 63.***.***.*** | noodle | NO | United States | DataShack, LC |
1450 | 63.***.**.** | Brownstain | NO | United States | West Central Wireless |
1451 | 63.***.***.*** | forestersrelay | NO | United States | Century Link |
1452 | 63.***.***.*** | GiddyUp | YES | Anonymous Proxy | JAB Wireless |
1453 | 64.***.***.*** | gamma214 | NO | United States | RCN Corporation |
1454 | 64.***.**.*** | MwSm | NO | United States | SureWest Kansas Operations, LLC |
1455 | 64.***.***.** | torEFF | NO | United States | Electronic Frontier Foundation |
1456 | 64.***.***.** | MyTorExitRelay | YES | United States | Vpsland.com, LLC |
1457 | 64.**.***.** | innerspace | NO | United States | Linode |
1458 | 64.**.**.*** | q867401q | NO | United States | LINODE.COM |
1459 | 64.***.***.** | green | NO | United States | ServerGurus, LLC |
1460 | 64.***.***.*** | cypherpunkd | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ServerGurus, LLC |
1461 | 64.***.***.** | Pilot | NO | United States | ServerGurus, LLC |
1462 | 64.***.***.*** | torexit3r0cknet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Genesis Adaptive |
1463 | 64.**.**.*** | gothnet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Calpop.com |
1464 | 64.**.**.*** | garine | NO | United States | 123Systems Solutions |
1465 | 64.**.**.*** | zobcop | NO | United States | 123Systems Solutions |
1466 | 64.**.**.** | vps123sys | NO | United States | 123Systems Solutions |
1467 | 64.**.*.*** | LumiaHigh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Limestone Networks |
1468 | 64.**.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ServerBeach |
1469 | 64.**.***.** | MuSATO | NO | United States | Daiger Sydes Gustafson LLC |
1470 | 64.*.**.*** | DigitalRhapsody2 | NO | United States | LINODE.COM |
1471 | 64.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | WideOpenWest |
1472 | 64.*.***.** | FILEZcom2 | NO | United States | A1colo.com |
1473 | 64.**.***.** | alecto | NO | United States | 531420 |
1474 | 64.**.***.*** | trisodiumphosphate | NO | United States | Great Lakes Comnet |
1475 | 64.**.***.*** | f0rmspring | NO | United States | Great Lakes Comnet |
1476 | 64.**.***.*** | magicUNIXschoolBus | NO | United States | Great Lakes Comnet |
1477 | 65.***.***.** | HattoriHanzo | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Burlington Telecom |
1478 | 65.***.***.** | default | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1479 | 65.***.**.*** | galaflagon | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1480 | 65.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1481 | 65.***.**.*** | 0000MiddlemanWV | NO | United States | Blue Devil Cable Tv |
1482 | 65.**.***.*** | 65x23x153x114 | NO | United States | Datarealm Internet Services |
1483 | 65.**.**.*** | IcequakeNet | NO | United States | TulsaConnect, LLC |
1484 | 65.**.**.*** | KandHResearchCo | NO | United States | Hurricane Electric |
1485 | 65.*.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | BellSouth.net |
1486 | 66.***.***.*** | bitrig | NO | United States | 123.Net |
1487 | 66.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1488 | 66.***.**.** | eris | NO | United States | Layer42.Net |
1489 | 66.**.***.** | birdmilk | NO | Canada | Distributel Communications |
1490 | 66.***.*.** | NYCBUG0 | NO | United States | The New York Internet Company |
1491 | 66.***.**.** | SilenceIsTruth | NO | United States | CenturyTel Internet Holdings |
1492 | 66.***.***.** | Chapsoot | NO | United States | Internet EMC |
1493 | 66.***.**.*** | crashnburn | NO | United States | Covad Communications |
1494 | 66.***.**.*** | unpatented | NO | United States | ServerBeach |
1495 | 66.***.***.** | thistorserver555333 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OnShore |
1496 | 66.***.***.*** | latr | NO | Canada | Assertivenet |
1497 | 66.***.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ace American Insurance |
1498 | 66.***.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ace American Insurance |
1499 | 66.***.**.** | hessmochunk | NO | United States | Baarns Consulting |
1500 | 66.***.***.*** | Melchior | NO | United States | Linode |
1501 | 66.***.***.** | BarkerJrFremont1 | NO | United States | Linode |
1502 | 66.***.***.** | BarkerJrFremont2 | NO | United States | Linode |
1503 | 66.***.***.*** | tordienet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cyberverse |
1504 | 66.***.**.*** | charf | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1505 | 66.***.***.** | ch1ll1nv1ll1n | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1506 | 66.***.***.*** | default | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1507 | 66.***.***.** | TRANSBOX | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1508 | 66.***.***.** | Blabbit | NO | United States | GCI Communications |
1509 | 66.***.**.** | mechanixtor | NO | United States | Linode |
1510 | 66.***.**.*** | NFASPrivacy | NO | United States | Linode |
1511 | 66.***.**.*** | guardingdark | NO | United States | Linode |
1512 | 66.***.***.*** | desync | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Reliable Web Services |
1513 | 66.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Clearwire Corporation |
1514 | 66.***.**.** | randuin | NO | United States | Millennium Digital Media |
1515 | 66.**.***.*** | evoLution | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Road Runner |
1516 | 66.***.***.*** | a54265a5 | NO | United States | Cogent Communications |
1517 | 66.**.***.** | gcqtor03 | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1518 | 66.**.***.*** | lobstertech | NO | United States | Reliable_Servers |
1519 | 66.**.***.** | BoxNDox | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LINKLINE |
1520 | 66.**.**.*** | XtraRelay | YES | United States | Road Runner |
1521 | 66.**.**.*** | unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1522 | 66.*.***.*** | WallyWorld | NO | United States | HostDime.com |
1523 | 66.**.***.** | RedTriangleTC02 | NO | United States | Secured Servers LLC |
1524 | 66.**.**.** | brajah1 | NO | United States | FDCservers.net |
1525 | 67.*.***.*** | zztop | NO | United States | Century Link |
1526 | 67.***.***.** | FreeThree | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
1527 | 67.***.***.*** | nigeria | NO | United States | Integra Telecom |
1528 | 67.***.***.** | shakey | NO | United States | Windstream Communications |
1529 | 67.***.***.*** | simba | NO | United States | D'Youville College |
1530 | 67.***.**.*** | Solarusdude | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1531 | 67.***.**.*** | torushopyard | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1532 | 67.***.*.*** | libertynet | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1533 | 67.***.***.** | Mojita | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1534 | 67.***.*.* | M8Rbg9yak | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1535 | 67.***.***.*** | pmpbellybutton | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1536 | 67.***.**.** | arandomtornode | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1537 | 67.**.***.*** | pillowfight | NO | United States | LINODE.COM |
1538 | 67.***.**.*** | xtremenw | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1539 | 67.***.***.*** | FreeIceCream | YES | United States | Steadfast Networks |
1540 | 67.***.***.** | PPrivCom043 | NO | Canada | IWeb Dedicated CL2 |
1541 | 67.***.**.** | pmocek | NO | United States | New Dream Network, LLC |
1542 | 67.***.**.*** | PPrivCom040 | NO | Canada | IWeb Dedicated CL |
1543 | 67.***.**.*** | BarkerJrNet | NO | Canada | Netelligent Hosting Services |
1544 | 67.***.***.*** | BhangraOne | NO | United States | VPS Farm |
1545 | 67.***.***.*** | finezt01 | YES | United States | Finezt |
1546 | 67.***.***.** | SuperNode2Xeon | NO | United Kingdom | Simply Virtual Servers LLC |
1547 | 67.**.***.*** | jntorrelay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Netriplex LLC |
1548 | 67.***.***.* | FuscataTor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Embarq Corporation |
1549 | 67.**.***.*** | FreeTibetForevah | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Road Runner |
1550 | 67.*.***.*** | onionnn | NO | United States | Century Link |
1551 | 67.*.***.*** | RelayAmI | NO | United States | Century Link |
1552 | 67.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Cable One |
1553 | 68.*.***.** | AnotherRelay | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1554 | 68.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1555 | 68.***.***.** | c3 | YES | United States | Cox Communications |
1556 | 68.***.***.** | TorRelayAlberta | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
1557 | 68.***.*.** | colorfulfamily | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
1558 | 68.***.***.** | somewhereInEdmonton | NO | Canada | Shaw Communications |
1559 | 68.***.**.*** | AccessNowKromyon03 | NO | United States | WestHost |
1560 | 68.***.***.* | SpanksRelay | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1561 | 68.***.**.*** | 00ATorNode | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1562 | 68.***.***.** | Daedalus | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1563 | 68.***.***.* | AnonymousL | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1564 | 68.***.**.*** | ChiWiFi | NO | United States | Digital Current, LLC |
1565 | 68.**.**.** | Smooblifier | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comcast Cable |
1566 | 68.**.**.*** | default | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1567 | 68.**.*.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1568 | 68.**.***.** | 001010 | YES | United States | Comcast Cable |
1569 | 68.**.***.** | reston | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1570 | 68.**.*.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1571 | 68.**.***.** | DoctorSmite | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1572 | 68.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1573 | 68.**.***.*** | HomeChicken | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XMission, L.C. |
1574 | 68.**.**.*** | chuckthecanuck | NO | Canada | Netelligent Hosting Services |
1575 | 68.*.***.** | TorOnYuffie | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1576 | 68.**.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1577 | 68.**.**.*** | luckystudios | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1578 | 68.**.***.*** | 768kbpsInTheoryOnly | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1579 | 69.***.**.** | Squach | NO | United States | Optimum Online |
1580 | 69.***.***.*** | default | NO | United States | Optimum Online |
1581 | 69.***.**.*** | default | NO | United States | Optimum Online |
1582 | 69.***.**.*** | default | NO | United States | Optimum Online |
1583 | 69.**.***.*** | momo | NO | United States | Sonic.net |
1584 | 69.***.***.** | Zippy2 | NO | United States | Optimum Online |
1585 | 69.***.***.** | dana | NO | United States | Optimum Online |
1586 | 69.***.***.*** | cmeclax0 | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1587 | 69.***.***.** | vetris | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1588 | 69.***.***.** | BigRelay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Prolime Solutions |
1589 | 69.***.***.*** | rath | NO | United States | Steadfast Networks |
1590 | 69.***.***.** | theshell | NO | United States | Lyon Labs |
1591 | 69.***.**.** | PortlandRelay | NO | United States | DirectSpace Networks, LLC. |
1592 | 69.***.**.* | charon | YES | Anonymous Proxy | DirectSpace Networks, LLC. |
1593 | 69.***.***.** | synfin | NO | United States | Linode |
1594 | 69.***.***.*** | pontchartrain | NO | United States | Linode |
1595 | 69.***.***.*** | wxs | NO | United States | Linode |
1596 | 69.***.***.** | falacia | NO | United States | Linode |
1597 | 69.***.***.** | moses | NO | United States | Linode |
1598 | 69.***.***.** | ottodestrukt | NO | United States | Linode |
1599 | 69.***.***.*** | ellipsix | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode |
1600 | 69.***.***.** | blueberry | NO | United States | Linode |
1601 | 69.***.***.*** | NoNick | NO | United States | Linode |
1602 | 69.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Linode |
1603 | 69.***.***.*** | Tor4Democracy | NO | Canada | TekSavvy Solutions |
1604 | 69.***.***.*** | b0ar | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Daiger Sydes Gustafson LLC |
1605 | 69.***.**.*** | NothingToSeeHere | NO | Canada | Canaca-com |
1606 | 69.***.***.*** | 0Bn8CFvjNRIok60 | NO | United States | Cinergy MetroNet |
1607 | 69.***.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Terrenap Data Centers |
1608 | 69.***.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Terrenap Data Centers |
1609 | 69.***.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TMRK Colombia |
1610 | 69.***.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TMRK Colombia |
1611 | 69.***.***.** | uniquenickname | NO | Canada | TekSavvy Solutions |
1612 | 69.***.***.*** | Blackbird | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Road Runner |
1613 | 69.***.**.*** | gar1 | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1614 | 69.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1615 | 69.**.**.** | jms1a | NO | United States | Internet Connect Company |
1616 | 69.**.**.** | winters | NO | United States | Internet Connect Company |
1617 | 69.**.***.** | pythonanarchist | NO | United States | WestHost |
1618 | 69.**.**.*** | brazoslink | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Texas Communications |
1619 | 69.**.***.*** | ghewgill | NO | United States | 1-800-HOSTING |
1620 | 69.**.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Terrenap Data Centers |
1621 | 69.**.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Terrenap Data Centers |
1622 | 69.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Infinity Voice Networks |
1623 | 69.**.**.** | ILikeAGoodRumpSteak | NO | United States | Cyber Wurx LLC |
1624 | 69.**.**.*** | jahbator | NO | United States | Hosting Solutions International |
1625 | 69.**.**.*** | Konata | NO | United States | Hosting Solutions International |
1626 | 69.**.***.* | littleproxy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Videotron Ltee |
1627 | 69.**.***.*** | NewPrecise | NO | United States | Knology |
1628 | 69.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Powerhouse Management |
1629 | 69.**.***.*** | PNRelay1 | NO | Canada | Astute Hosting |
1630 | 69.**.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Cable One |
1631 | 69.**.***.*** | DigitalRhapsody1 | NO | United States | LINODE.COM |
1632 | 70.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Fairpoint Communications |
1633 | 70.***.***.*** | default | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1634 | 70.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1635 | 70.***.**.*** | HaburGate | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1636 | 70.***.***.** | pidideditheconfig | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1637 | 70.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1638 | 70.***.***.** | LunaticHaven | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1639 | 70.***.***.** | TickleMeElmo | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cox Communications |
1640 | 70.***.**.*** | Phaux | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1641 | 70.***.***.*** | OMZ13 | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
1642 | 70.**.***.** | imperaTOR | NO | Canada | Bell Canada |
1643 | 70.**.**.*** | NikitaiWeb | NO | Canada | IWeb Dedicated CL2 |
1644 | 70.**.**.** | Empire64 | NO | Canada | Videotron Ltee |
1645 | 70.**.**.*** | cryonoxnet | NO | United States | LINODE.COM |
1646 | 70.**.***.*** | mwally | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
1647 | 70.**.**.*** | SquidGirl | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1648 | 71.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1649 | 71.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1650 | 71.***.**.** | AetherTor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AT&T Internet Services |
1651 | 71.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1652 | 71.***.***.*** | parent5446 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Verizon Internet Services |
1653 | 71.***.***.*** | ECANSolRelayWA | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1654 | 71.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Verizon Internet Services |
1655 | 71.***.**.*** | andyhome | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1656 | 71.***.***.*** | oasis | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1657 | 71.***.**.*** | Saratoga | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1658 | 71.***.**.*** | anonynode | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comcast Cable |
1659 | 71.**.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Clearwire Corporation |
1660 | 71.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Century Link |
1661 | 71.***.**.*** | default | NO | United States | Century Link |
1662 | 71.***.***.** | default | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1663 | 71.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1664 | 71.***.***.*** | phunk1 | YES | United States | Comcast Cable |
1665 | 71.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1666 | 71.***.**.*** | Geekheads | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1667 | 71.***.**.* | brwyatt1 | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1668 | 71.***.**.*** | thauriiya | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1669 | 71.***.***.*** | emma | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1670 | 71.***.***.* | julesverneismyhero | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1671 | 71.***.***.** | oldthink | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1672 | 71.**.***.** | caerSidi | NO | United States | Century Link |
1673 | 71.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1674 | 71.**.**.*** | default | NO | United States | BrightHouse Networks Birmingham |
1675 | 71.**.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | BrightHouse Networks Birmingham |
1676 | 71.**.***.*** | egyptianmau | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1677 | 71.**.***.*** | linglom | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1678 | 71.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1679 | 71.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1680 | 71.**.***.*** | Starland | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1681 | 71.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1682 | 72.*.***.** | default | NO | United States | DirectLink, LLC. |
1683 | 72.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1684 | 72.**.***.*** | mostlymammals | NO | United States | Linode |
1685 | 72.**.***.*** | mentor | NO | United States | Linode |
1686 | 72.**.***.** | colagioia | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode |
1687 | 72.***.**.*** | treeltor | NO | United States | BellSouth.net |
1688 | 72.***.***.*** | HenryGreen | YES | United States | Road Runner |
1689 | 72.***.**.*** | default | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1690 | 72.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1691 | 72.***.***.** | RonPaulFreeInternet | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1692 | 72.***.***.** | nebuchadnezzar | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
1693 | 72.***.**.*** | LittleDoc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Road Runner |
1694 | 72.**.**.*** | FreedomserversUS1 | NO | United States | HostDime.com |
1695 | 72.**.**.** | ididnteditheconfig7 | NO | United States | ServerBeach |
1696 | 72.**.**.*** | Abbel9090 | NO | Canada | Distributel Communications |
1697 | 72.**.***.*** | nonameforyou | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Verizon Internet Services |
1698 | 72.**.***.* | jklett | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1699 | 72.**.*.*** | BatmanLawyer | NO | United States | Verizon Internet Services |
1700 | 72.**.***.*** | 418IMATeapot2 | NO | United States | Verizon Internet Services |
1701 | 72.**.***.** | recursiononchaos | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
1702 | 74.***.***.*** | bmore1 | NO | United States | Commercial Media Corporation |
1703 | 74.***.***.*** | bmore2 | NO | United States | Commercial Media Corporation |
1704 | 74.***.***.*** | terra | NO | Canada | Electronic Box |
1705 | 74.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Continego |
1706 | 74.***.**.*** | dcdfreedomtor | NO | United States | ProvDotNet LLC |
1707 | 74.***.**.*** | path | NO | United States | SkyWerx Industries, LLC |
1708 | 74.***.**.*** | zeller | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Torservers.net |
1709 | 74.***.**.*** | morales | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Torservers.net |
1710 | 74.***.**.*** | bouazizi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Torservers.net |
1711 | 74.***.**.*** | raskin | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Torservers.net |
1712 | 74.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Continuum Data Centers, LLC. |
1713 | 74.***.***.*** | giggity | NO | United States | Insight Communications Company |
1714 | 74.***.***.*** | BFFofDURRUTI | NO | United States | Linode |
1715 | 74.***.***.** | austrina | NO | United States | Linode |
1716 | 74.***.***.*** | dryfall | NO | United States | Linode |
1717 | 74.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Linode |
1718 | 74.***.***.** | dione | NO | United States | Linode |
1719 | 74.***.**.*** | theprocess | NO | United States | 1&1 Internet |
1720 | 74.***.***.*** | configdonebeedited | YES | United States | Road Runner |
1721 | 74.***.***.** | chandler | NO | United States | SureWest Kansas Operations, LLC |
1722 | 74.***.***.** | gallonsok | NO | United States | BellSouth.net |
1723 | 74.*.***.** | funnyadultgamesplay | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Shaw Telecom G.P. |
1724 | 74.**.**.** | 24b6 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | RimuHosting |
1725 | 74.**.***.*** | default | NO | United States | Primecast |
1726 | 74.**.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Road Runner |
1727 | 74.**.***.*** | Sarchon | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Road Runner |
1728 | 74.**.***.** | reidick | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1729 | 74.**.**.*** | libertyprime | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1730 | 74.**.**.** | tron | NO | United States | Fuse Internet Access |
1731 | 74.**.***.*** | ieditedtheconfig | NO | United States | Comcast Business Communications |
1732 | 75.***.***.*** | ffrraanklyn | NO | United States | Amazon.com |
1733 | 75.***.**.** | noisebridgepony | NO | United States | Sonic.net |
1734 | 75.***.***.*** | TorPinkPlug | NO | United States | Suddenlink Communications |
1735 | 75.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Suddenlink Communications |
1736 | 75.***.*.*** | t0rR3l4yg00b3rUS | NO | United States | New Wave NetConnect, LLC |
1737 | 75.***.**.** | ricketytruck | NO | United States | LINODE.COM |
1738 | 75.***.***.** | Black6 | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
1739 | 75.***.**.** | default | NO | United States | Gaucho Gaming |
1740 | 75.***.***.** | default | NO | United States | Century Link |
1741 | 75.***.**.*** | FreeInformation | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1742 | 75.***.***.** | SIXY | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1743 | 75.**.***.** | Torpor | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
1744 | 75.**.**.* | FCAnon | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1745 | 75.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1746 | 76.**.***.** | barf | NO | Canada | TekSavvy Solutions |
1747 | 76.***.***.** | PixiePower | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1748 | 76.***.**.*** | eficommander | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1749 | 76.***.***.** | treadlightly2 | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1750 | 76.***.***.*** | orchard | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1751 | 76.***.***.*** | Louden | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1752 | 76.***.***.*** | FreedomOfSpeech1 | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1753 | 76.***.***.** | default | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1754 | 76.***.**.* | defactotum | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1755 | 76.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1756 | 76.***.***.*** | TorRelay | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1757 | 76.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1758 | 76.***.***.*** | default | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1759 | 76.**.*.** | UnnamedNode | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1760 | 76.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1761 | 76.***.***.* | Unnamed | YES | United States | AT&T U-verse |
1762 | 76.***.**.** | default | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
1763 | 76.**.***.** | ImaginationJar | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1764 | 76.**.***.*** | ra | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1765 | 76.***.***.*** | MIConnect | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
1766 | 76.***.***.** | SlothNet | YES | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
1767 | 76.**.***.** | blackholenode4252 | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
1768 | 76.*.***.** | 0xstraightangle | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Embarq Corporation |
1769 | 76.**.***.** | AxleRelay3 | NO | United States | Database By Design, LLC |
1770 | 76.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
1771 | 77.**.***.*** | whvger | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1772 | 77.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | TOMTEL-PLEXUSNET, Part Of TOMTEL FTTH Segment |
1773 | 77.***.***.** | spfTOR4e1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Swiss Privacy Fundation |
1774 | 77.***.***.** | spfTOR4e2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Swiss Privacy Fundation |
1775 | 77.***.***.** | wagtail | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Init Seven AG |
1776 | 77.***.*.** | default | NO | Ukraine | Volia Kharkov |
1777 | 77.***.**.* | mrkoolltor | NO | Ukraine | Volia |
1778 | 77.**.***.** | alderkardfreetz | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1779 | 77.***.***.** | Rappie | YES | Netherlands | Planet Technologies |
1780 | 77.***.***.*** | torfish | NO | Netherlands | Planet Technologies |
1781 | 77.***.***.*** | mTorRelay | NO | Netherlands | Planet Technologies |
1782 | 77.***.***.*** | torserverssupporter | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1783 | 77.***.***.*** | skatman | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1784 | 77.***.***.*** | triebwerk | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1785 | 77.***.***.** | coleman | YES | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1786 | 77.***.***.** | leviathan | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1787 | 77.***.**.*** | komsys | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
1788 | 77.***.**.*** | gilousoul | NO | France | SFR |
1789 | 77.***.***.* | Imerland | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SFR |
1790 | 77.***.***.*** | 00TorFofo | YES | France | SFR |
1791 | 77.**.***.*** | 5tr3ckrava | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
1792 | 77.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS Internet Services, Inc. |
1793 | 77.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS Internet Services, Inc. |
1794 | 77.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1795 | 77.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1796 | 77.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1797 | 77.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1798 | 77.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1799 | 77.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1800 | 77.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1801 | 77.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1802 | 77.***.**.* | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS |
1803 | 77.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS Internet Services, Inc. |
1804 | 77.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EuroVPS Internet Services, Inc. |
1805 | 77.***.*.** | Unnamed | NO | Poland | ASTER Sp. Z O.o. |
1806 | 77.***.***.*** | RingThemBells | NO | Austria | Serverhousing - Noia |
1807 | 77.***.***.*** | chaoscomputerclub27 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1808 | 77.***.***.*** | chaoscomputerclub28 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1809 | 77.***.***.*** | chaoscomputerclub29 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1810 | 77.***.***.*** | chaoscomputerclub30 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1811 | 77.***.***.*** | chomsky | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NForce Entertainment B.V. |
1812 | 77.***.***.*** | lumumba | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NForce Entertainment B.V. |
1813 | 77.***.***.*** | rainbowwarrior | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NForce Entertainment B.V. |
1814 | 77.***.***.*** | politkovskaja | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NForce Entertainment B.V. |
1815 | 77.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Netherlands | UPC NL |
1816 | 77.***.***.*** | default | YES | Poland | Netia SA |
1817 | 77.**.**.*** | hsWBJWmbYfWa0YKXEro | NO | Germany | IPFFM Internet Provider Frankfurt GmbH |
1818 | 77.**.***.** | pipiska | NO | Russian Federation | National Cable Networks |
1819 | 77.**.**.*** | torhammer | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1820 | 77.**.***.** | anakron | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1821 | 77.**.**.*** | BaiMangal | NO | Bulgaria | Liulin Quarter |
1822 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1823 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1824 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1825 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1826 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1827 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1828 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1829 | 77.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1830 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1831 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1832 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1833 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1834 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1835 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1836 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1837 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1838 | 77.**.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | JSC Ufanet |
1839 | 77.**.*.** | 000000nn50 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Webhosting, Collocation Services |
1840 | 77.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Finland | Nebula Oy |
1841 | 77.**.**.*** | K0s | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Lanet Network Ltd. |
1842 | 77.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
1843 | 77.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Virgin Media |
1844 | 78.***.***.*** | mogurakun | NO | Czech Republic | UPC Ceska Republica, S.r.o. |
1845 | 78.***.***.*** | DreamVoyager | NO | Czech Republic | UPC Ceska Republika, A.s. |
1846 | 78.***.***.** | pfeilheimtor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Akademikerhilfe Studentenunterstuetzungsverein |
1847 | 78.***.***.** | CGretski | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Be Un Limited |
1848 | 78.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Beeline |
1849 | 78.***.***.** | LeliksWindow2 | YES | Russian Federation | VimpelCom |
1850 | 78.***.**.** | assk2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TOR Network |
1851 | 78.***.**.** | assk | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TOR Network |
1852 | 78.***.**.** | Majordomo175RURVPS | YES | Anonymous Proxy | DataHouse Department Majordomo Llc |
1853 | 78.***.***.*** | KTM | NO | France | SFR |
1854 | 78.***.***.*** | neph | YES | France | SFR |
1855 | 78.***.***.** | mallory | NO | United Kingdom | RapidSwitch Ltd |
1856 | 78.***.***.** | gulfstream | NO | United Kingdom | RapidSwitch Ltd |
1857 | 78.***.***.*** | Bluespiral23 | YES | Italy | NGI SpA |
1858 | 78.***.**.* | meres | NO | Italy | NGI SpA |
1859 | 78.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Slovakia | Orange Slovensko, A.s. |
1860 | 78.***.***.*** | torisalie | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
1861 | 78.***.***.*** | tornodeviennasil | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
1862 | 78.***.***.** | meson | NO | United Kingdom | Fast.co.uk |
1863 | 78.***.**.*** | tortureisevil | NO | United Kingdom | TalkTalk |
1864 | 78.***.***.*** | BabarNotDead | NO | France | Free SAS |
1865 | 78.***.***.*** | tordechezfrans | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
1866 | 78.***.**.*** | torcreasixt | NO | France | Free SAS |
1867 | 78.***.*.** | puUpyf7R9YXTLPms | NO | France | Free SAS |
1868 | 78.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
1869 | 78.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
1870 | 78.***.***.*** | Bob | NO | France | Free SAS |
1871 | 78.***.*.** | staignanrouter | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
1872 | 78.***.***.** | Piezo | NO | France | Free SAS |
1873 | 78.***.**.*** | blackfox | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
1874 | 78.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
1875 | 78.***.**.*** | r2dev | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
1876 | 78.***.***.** | Pupute | YES | France | Free SAS |
1877 | 78.**.**.*** | Hopeless | NO | Russian Federation | Smolensk |
1878 | 78.**.***.*** | raumquantenmotor | NO | Austria | |
1879 | 78.**.**.*** | happyCrazy | NO | Germany | Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG |
1880 | 78.**.**.*** | abcdef | NO | Czech Republic | UPC Broadband Internet Services |
1881 | 78.**.***.* | shrek | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AtiVel Ltd. & Co. KG |
1882 | 78.**.***.*** | AwF | NO | Germany | Steuerbüro Heinl |
1883 | 78.**.***.** | nite | NO | Germany | Closco Ltd |
1884 | 78.**.***.*** | Nesmontor | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1885 | 78.**.***.*** | alpha701dnp | YES | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1886 | 78.**.***.** | fastlittletorrelay | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1887 | 78.**.**.*** | knorr | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1888 | 78.**.***.*** | ididnteditheconfig | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1889 | 78.**.***.*** | Unmanned | NO | Germany | Tim Lange Stamrecht BV |
1890 | 78.**.***.*** | landfish | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
1891 | 78.**.***.*** | relayt0r | NO | Germany | Heckrath.net IT-Services |
1892 | 78.**.**.** | luzitor | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1893 | 78.**.**.*** | xoroxDE | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
1894 | 78.**.**.** | DLK | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1895 | 78.**.**.*** | lanroamer | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1896 | 78.**.**.*** | reallay | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1897 | 78.**.**.*** | NamiTemp2 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1898 | 78.**.***.*** | PersonalAddress | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
1899 | 78.**.***.* | Q | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1900 | 78.**.***.** | Indium | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Fanatical Dev |
1901 | 78.**.***.*** | fritzzz | NO | Germany | DirectHost |
1902 | 78.**.***.*** | rueckgrat | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1903 | 78.**.***.** | c3bo | NO | Germany | Hasim Bahadir Yaren |
1904 | 78.**.***.*** | wannenode | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1905 | 78.**.***.*** | gucklucky | NO | Germany | Fanatical Dev |
1906 | 78.**.**.*** | fluxe3 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1907 | 78.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1908 | 78.**.***.*** | reggoeswherecom | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1909 | 78.**.***.*** | SchwarzeLocke | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1910 | 78.**.***.** | cipherfish | NO | Germany | Fanatical VPS |
1911 | 78.**.***.*** | Erna | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1912 | 78.**.***.*** | eatdapoopoo | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1913 | 78.**.***.** | silentundo | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1914 | 78.**.***.** | perideum | YES | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1915 | 78.**.***.** | TheNamelessOne | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1916 | 78.**.***.*** | starius | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1917 | 78.**.***.*** | hendi00 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1918 | 78.**.***.*** | TAGFM | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1919 | 78.**.***.** | shadegerrelay | NO | Germany | Fanatical VPS |
1920 | 78.**.**.*** | 0 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1921 | 78.**.**.*** | vpsserver110 | NO | Germany | ZiLoX IT - Heiko Zimmermann & Stephan Lorsbach GbR |
1922 | 78.**.**.** | ForeverFree | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1923 | 78.**.**.*** | maggo | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
1924 | 78.**.**.*** | Erdbefohlener | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
1925 | 78.**.***.*** | LTtorRelay1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Joint Stock Company TEO LT, AB |
1926 | 78.**.**.** | MrNiceMtFker | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TeliaSonera AB |
1927 | 78.**.**.*** | zib621 | NO | Sweden | TeliaSonera AB |
1928 | 78.**.***.* | Dildonet2000 | NO | Sweden | TeliaSonera AB |
1929 | 78.**.*.*** | default | YES | Czech Republic | Xdsl Customer Network |
1930 | 79.***.***.** | jarod125 | NO | Romania | Rcs & Rds S.A. |
1931 | 79.***.***.** | default | NO | Russian Federation | Leased Line Customers |
1932 | 79.***.**.** | stargrave | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Leased Line Customers |
1933 | 79.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Asiatech DSL Broadband Services |
1934 | 79.***.***.** | indrasvargaloka | YES | Belgium | DSL Range Kortrijk |
1935 | 79.***.***.** | PPrivCom017 | NO | Iceland | DataCell Ehf |
1936 | 79.***.***.** | Bradupae | NO | Russian Federation | ETTH Broadband Service |
1937 | 79.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Moscow Local Telephone Network (OAO MGTS) |
1938 | 79.***.**.*** | deepspace9 | NO | Germany | Network For Virtual Dedicated Servers V3 By Vollma |
1939 | 79.***.**.*** | Aletheia | NO | Germany | Network For Virtual Dedicated Servers V3 By Vollma |
1940 | 79.***.***.** | MNCCres | NO | Spain | Telefonica De Espana |
1941 | 79.***.***.*** | MasterOfDisaster | NO | Norway | Lyse Tele |
1942 | 79.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Russian Central Telegraph, Moscow |
1943 | 79.***.**.** | Rarity | NO | Russian Federation | Ural WES Local Clients |
1944 | 79.***.***.** | inthenameofpluto | NO | Hungary | Webenlet Kft. |
1945 | 79.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Israel | Bezeq International |
1946 | 79.***.***.*** | ididnteditheconfig | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1947 | 79.***.**.*** | VirtualWorld | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1948 | 79.***.**.** | spacecowboy | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1949 | 79.***.**.*** | taylanub | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1950 | 79.***.***.** | Echelon2onRaspberry | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1951 | 79.***.***.** | blubber | YES | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1952 | 79.***.**.** | office110 | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1953 | 79.***.***.*** | TorSupporter | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1954 | 79.***.**.*** | 0xbadc0ffe | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1955 | 79.***.***.*** | firefusion | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1956 | 79.***.***.*** | diedoofezwiebel | YES | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1957 | 79.***.***.*** | ttttvdsl96 | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1958 | 79.**.***.** | TorreSaracena | NO | Italy | Telecom Italia |
1959 | 79.**.***.** | PrivacyIsImportant | NO | Italy | Telecom Italia |
1960 | 79.**.**.*** | default | NO | France | SFR |
1961 | 79.**.**.** | Unnamed | NO | France | SFR |
1962 | 79.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Ireland | UPC Ireland |
1963 | 80.***.***.* | Unnamed | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
1964 | 80.***.***.*** | mauer | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
1965 | 80.***.***.*** | crestaNode | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
1966 | 80.***.***.*** | WasntMe | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
1967 | 80.***.***.*** | 1d1dnt3d1th3c0nf1g | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
1968 | 80.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Austria | UPC Telekabel |
1969 | 80.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Austria | UPC Austria |
1970 | 80.***.**.** | torET | NO | Austria | UPC Telekabel |
1971 | 80.***.***.*** | grhtorguido | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1972 | 80.***.**.*** | AnonymisaTor | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1973 | 80.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1974 | 80.***.***.*** | nze | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
1975 | 80.***.***.** | relayglinde | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
1976 | 80.***.***.** | RoxSoft | YES | Anonymous Proxy | RoxSoft Limited |
1977 | 80.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Denmark | Local Assignments For Proaccess ISDN |
1978 | 80.***.**.*** | Me | YES | Denmark | TDC Kabel TV |
1979 | 80.*.**.* | default | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
1980 | 80.***.**.*** | keeFace | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NextGenTel AS |
1981 | 80.***.**.*** | alex | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1982 | 80.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
1983 | 80.***.***.*** | genetix | YES | Finland | TeliaSonera Finland Oyj |
1984 | 80.***.**.*** | idideditheconfig | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TeliaSonera Finland Oyj |
1985 | 80.***.**.*** | montorpelieou | NO | France | NC Numericable S.A. |
1986 | 80.***.***.** | chaoscomputerclub3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1987 | 80.***.***.** | chaoscomputerclub4 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1988 | 80.***.***.** | chaoscomputerclub5 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1989 | 80.***.***.** | chaoscomputerclub6 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Chaos Computer Club E.V. |
1990 | 80.***.***.*** | TrumpetOfJericho | NO | Switzerland | Netstream AG |
1991 | 80.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Czech Republic | Centronet, A.s. |
1992 | 80.***.***.*** | OldNightLong | NO | Ukraine | BitterNet Ltd |
1993 | 80.***.***.* | snurntor1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Network For Snurn Coop, Berlin |
1994 | 80.***.**.*** | whatever | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Alfahosting GmbH |
1995 | 80.***.***.*** | cassiopea | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Nerim SAS |
1996 | 80.***.**.*** | koiu9 | NO | Switzerland | Monzoon Networks AG |
1997 | 80.**.**.*** | 0x6669 | NO | Spain | Telefonica De Espana |
1998 | 80.**.**.*** | default | NO | Netherlands | UPC NL |
1999 | 80.**.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tele Danmark |
2000 | 80.**.***.** | globenet | NO | France | Globenet |
2001 | 80.**.***.*** | Shaw | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Abonnes ADSL De FDN |
2002 | 80.**.**.*** | SDRu8DxSy86 | NO | United Kingdom | Bytemark-vm |
2003 | 80.**.**.** | karlmarxhasaposse | NO | United Kingdom | Bytemark-vm |
2004 | 80.**.**.*** | froschitor | NO | United Kingdom | Bytemark-vm |
2005 | 80.**.*.** | noname | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Surftown A/S Hosted Virtual Private Servers |
2006 | 80.**.***.*** | BlueGene | NO | Denmark | Static Customer IP Assignments |
2007 | 80.**.**.* | mrkvotor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | CHL Pocitace, S.r.o |
2008 | 80.**.**.** | torexit | YES | Anonymous Proxy | CHL Pocitace, S.r.o |
2009 | 80.**.***.*** | somerandomstuff | NO | Finland | Mpoli Oy |
2010 | 80.**.***.*** | DerAufbruch | NO | Germany | Virtual Server |
2011 | 80.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2012 | 80.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2013 | 80.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2014 | 80.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2015 | 80.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2016 | 80.**.**.*** | C8H10N4O2 | NO | Sweden | Fiberstaden Broadband Connecting Household Custome |
2017 | 80.**.**.** | default | NO | Hungary | UPC Magyarorszag Kft. |
2018 | 81.*.***.*** | blueberryTOR | NO | Czech Republic | Blueberry.cz Apps S.r.o. |
2019 | 81.**.***.** | 0xfw | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cable Customers |
2020 | 81.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Austria | Cable Customers |
2021 | 81.***.***.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Virgin Media |
2022 | 81.***.**.** | Unnamed1 | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2023 | 81.***.***.*** | MrBlair | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin ADSL Broadband |
2024 | 81.***.***.* | NoExitGB | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2025 | 81.**.***.*** | torIDBE | NO | Belgium | Scarlet |
2026 | 81.***.**.*** | Dystopia | NO | Belgium | Telenet N.V. |
2027 | 81.***.***.** | torzon3 | NO | Norway | Lyse Tele |
2028 | 81.***.***.*** | jgilje | NO | Norway | Lyse Tele |
2029 | 81.***.***.*** | zardoz | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2030 | 81.***.***.*** | tester | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2031 | 81.***.***.*** | Piper | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2032 | 81.***.***.*** | tarnover | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2033 | 81.***.***.** | riqochet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2034 | 81.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Switzerland | Private Layer INC |
2035 | 81.***.***.** | sabbath | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2036 | 81.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Sweden | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2037 | 81.***.***.*** | Andelain1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2038 | 81.***.***.*** | Dumain | NO | United Kingdom | PlusNet Technologies Ltd |
2039 | 81.***.***.*** | byfkvkgj | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2040 | 81.***.***.*** | xxdjggyy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2041 | 81.***.***.*** | ieeibysc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2042 | 81.***.***.*** | enteixxh | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2043 | 81.***.***.** | GreyDoomer | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2044 | 81.***.***.*** | iixodbne | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2045 | 81.***.***.*** | wfiujayy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2046 | 81.***.***.** | wdgeksdu | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2047 | 81.***.***.** | urfsaxcf | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2048 | 81.***.***.** | mihvazgw | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2049 | 81.***.***.*** | ndcymwzg | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2050 | 81.***.***.*** | goozfycd | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2051 | 81.***.***.*** | ynoozrmj | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2052 | 81.***.***.*** | hwybjxzf | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC RTComm.RU |
2053 | 81.**.***.*** | rwxrwxrwx | NO | Germany | Web/Mail/DB-Server/V-Server |
2054 | 81.**.***.*** | torserversNet1 | NO | Germany | Web/Mail/DB-Server/V-Server |
2055 | 81.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | LLC Telecom-Service |
2056 | 81.***.***.** | LandoftheFree | NO | Netherlands | Planet Technologies |
2057 | 81.***.**.*** | VAA01 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bothnia Broadband Ltd |
2058 | 81.**.***.** | veebikaamera | NO | Estonia | Client P2P |
2059 | 81.***.***.*** | sommteck | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
2060 | 81.***.**.** | ooV3thiejeix | NO | Austria | Kabelsignal AG |
2061 | 81.***.**.*** | priv4all | NO | Austria | Kabelsignal AG |
2062 | 81.***.***.*** | Netcontor2 | NO | Israel | Bezeq International |
2063 | 81.***.***.*** | cristy | NO | Israel | Bezeq International |
2064 | 81.***.***.*** | TzipiTorTest | NO | Israel | Interhost-networks-lan |
2065 | 81.***.***.*** | frankenstein | NO | Israel | Interhost-networks-lan |
2066 | 81.***.**.*** | Latrine | NO | Israel | SKY-LAN |
2067 | 81.***.**.*** | WirWarenDieGuten | NO | Austria | INODE TelekommunikationsdienstleistungsgmbH |
2068 | 81.***.***.*** | NavigaTor | NO | Austria | INNSBRUCK |
2069 | 81.**.**.*** | Hypocrazy | NO | Netherlands | CAI Harderwijk - Cable Access |
2070 | 81.***.**.** | scarface | NO | Belgium | Belgacom Skynet |
2071 | 81.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | JSC Lan-Telecom |
2072 | 81.**.***.** | IgaRyu | NO | Italy | TeleCity Group Customer - Open Service Studio |
2073 | 81.**.***.* | CommanderRoot | NO | Germany | MyLoc Managed IT AG Vserver Netz |
2074 | 81.**.***.** | ParityError | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Telefonica De Espana |
2075 | 81.**.***.*** | default | NO | France | France Telecom |
2076 | 81.**.**.** | faispasser | NO | France | Free SAS |
2077 | 81.**.***.*** | eponymousraga | NO | France | Free SAS |
2078 | 81.**.***.*** | AlecDooper | NO | France | NC Numericable S.A. |
2079 | 81.**.***.*** | genpashiro | YES | France | NC Numericable S.A. |
2080 | 81.**.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NC Numericable S.A. |
2081 | 81.*.**.*** | BZHack | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EUserv Internet |
2082 | 81.**.***.*** | 0xCAFEBABE | NO | Netherlands | Online Breedband B.V. |
2083 | 81.**.***.** | Carlo | NO | Belgium | Telenet N.V. |
2084 | 81.**.***.*** | tortor | NO | United Kingdom | Pipex Internet Ltd |
2085 | 81.**.**.*** | Caldron2 | NO | Germany | Clanotopia IT-Service Ltd. |
2086 | 81.**.**.** | TOR01DNSHallintaFI | NO | Finland | Flex Investing Network |
2087 | 81.**.**.** | default | NO | Sweden | VPS Servers |
2088 | 81.**.***.*** | velone | YES | Anonymous Proxy | DCO FUSA |
2089 | 81.**.*.*** | superblyhidden | YES | Germany | BIN-Layer.de |
2090 | 82.*.**.* | FreeJulianAssange | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2091 | 82.***.***.** | GuyFawkes | NO | Jersey | Jersey Telecom Rapid Service |
2092 | 82.***.**.** | hiramabi | YES | France | France Telecom |
2093 | 82.***.***.** | kallio | NO | Finland | Oulu Telephone Company |
2094 | 82.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Finland | Aalto University Student Union |
2095 | 82.***.**.** | SirDrake | NO | Germany | M-net Telekommunikations GmbH |
2096 | 82.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | OJSC Rostelecom |
2097 | 82.***.***.** | NetromLat | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Danish Broadband A/s |
2098 | 82.***.***.** | NetromAc | YES | Denmark | Danish Broadband A/s |
2099 | 82.***.**.** | FreeRelay | NO | United States | CLOUD NAC Collocation |
2100 | 82.***.***.*** | JetpacksPlease | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2101 | 82.***.***.*** | tawny | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2102 | 82.***.***.*** | torhelpernoyb | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2103 | 82.***.***.* | rs5byjff | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2104 | 82.***.***.*** | bdntor | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2105 | 82.***.***.*** | jap | NO | Netherlands | Telfort Internet |
2106 | 82.***.***.** | whoreallyevencares | NO | Finland | DNA Oy |
2107 | 82.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Finland | DNA Oy |
2108 | 82.***.***.** | Huixchv | NO | Finland | DNA Oy |
2109 | 82.***.***.** | hayduke | NO | Sweden | Scream DJH |
2110 | 82.***.***.** | jeevestor | NO | Sweden | Scream TUL |
2111 | 82.***.**.*** | AnythingGoes | NO | Sweden | Scream M/SP |
2112 | 82.***.**.** | Logforme | NO | Sweden | Scream M/SP |
2113 | 82.**.***.** | strongmad | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2114 | 82.***.***.** | muxhax | NO | Russian Federation | INVIKTA |
2115 | 82.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | GRAND |
2116 | 82.***.***.*** | MamaTor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Metronet Telekomunikacije D.d. |
2117 | 82.***.***.*** | nestabilni | NO | Croatia | Metronet Telekomunikacije D.d. |
2118 | 82.***.***.*** | PPrivCom039 | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Genotec AG |
2119 | 82.***.***.** | Bodstromsamhallet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2120 | 82.***.***.** | torcmousefi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TDC Oy Finland |
2121 | 82.***.***.** | doubtfire | YES | Anonymous Proxy | JSC Ukrtelecom |
2122 | 82.***.***.** | Asbestbunker | NO | Germany | Versatel Deutschland |
2123 | 82.***.**.*** | veryslowadslserver | NO | Ukraine | JSC Ukrtelecom |
2124 | 82.***.**.** | KickSomeIronAss | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Personal Network For OAO KMZ |
2125 | 82.***.***.*** | shadow | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NC Numericable S.A. |
2126 | 82.***.**.*** | Solonym | YES | Switzerland | SolNet DSL-PLUS Dynamic Pool OST |
2127 | 82.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
2128 | 82.***.*.*** | crazydwarves3 | NO | France | Free SAS |
2129 | 82.***.**.*** | adebianbox | NO | France | Free SAS |
2130 | 82.***.***.*** | Mikuni42 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
2131 | 82.***.**.** | torXQSE47554SDJJ28 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
2132 | 82.***.***.** | t7 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
2133 | 82.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
2134 | 82.***.***.** | Waba | NO | France | Free SAS |
2135 | 82.***.**.** | Antoinedebx | NO | France | Free SAS |
2136 | 82.***.***.** | default | NO | France | Free SAS |
2137 | 82.***.**.** | BBG | NO | France | Free SAS |
2138 | 82.***.**.*** | ictor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
2139 | 82.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
2140 | 82.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | France | Free SAS |
2141 | 82.***.***.*** | Fe8Ohcoo8roogee5hah | NO | France | Free SAS |
2142 | 82.***.***.** | aaaa | NO | France | Free SAS |
2143 | 82.***.**.*** | zabe | YES | France | Free SAS |
2144 | 82.***.**.*** | default | NO | France | Free SAS |
2145 | 82.**.***.*** | DestroyTerrorismNow | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2146 | 82.**.**.*** | homerelay | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2147 | 82.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Italy | Telecom Italia |
2148 | 82.**.***.*** | Pounet27TorRelay | YES | France | Free SAS |
2149 | 82.**.**.* | Mildmay | NO | United Kingdom | Zen Internet |
2150 | 82.**.**.** | Nicknoxx | NO | United Kingdom | Zen Internet |
2151 | 82.**.**.** | PlanetExpress | NO | Netherlands | Ziggo |
2152 | 82.**.***.*** | TheFactsOfLife | NO | Israel | Bezeq International |
2153 | 82.**.***.** | UnicenTor | NO | Netherlands | Comprax |
2154 | 82.**.***.*** | Tonga | NO | Netherlands | NAH6 BV |
2155 | 82.**.***.*** | Lifuka | NO | Netherlands | NAH6 BV |
2156 | 82.**.***.** | snowgoose | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2157 | 82.**.**.* | junebug | NO | Sweden | Varberg |
2158 | 82.**.**.* | juno | NO | Sweden | Varberg |
2159 | 82.**.**.* | hamburgerphone | NO | Sweden | Varberg |
2160 | 83.***.***.** | WasntMyIdea | NO | Netherlands | Wanadoo Nederland BV |
2161 | 83.***.***.** | 23minus5doteu | NO | Germany | Greatnet New Media. |
2162 | 83.***.***.** | HoleInTheWall | NO | Germany | Greatnet New Media. |
2163 | 83.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Belgium | Tiscali ADSL Go/Plus Kortrijk |
2164 | 83.***.**.*** | elise | YES | Belgium | Tiscali ADSL Go/Plus Kortrijk |
2165 | 83.***.**.* | kimya | NO | Sweden | Juno Tor Relays And Exits. |
2166 | 83.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Poland | Metro Internet Sp. Z O.o. |
2167 | 83.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Finland | Oy Capnova Ltd |
2168 | 83.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2169 | 83.***.***.** | mangonerv | NO | Finland | Tentacle Networks Oy |
2170 | 83.***.***.*** | salottisipuli | NO | Finland | Nebula Oy |
2171 | 83.***.**.*** | esko | NO | Finland | Nebula Oy |
2172 | 83.***.**.** | frobixinyfication | NO | France | Free SAS |
2173 | 83.***.***.*** | trre | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2174 | 83.***.***.** | pullyinthemiddle | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2175 | 83.***.**.** | Huubknops | YES | Anonymous Proxy | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2176 | 83.***.***.** | DigitalBrains | NO | Netherlands | XS4ALL Internet BV |
2177 | 83.***.***.*** | ParadiseTorRelay1 | NO | Sweden | Crystone AB |
2178 | 83.***.**.*** | eisler | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Host Europe GmbH |
2179 | 83.***.**.* | ferheng | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
2180 | 83.***.**.** | jefOlewkia | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
2181 | 83.***.**.*** | alterspalter | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
2182 | 83.***.**.*** | keinstein | NO | Germany | Host Europe GmbH |
2183 | 83.***.**.* | st0nerhenge | NO | United Kingdom | UK2 Customer |
2184 | 83.***.***.** | GuentersNightmare | NO | Germany | Dynamic Address Pool |
2185 | 83.***.***.** | TorkaZ | NO | Germany | Mnet Telekommunikation GmbH |
2186 | 83.***.***.*** | kio01 | NO | Sweden | LAN-tjänsten |
2187 | 83.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Lantjanst |
2188 | 83.***.***.*** | berbre3 | NO | France | France Telecom |
2189 | 83.***.**.* | TOR24SDd7S59 | NO | France | France Telecom |
2190 | 83.***.**.* | kirk | YES | France | France Telecom |
2191 | 83.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AllTele Allmanna Svenska Telefonaktiebolaget |
2192 | 83.***.**.*** | tapa | NO | Greece | Greek Research And Technology Network S.A |
2193 | 83.***.**.*** | toorvoid | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Greek Research And Technology Network S.A |
2194 | 83.***.**.** | trata | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Greek Research And Technology Network S.A |
2195 | 83.***.**.*** | nyxTor | NO | Greece | Greek Research And Technology Network S.A |
2196 | 83.***.**.** | FreedomIsEssential | NO | Greece | Greek Research And Technology Network S.A |
2197 | 83.***.***.** | default | NO | Spain | Euskaltel |
2198 | 83.***.**.*** | xrstf | YES | Germany | Primacom AG |
2199 | 83.***.**.*** | godzilla | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2200 | 83.***.**.*** | Elavbrott | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2201 | 83.***.***.** | leopardsrelay | NO | Switzerland | VTX Services SA |
2202 | 83.***.**.** | pcfreak | NO | Bulgaria | Bergon Net - ISP In Dobrich |
2203 | 83.***.***.** | paranoia | NO | Germany | Matthias Wolf |
2204 | 83.***.**.** | PItTOResk | NO | Germany | QSC AG |
2205 | 83.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | ZAO MTU-Intel |
2206 | 83.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | ZAO MTU-Intel |
2207 | 83.***.***.*** | oper2svt | YES | Ukraine | SPD Antipov O.V. |
2208 | 83.***.***.*** | vikesGrayvieBeard | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
2209 | 83.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
2210 | 83.***.**.*** | default | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Com Hem AB |
2211 | 83.***.***.*** | HW2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Com Hem AB |
2212 | 83.***.***.* | rawr | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
2213 | 83.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
2214 | 83.***.***.** | torleif | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
2215 | 83.***.***.* | anonymous | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
2216 | 83.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Com Hem AB |
2217 | 83.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Spain | Telefonica De Espana |
2218 | 83.*.**.*** | wee | NO | Poland | Neostrada Plus |
2219 | 83.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Spain | Telefonica De Espana |
2220 | 83.**.*.** | qwerty12345 | NO | Netherlands | Ziggo |
2221 | 83.**.**.** | DonaldDuck | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tele Danmark |
2222 | 83.**.***.*** | Undercover | NO | Denmark | Tele Danmark |
2223 | 84.***.***.*** | azrael | NO | Austria | UPC Austria |
2224 | 84.***.***.*** | Erpel | NO | Austria | UPC Austria |
2225 | 84.***.***.* | PartOfIt | NO | Austria | UPC Austria |
2226 | 84.***.***.*** | eltoposrealm | NO | Austria | UPC Austria |
2227 | 84.***.*.** | serelula | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ONO |
2228 | 84.***.**.** | 0xHugin | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2229 | 84.***.*.*** | BCS2005 | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2230 | 84.**.***.*** | tiggersWeltTor | NO | Germany | Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously Netdirekt E. K.) |
2231 | 84.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2232 | 84.***.***.* | findus | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2233 | 84.***.***.*** | blahblahblahorg | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2234 | 84.**.***.*** | dakkartor | NO | Italy | ABCB IP Network |
2235 | 84.**.***.* | PPrivCom012 | NO | Germany | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2236 | 84.**.***.* | PPrivCom013 | NO | Germany | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2237 | 84.**.***.** | nogov2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2238 | 84.***.**.*** | GermanCraft | NO | Germany | IP-Projects |
2239 | 84.***.**.*** | stillhavenoipinfo | NO | Germany | Colorhost |
2240 | 84.***.**.*** | hsjeufh24hfj1955 | NO | Germany | MisterHost |
2241 | 84.***.**.*** | scenesurreal | NO | Norway | Bergen Loddefjord, Norway |
2242 | 84.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Norway | UPC Norge |
2243 | 84.***.**.** | sveletor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UPC Norge |
2244 | 84.***.**.*** | degupre9 | NO | Norway | Get AS |
2245 | 84.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Norway | Get AS |
2246 | 84.***.***.*** | irrtum | NO | Italy | Customer P2P Interface Addresses In IT |
2247 | 84.***.**.*** | default | NO | Lithuania | SkyNet Broadband Network |
2248 | 84.**.***.*** | Br4MSTEL | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ziggo |
2249 | 84.***.**.** | Stigen | NO | Finland | TeliaSonera Finland Oyj |
2250 | 84.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Finland | TeliaSonera Finland Oyj |
2251 | 84.***.**.*** | FreeSpeechforAll | NO | Finland | TeliaSonera Finland Oyj |
2252 | 84.**.**.** | default | NO | Netherlands | Ziggo |
2253 | 84.**.***.*** | ididedittheconfig | NO | Czech Republic | UPC Ceska Republika, A.s. |
2254 | 84.**.***.*** | visprelay1 | NO | Norway | NextGenTel AS |
2255 | 84.**.**.*** | MLDT | NO | Norway | NextGenTel AS |
2256 | 84.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Bulgaria | ComNet Bourgas PPPoE And Leased |
2257 | 84.**.***.*** | blackwidow | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ownit AB |
2258 | 84.**.***.*** | xaz10 | NO | Sweden | Ownit AB |
2259 | 84.**.**.*** | flip2 | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
2260 | 84.**.***.*** | toditor | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
2261 | 84.**.**.*** | binarHeid | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
2262 | 84.**.**.*** | idideditheconfig | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
2263 | 84.**.***.*** | RMLAnonSrv1 | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
2264 | 84.**.**.* | Unnamed | NO | Switzerland | Cablecom GmbH |
2265 | 85.**.***.*** | FalseAlarm | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2266 | 85.**.***.*** | GermanBight | NO | Germany | Weinbrenner Media |
2267 | 85.***.***.** | nononononon | NO | Sweden | Availo NetCamp AB |
2268 | 85.***.***.** | FcosVmTH | NO | Sweden | Availo NetCamp AB |
2269 | 85.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | ER-Telecom Company Samara Network |
2270 | 85.***.***.*** | KlickmichOrg | NO | Germany | Fast IT Colocation |
2271 | 85.***.**.*** | rastabillyskank | NO | United Kingdom | Bitfolk Limited |
2272 | 85.***.**.*** | MyLittleTorExit | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bitfolk Limited |
2273 | 85.***.**.** | ChubZee | NO | United Kingdom | Bitfolk Limited |
2274 | 85.***.***.*** | millenium | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EDIS.AT Internet Services |
2275 | 85.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Austria | Lac3-stiegl-dynamic-ips |
2276 | 85.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Austria | Lac2-fohrenburger-dynamic-ips |
2277 | 85.***.***.*** | simbaTOR | NO | Russian Federation | CJSC Comstar-Direct |
2278 | 85.***.**.** | RUOPPS | NO | Russian Federation | IntraTelecom Metropolitan Network |
2279 | 85.***.***.** | PetitScarabee | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NC Numericable S.A. |
2280 | 85.**.***.** | canon | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2281 | 85.**.***.*** | Bitbureauet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LeaseWeb |
2282 | 85.**.***.** | humpthedog | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LeaseWeb |
2283 | 85.**.**.*** | fejk1 | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2284 | 85.**.***.*** | WrongOpinion | NO | Anonymous Proxy | LeaseWeb |
2285 | 85.**.**.** | Tulip | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2286 | 85.**.**.** | thegoddamnpenisblue | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2287 | 85.**.**.*** | Cayenne | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2288 | 85.***.*.*** | petiteserver | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2289 | 85.***.***.*** | 0Schubidu | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2290 | 85.***.***.** | devilproxytor | YES | Germany | Alice DSL |
2291 | 85.***.***.** | leekrelay | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2292 | 85.***.*.** | yetanotherrelay | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2293 | 85.***.***.** | Regdul2 | YES | Germany | Alice DSL |
2294 | 85.***.***.** | berlingirl | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2295 | 85.***.**.** | myxin | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2296 | 85.***.***.*** | default | YES | France | Teloise |
2297 | 85.***.**.** | FreePussyRiot | NO | Germany | Velia.net Internetdienste GmbH |
2298 | 85.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Ukraine | TRK Samar |
2299 | 85.***.***.*** | h1941553 | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2300 | 85.***.***.*** | Deteros | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2301 | 85.***.***.*** | magrathea | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2302 | 85.***.***.*** | proxelsusexitnode | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2303 | 85.***.***.*** | zwupfslair | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2304 | 85.***.***.** | KoenigEdmundI | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2305 | 85.***.***.** | EntitaetNull | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2306 | 85.***.***.** | Montium | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2307 | 85.***.***.** | torexitnet | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2308 | 85.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2309 | 85.***.***.** | nocabalng | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2310 | 85.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2311 | 85.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2312 | 85.***.***.*** | ichEben3 | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2313 | 85.***.***.** | Persephone | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2314 | 85.***.**.*** | YetAnotherTorRelay | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2315 | 85.***.**.*** | Phoebe | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2316 | 85.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2317 | 85.***.**.** | TorMachine | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2318 | 85.***.**.*** | baphomet | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2319 | 85.***.**.*** | torezuma | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2320 | 85.***.**.*** | thejoker | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2321 | 85.***.**.** | FoeBuD3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2322 | 85.***.**.*** | HAL9000 | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2323 | 85.***.**.*** | my2cents | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2324 | 85.***.**.*** | dafuq | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2325 | 85.***.**.* | ppp | NO | Germany | Strato Rechenzentrum, Berlin |
2326 | 85.***.**.*** | HavuTor | NO | Finland | PPO-Yhtiot Oy |
2327 | 85.**.*.*** | DerAufbruch1 | NO | Germany | DOKOM GmbH |
2328 | 85.***.***.*** | BrokenByDesign | NO | Netherlands | InterNLnet B.V. |
2329 | 85.***.**.*** | heteigenwijsje | NO | Netherlands | InterNLnet B.V. |
2330 | 85.***.**.*** | torNLnij | YES | Anonymous Proxy | InterNLnet B.V. |
2331 | 85.***.**.*** | Spowanko | YES | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2332 | 85.***.**.*** | Fionn | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2333 | 85.***.***.* | area26tor | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2334 | 85.***.***.*** | default | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2335 | 85.***.***.*** | core2 | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2336 | 85.***.***.** | deigarth | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2337 | 85.***.**.*** | Milagro | NO | Sweden | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2338 | 85.**.***.** | SmurfTheTor | NO | Finland | DNA Palvelut Oy Pohjois-Suomi |
2339 | 85.***.***.** | Saturnalia | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bredbandsbolaget AB |
2340 | 85.**.***.*** | hottuna | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2341 | 85.**.***.** | deklomp1 | NO | Sweden | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2342 | 85.**.***.** | vandalise | NO | Sweden | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2343 | 85.**.***.** | depth | NO | Sweden | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2344 | 85.***.***.*** | Petrovskaya | NO | Portugal | PT Comunicacoes, SA |
2345 | 85.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Portugal | PT Comunicacoes, SA |
2346 | 85.**.***.*** | zwoupfelbourg | NO | Germany | BSB-Service Customer-Networks |
2347 | 85.**.***.** | LordBell | NO | Germany | BSB-Service GmbH |
2348 | 85.**.***.** | 0TorForBeginners | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
2349 | 85.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
2350 | 85.**.***.* | gastritis | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
2351 | 85.**.***.*** | SPECTRE | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
2352 | 85.**.***.** | veronika | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE Dedicated Server Hosting |
2353 | 85.**.**.* | mytornode | NO | Germany | BSB-SERVICE - Virtual Dedicated Server-Hosting |
2354 | 85.**.**.*** | zwiebelringrexlocus | NO | Germany | Intergenia AG |
2355 | 85.**.**.** | india533 | NO | Germany | Intergenia AG |
2356 | 85.**.**.* | Edzilla | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TECTEO |
2357 | 85.**.***.*** | 25TPN | NO | Poland | Zielone |
2358 | 85.**.**.*** | zzzaaa | NO | Finland | Kajaanin Puhelinosuuskunta |
2359 | 85.**.**.*** | PartyLikeIts1984 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AllTele Allmanna Svenska Telefonaktiebolaget |
2360 | 85.**.***.*** | PsychoOnion1 | NO | Germany | EUserv Internet |
2361 | 85.**.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EUserv Internet |
2362 | 85.**.*.*** | default | NO | Spain | Uni2 |
2363 | 85.**.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Israel | NetVision |
2364 | 85.*.**.** | zoe | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AllTele Broadband |
2365 | 85.**.***.*** | gmaiztegi | NO | Spain | Euskaltel |
2366 | 85.**.***.** | abgtor | NO | Bulgaria | Broadband Services |
2367 | 85.**.***.*** | HelpCensoredOnes | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ION S.A. |
2368 | 85.**.***.*** | default | NO | Turkey | Turk Telekom |
2369 | 86.***.***.*** | d3xt3r01 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sc Cobalt It Srl |
2370 | 86.***.**.*** | nemort | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SC UPC Romania SA |
2371 | 86.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Azadnet Country Wise ADSL Services |
2372 | 86.***.***.*** | abc1mh | NO | Romania | Rcs & Rds S.A. |
2373 | 86.***.***.** | mgvx | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Rcs & Rds S.A. |
2374 | 86.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2375 | 86.***.***.** | n0p3 | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2376 | 86.***.**.* | NINJA | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2377 | 86.***.**.** | l0n3w0lf1 | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2378 | 86.***.***.*** | Penelope | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2379 | 86.***.**.*** | didnteditmuch | YES | Anonymous Proxy | British Telecommunications |
2380 | 86.***.***.* | waspbox | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2381 | 86.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2382 | 86.***.***.** | JustTORrelaynoexits | NO | United Kingdom | British Telecommunications |
2383 | 86.**.**.*** | magratherium | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2384 | 86.***.**.*** | flaviusrelay42 | NO | France | France Telecom |
2385 | 86.**.***.** | JusticeArnold | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2386 | 86.**.**.** | Janus | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2387 | 86.**.**.*** | chewy | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2388 | 86.**.**.** | lordinationmythos | NO | Austria | Tele2 Telecommunication Services GmbH |
2389 | 86.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Austria | Tele2 Telecommunication Services GmbH |
2390 | 86.**.**.** | torheit01 | NO | Czech Republic | UPC Ceska Republika, A.s. |
2391 | 86.**.***.*** | Hogwarts | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cable Customers |
2392 | 86.**.***.** | srvph3xat | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
2393 | 86.**.***.** | ph3x | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
2394 | 86.**.**.*** | wollwoll | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
2395 | 86.**.**.*** | matator | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
2396 | 86.**.**.** | tor26 | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
2397 | 86.**.**.** | Lemonion | NO | Austria | Silver Server GmbH |
2398 | 86.*.***.*** | GlobalMegaNet | NO | United Kingdom | Virgin Media |
2399 | 86.**.**.*** | runkl | NO | Slovenia | Telekom Slovenije D.d. |
2400 | 86.**.***.*** | Docky | YES | France | Alsace Connexia |
2401 | 86.**.**.*** | LIBERTAIRE | NO | France | SFR |
2402 | 86.**.**.*** | crazyfrog | NO | France | SFR |
2403 | 86.**.**.** | default | NO | France | SFR |
2404 | 87.***.***.*** | adc | NO | Denmark | TRE-FOR Bredbaand A/S |
2405 | 87.***.*.*** | itpol2 | NO | Denmark | TRE-FOR Bredbaand A/S |
2406 | 87.***.***.** | Aranthos | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2407 | 87.***.***.*** | zwiebelfisch1 | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2408 | 87.***.***.** | zwiebelfisch2 | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2409 | 87.***.***.*** | tin0 | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2410 | 87.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2411 | 87.***.***.*** | Evey | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2412 | 87.***.***.*** | rationalist | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2413 | 87.***.**.*** | domobServer | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2414 | 87.***.**.*** | notNamed | NO | Germany | 1&1 Internet AG |
2415 | 87.***.**.** | woodenhorse | NO | United Kingdom | PlusNet Technologies Ltd |
2416 | 87.***.***.*** | gpfTOR2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2417 | 87.***.***.*** | spfTOR1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2418 | 87.***.**.*** | spacecowboy01 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2419 | 87.***.**.*** | aknom | NO | Germany | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2420 | 87.***.**.*** | OrionTorNode1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2421 | 87.***.**.*** | freedom42 | NO | Germany | Keyweb AG IP Network |
2422 | 87.***.***.*** | PotatoPalace | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Elisa Eesti AS |
2423 | 87.***.*.** | rawrdurp | NO | Bulgaria | Internal Assignment |
2424 | 87.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Versatel Deutschland |
2425 | 87.***.***.** | Archaeopteryx | NO | United Kingdom | Entanet |
2426 | 87.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2427 | 87.***.***.*** | omrphuim | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2428 | 87.***.***.** | eet3Phae | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2429 | 87.***.**.** | maronitor | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2430 | 87.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2431 | 87.***.***.* | TorFakedOrg | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2432 | 87.***.***.** | NochnoiDozor | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2433 | 87.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2434 | 87.***.***.*** | entschaeubler2 | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2435 | 87.***.***.** | AntiVDS | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2436 | 87.***.***.*** | gadg3ts | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Be Un Limited |
2437 | 87.***.***.*** | GooseMangler | NO | United Kingdom | Be Un Limited |
2438 | 87.***.***.* | OnionSoup | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SOLCON ODF Dronten |
2439 | 87.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2440 | 87.***.*.*** | IDontTrustU | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Jazz Telecom S.A. |
2441 | 87.***.**.** | Pk25 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Jazz Telecom S.A. |
2442 | 87.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Spain | Jazz Telecom S.A. |
2443 | 87.***.**.** | GoElephantGoGoGo | NO | Sweden | TDC Sverige AB |
2444 | 87.***.***.*** | zion | NO | France | NC Numericable S.A. |
2445 | 87.***.***.*** | gpfTOR7 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Coolhousing, S.r.o. |
2446 | 87.***.***.*** | gpfTOR4 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Coolhousing, S.r.o. |
2447 | 87.***.***.** | aardvark | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Coolhousing, S.r.o. |
2448 | 87.***.***.** | podgornycz | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Coolhousing - Servers Of Customers |
2449 | 87.***.**.** | BinPawServ | NO | Norway | Broadband Access |
2450 | 87.***.*.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OXYD |
2451 | 87.*.***.*** | d3w | NO | Italy | Telecom Italia |
2452 | 87.**.***.*** | Air7ven | NO | Denmark | TDC Bredbaand Professionel Users |
2453 | 87.**.**.*** | Netblizzard69 | NO | Denmark | ComX Networks A/S |
2454 | 87.**.**.*** | NetBuzz991166 | NO | Denmark | ComX Networks A/S |
2455 | 87.**.**.** | Vorlon | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2456 | 87.**.**.*** | silberzwiebel | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2457 | 87.**.***.*** | x40 | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2458 | 87.**.***.** | artur | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2459 | 87.**.**.*** | ooVoo7oo | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2460 | 87.**.**.** | oratsa | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2461 | 87.**.***.*** | AergiaInitiative | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2462 | 87.**.***.** | fortresseurope | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2463 | 87.**.***.** | servicePublic2 | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2464 | 87.**.***.*** | Exocet | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2465 | 87.**.***.*** | mid | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2466 | 87.**.***.*** | AnonymizerOne | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH |
2467 | 88.***.***.*** | comodino | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cesky Telecom, A.S. |
2468 | 88.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Finland | Elisa Oyj |
2469 | 88.***.***.*** | midori | NO | Finland | Elisa Oyj |
2470 | 88.***.***.** | totor67 | NO | France | Free SAS |
2471 | 88.***.**.** | labersack | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2472 | 88.***.***.*** | delcarasptor | NO | Italy | NGI SpA |
2473 | 88.***.**.** | hitor | YES | Anonymous Proxy | DYNAMIC IPs For CUSTOMER |
2474 | 88.***.**.** | default | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
2475 | 88.***.***.*** | ivitor | NO | Netherlands | Edutel Internet |
2476 | 88.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | France | Free SAS |
2477 | 88.***.***.*** | arthurnantes | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
2478 | 88.***.***.** | ethnao | NO | France | Free SAS |
2479 | 88.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
2480 | 88.***.***.*** | Lost | NO | France | Free SAS |
2481 | 88.***.***.*** | nOnE14 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Free SAS |
2482 | 88.***.**.** | rfSyCDVvXIZLHiD5uL | NO | France | Free SAS |
2483 | 88.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
2484 | 88.***.**.*** | Dalm4t | NO | France | Free SAS |
2485 | 88.***.**.*** | default | NO | France | Free SAS |
2486 | 88.***.***.*** | anotherTorRelay | NO | France | Free SAS |
2487 | 88.***.**.** | Torproxy2 | NO | France | Free SAS |
2488 | 88.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | Free SAS |
2489 | 88.***.***.*** | tornamed | NO | Finland | TeliaSonera Finland Oyj |
2490 | 88.***.***.*** | tahmatassu | NO | Finland | TeliaSonera Finland Oyj |
2491 | 88.***.***.*** | gephyrophobe | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
2492 | 88.***.***.*** | Finisterre | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
2493 | 88.***.***.*** | TuringComplete | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Eike Michael Lang |
2494 | 88.***.***.*** | Musashi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
2495 | 88.***.***.*** | cce12eb07e2d92a7 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG - Virtualisierung |
2496 | 88.***.***.*** | puertasecreta | NO | Germany | KDK-GmbH |
2497 | 88.***.**.*** | ppbytor1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
2498 | 88.***.***.*** | buergerrechte | NO | Germany | Datenwusel |
2499 | 88.***.**.*** | SlowpokeWell | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2500 | 88.***.***.** | yetiOnIce | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2501 | 88.***.**.** | jehova | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2502 | 88.***.***.** | nzrmjcgy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Locum |
2503 | 88.***.**.*** | omicron | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2504 | 88.***.***.*** | Projekt16 | NO | Germany | NPU Technologies Comm.V |
2505 | 88.***.**.*** | foertel1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
2506 | 88.***.**.*** | bruteforce248 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2507 | 88.***.**.*** | bruteforce249 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2508 | 88.***.**.*** | bruteforce251 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2509 | 88.***.**.** | tapiri | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2510 | 88.***.**.*** | trinity | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2511 | 88.***.**.** | sparebandwidth | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2512 | 88.***.**.** | netzfrei3 | NO | Germany | Network Address For Servers |
2513 | 88.***.**.** | Anonymous | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hetzner Online AG |
2514 | 88.***.*.*** | SchwarzeLocke2 | NO | Germany | Hetzner Online AG |
2515 | 88.***.***.*** | CB85144F14DE88F2 | NO | Germany | M-net Telekommunikations GmbH |
2516 | 88.***.***.*** | Y4k5f | NO | Lithuania | Kaunas MegaNET Area19 Network |
2517 | 88.***.**.** | Keloglan | NO | Turkey | Seyhan Belediyesi |
2518 | 88.**.**.** | Passthrough | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
2519 | 88.**.***.*** | verruecktermongo | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
2520 | 88.**.***.*** | noexit | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
2521 | 88.**.*.** | PPrivCom018 | NO | Sweden | PRQ Customer Server Network |
2522 | 88.**.**.** | THP | NO | Sweden | PRQ Dedicated Server Network |
2523 | 88.**.***.*** | fnordbox | NO | Germany | VCServer Network GbR |
2524 | 88.**.***.** | deathhead | NO | Germany | Virtual Private Servers |
2525 | 88.**.**.** | nexus | NO | Sweden | PRQ Customer Server Network |
2526 | 88.**.***.** | Terran | NO | Germany | Equinix (Germany) GmbH |
2527 | 88.**.***.*** | generichandle | NO | Germany | Equinix (Germany) GmbH |
2528 | 88.**.***.*** | Zerg | NO | Germany | Equinix (Germany) GmbH |
2529 | 88.**.**.* | Drasil | YES | Norway | Telenor Norge AS |
2530 | 89.*.***.*** | Antares | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2531 | 89.*.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2532 | 89.*.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Germany | NetCologne GmbH |
2533 | 89.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Czech Republic | UPC Ceska Republika, A.s. |
2534 | 89.***.**.*** | vodypitel | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UPC Ceska Republika, A.s. |
2535 | 89.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Norway | Dynamic And Static IP Range |
2536 | 89.***.***.*** | malpaso | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Datalogika JSC |
2537 | 89.***.***.*** | silly | NO | Germany | Netclusive GmbH |
2538 | 89.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Latvia | Sia Hostnet |
2539 | 89.***.*.*** | gashmish | NO | Russian Federation | ZAO ELTEL |
2540 | 89.**.**.*** | singlenode | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
2541 | 89.***.***.*** | printf | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Clustered.net IPv4 Assignmnet |
2542 | 89.***.***.*** | tdxchg | NO | Germany | Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously Netdirekt E. K.) |
2543 | 89.***.***.*** | dreapernode1 | NO | Germany | Leaseweb Germany GmbH (previously Netdirekt E. K.) |
2544 | 89.***.***.*** | Zwonkie | NO | Denmark | Fullrate DK |
2545 | 89.**.***.*** | ansiAtHome | NO | Germany | Cable-TV Broadband Network |
2546 | 89.***.**.*** | lanker | NO | Sweden | Bredband |
2547 | 89.***.***.*** | TommysTorServer | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UNITEDCOLO RootServer |
2548 | 89.***.***.*** | f4nt0 | YES | Slovakia | UPC Slovakia |
2549 | 89.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Czech Republic | UPC Ceska Republika, A.s. |
2550 | 89.***.***.*** | DarkkGwSpb | YES | Russian Federation | Beeline |
2551 | 89.**.**.*** | PiratskaStranka | NO | Croatia | Optika Kabel TV D.o.o. |
2552 | 89.***.**.*** | TorNo5 | NO | Germany | Dsl Pool For Transferring |
2553 | 89.***.***.*** | vm2443 | NO | Czech Republic | Axfone S.r.o. |
2554 | 89.***.***.*** | PsychoOnion3 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Virtual Private Servers For Customers |
2555 | 89.***.*.** | idideditconfig | NO | Finland | KaseNet Servers Kaustinen |
2556 | 89.***.***.*** | Bukake | NO | United Kingdom | NETV |
2557 | 89.***.***.*** | Bleen | NO | United Kingdom | NETV |
2558 | 89.*.***.*** | default | NO | France | NC Numericable S.A. |
2559 | 89.**.**.** | frigate | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Alvotech GmbH |
2560 | 89.***.***.*** | Messiah | NO | Sweden | Sollentuna Energi |
2561 | 89.***.**.*** | Kudasov | NO | Russian Federation | Southern Urals TransTelecom MSS Static |
2562 | 89.***.**.*** | woodfighter | NO | Germany | Manitu GmbH |
2563 | 89.***.**.* | tiggersWeltVPN | NO | Germany | Bernd Holzmüller |
2564 | 89.***.**.** | schackeline | NO | Germany | Versatel Deutschland |
2565 | 89.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2566 | 89.***.***.*** | Paint | YES | Netherlands | Ecatel LTD (Amsterdam) |
2567 | 89.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD (Amsterdam) |
2568 | 89.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD (Amsterdam) |
2569 | 89.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD (Amsterdam) |
2570 | 89.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD (Amsterdam) |
2571 | 89.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD (Amsterdam) |
2572 | 89.***.***.*** | r31ay | NO | Russian Federation | Television Radio Company TBT OJSC |
2573 | 89.***.***.** | cU3Mb4wf37ZdIpma | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ownit AB |
2574 | 89.**.**.** | 2plus2equals5 | NO | Czech Republic | MCnet LINK2, PPP Clients |
2575 | 89.**.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ICIA - Institutul De Cercetari |
2576 | 89.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2577 | 89.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2578 | 89.**.***.*** | jakpanmoze | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2579 | 89.**.**.*** | Blacksh33p | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2580 | 89.**.***.** | tHEdARKSIDE | YES | Anonymous Proxy | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2581 | 89.**.***.** | upsc | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2582 | 89.**.***.*** | Netiss | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2583 | 89.**.**.*** | gt500 | NO | Poland | UPC Polska Sp. Z O.o. |
2584 | 89.**.**.*** | Essermarth | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bouygues Telecom |
2585 | 89.**.***.*** | EllCiii | NO | France | Bouygues Telecom |
2586 | 89.**.**.*** | Skynet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bouygues Telecom |
2587 | 89.**.**.*** | fr33sp34ch | NO | Netherlands | UPC NL |
2588 | 90.**.***.** | Pipounette1 | NO | France | France Telecom |
2589 | 90.***.**.*** | xeniter | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cable Customers |
2590 | 90.**.***.** | default | NO | France | France Telecom |
2591 | 90.***.***.** | Teej | NO | United Kingdom | Sky Broadband |
2592 | 90.***.***.** | WYSWYG | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TeliaSonera AB |
2593 | 90.**.***.** | bob | NO | France | France Telecom |
2594 | 90.**.***.*** | default | NO | France | France Telecom |
2595 | 90.**.***.*** | djins | NO | France | France Telecom |
2596 | 91.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2597 | 91.***.**.* | blablabla | NO | Denmark | Arrowhead DK |
2598 | 91.***.***.*** | idideditheconfig | NO | United Kingdom | Bogons Ltd |
2599 | 91.***.***.*** | vipnet360 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2600 | 91.***.***.*** | cryptowars2 | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2601 | 91.***.***.** | Exodus | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2602 | 91.***.***.*** | bwagnet | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2603 | 91.***.***.*** | Net0x13aTorFr01 | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2604 | 91.***.***.** | KsmoinOK | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2605 | 91.***.***.*** | fenktovh | YES | France | OVH SAS |
2606 | 91.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2607 | 91.***.***.*** | hackadomia | NO | Italy | Ssd Team Virtual Servers |
2608 | 91.***.*.*** | teufeulpsy | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2609 | 91.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2610 | 91.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2611 | 91.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2612 | 91.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2613 | 91.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2614 | 91.***.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2615 | 91.***.**.*** | jceaovh | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2616 | 91.***.**.*** | FriendlyBruteforce | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2617 | 91.***.**.** | leblancsimonfr | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2618 | 91.***.**.** | arobase97 | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2619 | 91.***.***.** | PsyloNet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OJSC North-West Telecom |
2620 | 91.***.***.** | AdamJensen | NO | Ukraine | NashNet Ltd |
2621 | 91.***.**.** | tom | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ZIKSUHR.ch, A CableTV And Internet Provider |
2622 | 91.***.**.** | PsychoOnion2 | NO | Germany | EUserv Internet |
2623 | 91.***.**.** | morphium | YES | Anonymous Proxy | EUserv Internet |
2624 | 91.***.**.** | AndyB | NO | Germany | EUserv Internet |
2625 | 91.***.**.** | mullbinde5r | NO | Germany | EUserv Internet |
2626 | 91.***.**.*** | rueckgrat | NO | Germany | EUserv Internet |
2627 | 91.***.**.*** | VAA02 | NO | Finland | Elisa Oyj |
2628 | 91.***.**.** | VAA04 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Elisa Oyj |
2629 | 91.***.**.*** | laufkb983 | NO | Finland | Elisa Oyj |
2630 | 91.***.***.*** | henrietta | YES | Anonymous Proxy | ZETO-RZESZOW Sp. Z O.o. |
2631 | 91.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TOV Dream Line Holding |
2632 | 91.***.**.*** | TorSchleim | NO | Germany | MyLoc Managed IT AG, Duesseldorf |
2633 | 91.***.**.** | Ryuuji | NO | Ukraine | PE Kostina Ludmila Vladimirovna |
2634 | 91.***.***.** | RuServerN | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Intercom |
2635 | 91.***.**.*** | skyrider | NO | Ukraine | Alfa Oil Ltd. |
2636 | 91.***.***.** | thisrelayeatskiwi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Alvotech GmbH |
2637 | 91.***.***.** | cryptowars | NO | Germany | Alvotech GmbH |
2638 | 91.***.**.** | evil | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosteam S.c. |
2639 | 91.***.***.** | fededorrit | YES | Anonymous Proxy | NETsite A/S |
2640 | 91.***.**.** | trusted | NO | Austria | |
2641 | 91.***.*.** | Frontier | YES | Anonymous Proxy | FOP Opria Ruslan Dmitrievich |
2642 | 91.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Okay-Internet Ltd. |
2643 | 91.***.***.** | MasturbaTOR | YES | Anonymous Proxy | FIBERWAY Sp. Z O.o. |
2644 | 91.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TOV 'Dream Line Holding' |
2645 | 91.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TOV 'Dream Line Holding' |
2646 | 91.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | TOV 'Dream Line Holding' |
2647 | 91.***.**.*** | PPrivCom009 | NO | Ukraine | Infium Ltd. |
2648 | 91.***.***.** | AAAPolicy | NO | Hungary | Azar-A Kft. |
2649 | 91.***.**.* | Unnamed | NO | Kazakhstan | M'Pay LLP |
2650 | 91.***.***.*** | evil | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LLC City-Telekom |
2651 | 91.***.***.** | BreizhEntropy | NO | France | Association TETANEUTRAL.NET |
2652 | 91.***.**.** | anotherTORDE | NO | Germany | First Root UG |
2653 | 91.***.**.*** | PasToutAFaitNet1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Techcrea Solutions Sarl |
2654 | 91.***.**.*** | laiby | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Techcrea Solutions Sarl |
2655 | 91.***.***.*** | SongBirdsTestRelay | NO | Bulgaria | Internet Corporated Networks Ltd. |
2656 | 91.***.***.** | HelpTorNet | YES | Romania | Torben Diehr |
2657 | 91.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Poland | Biznes-Host.pl Sp. Z O.o. |
2658 | 91.***.***.*** | sockmonkey | NO | United Kingdom | |
2659 | 91.**.***.** | daedalus | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2660 | 91.**.**.** | TorWeiterleiter | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2661 | 91.**.**.*** | HornyHornet2 | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2662 | 91.**.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2663 | 91.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2664 | 91.**.***.** | AlphaCentauri | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2665 | 91.**.***.*** | tincan | YES | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2666 | 91.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2667 | 91.**.**.*** | Voltaire | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2668 | 91.**.***.*** | unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Comstar-Direct CJSC |
2669 | 91.**.***.*** | jpfnzov2 | NO | Russian Federation | Comstar-Direct CJSC |
2670 | 91.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Comstar-Direct CJSC |
2671 | 91.**.***.** | didi | NO | Belgium | MOBISTAR |
2672 | 91.**.***.** | MrQ | NO | Germany | Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG |
2673 | 91.**.***.*** | pythq | NO | Germany | Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG |
2674 | 91.**.**.** | URZ | NO | Germany | Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG |
2675 | 91.**.**.** | AnakinSkywalker | YES | France | Alsace Connexia |
2676 | 91.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | EWE-Tel GmbH |
2677 | 91.**.**.*** | VaygbefDu | NO | Germany | EWE-Tel GmbH |
2678 | 92.***.***.** | somerelay | NO | Switzerland | Bluewin |
2679 | 92.***.***.*** | lahbvwmbhle | NO | Switzerland | Bluewin |
2680 | 92.***.**.** | cpd894rl | YES | Ukraine | JSC Ukrtelecom |
2681 | 92.***.**.*** | jeannot | NO | France | France Telecom |
2682 | 92.**.***.** | default | NO | United Kingdom | TalkTalk |
2683 | 92.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | France Telecom |
2684 | 92.***.**.** | Zyklon | NO | Germany | QSC AG |
2685 | 92.***.***.** | gruenezwerge | YES | Germany | Alice DSL |
2686 | 92.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2687 | 92.***.**.*** | CaptainPlato | NO | Germany | Alice DSL |
2688 | 92.***.***.*** | Cicolina | NO | Slovakia | COMCRAFT S. R. O. |
2689 | 92.***.*.** | azetorg | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2690 | 92.***.**.** | chades | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2691 | 92.***.**.** | paraZite | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2692 | 92.***.**.*** | FreeBradleyManning | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2693 | 92.***.**.*** | PPrivCom015 | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2694 | 92.***.*.*** | BarkerJrParis | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2695 | 92.***.*.*** | chre | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2696 | 92.***.**.** | boom123 | NO | Sweden | Ownit AB |
2697 | 92.***.**.** | ididedittheconfig | NO | Netherlands | InterNLnet B.V. |
2698 | 92.**.***.** | refugeecamp | YES | United Kingdom | TalkTalk |
2699 | 92.*.***.*** | rainbowteacakes | YES | United Kingdom | TalkTalk |
2700 | 92.**.***.*** | atilabila | YES | Turkey | Tellcom Iletisim Hizmetleri A.s. |
2701 | 93.***.***.** | amidoinitrite | NO | Slovenia | T-2 Access Network |
2702 | 93.***.***.** | JustDance | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Giga-Hosting GmbH |
2703 | 93.***.**.*** | 00Teh0Signu100 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Voxility Srl |
2704 | 93.***.**.*** | 00Teh0S1gnul00 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Voxility Srl |
2705 | 93.***.**.*** | 00Teh05ignal00 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Voxility Srl |
2706 | 93.***.***.* | jipsee | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Sc Ch-net Srl |
2707 | 93.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
2708 | 93.***.***.*** | UNKLE | NO | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
2709 | 93.***.***.*** | LiberaT0R | YES | Germany | Telefonica Germany |
2710 | 93.***.***.*** | Qwerty | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tele Danmark |
2711 | 93.***.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2712 | 93.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Czech Republic | COMA Wireless Network |
2713 | 93.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Infra-trygg |
2714 | 93.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Infra-trygg |
2715 | 93.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Infra-trygg |
2716 | 93.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Infra-trygg |
2717 | 93.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Infra-trygg |
2718 | 93.***.***.** | booh | NO | France | Neuf Cegetel |
2719 | 93.***.***.** | torgwipv4 | NO | Czech Republic | VSHosting S.r.o. |
2720 | 93.***.***.*** | aphelion | YES | Anonymous Proxy | PIPNI S.r.o. |
2721 | 93.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Netzel Und Oehler GbR |
2722 | 93.***.***.*** | postille43 | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2723 | 93.***.**.*** | tor | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2724 | 93.***.***.*** | HHN | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2725 | 93.***.***.*** | rudi | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2726 | 93.***.***.** | netfreak | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2727 | 93.***.***.*** | fuzzylogic | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2728 | 93.***.***.*** | ubuntutornode | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2729 | 93.***.***.*** | rathergonaked | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2730 | 93.***.**.** | drg56df5 | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2731 | 93.***.*.*** | rasptor | NO | Germany | Deutsche Telekom AG |
2732 | 93.**.***.*** | MyNickIsNobody | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SFR |
2733 | 93.**.***.** | default | YES | Russian Federation | Beeline |
2734 | 93.**.**.*** | Lightning | NO | Austria | Telekom Austria |
2735 | 93.**.***.*** | 0x640x6B | YES | Anonymous Proxy | |
2736 | 93.**.***.*** | FreemanX | NO | Czech Republic | Hlucin.net, S.r.o. |
2737 | 93.**.***.*** | armcd | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SOV Virtual Server Customers |
2738 | 93.**.***.*** | yawnbox2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | VPS1-NET |
2739 | 93.**.***.*** | RedLion | YES | Anonymous Proxy | VPS1-NET |
2740 | 93.**.***.*** | WGETdotCC | YES | Anonymous Proxy | VPS1-NET |
2741 | 93.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United Kingdom | Be Un Limited |
2742 | 93.**.***.* | candybar | NO | United Kingdom | Be Un Limited |
2743 | 94.***.*.** | icebat | NO | Finland | Igua Networks Oy |
2744 | 94.***.**.*** | Anonymouse | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2745 | 94.***.**.*** | atornz | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Ecatel LTD |
2746 | 94.***.***.*** | pengaton | NO | Germany | Johannes Kroeger |
2747 | 94.***.***.*** | lsjduth | NO | France | Servers |
2748 | 94.***.***.* | kramse | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Tor Relay |
2749 | 94.***.***.** | saberrider2008 | NO | Germany | Versatel Deutschland |
2750 | 94.***.***.*** | nlhymogo | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2751 | 94.***.***.*** | miehwomf | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2752 | 94.***.***.*** | vzbnhdvs | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2753 | 94.***.***.*** | azslhmyz | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2754 | 94.***.***.*** | xuyjmyht | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2755 | 94.***.***.*** | ureajzgi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2756 | 94.***.***.** | cgfrkbdc | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2757 | 94.***.***.** | ncmjszlq | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2758 | 94.***.***.** | tbamfqzk | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2759 | 94.***.***.** | hnkhuzia | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2760 | 94.***.***.** | vbfiyuln | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2761 | 94.***.***.** | njizyeen | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2762 | 94.***.***.** | doiifqtw | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2763 | 94.***.***.** | sloiovyu | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2764 | 94.***.***.** | rfficljt | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2765 | 94.***.***.** | rwuaebul | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2766 | 94.***.***.** | kkvqkazn | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MAROSNET Telecommunication Company LLC |
2767 | 94.***.***.*** | rejozenger | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Netwerkvereniging Coloclue |
2768 | 94.***.***.** | Air7jyl | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Cybercity A/S |
2769 | 94.***.***.** | bogger | NO | Bulgaria | Multi Speed EOOD |
2770 | 94.***.***.** | hrs | NO | Bulgaria | Multi Speed EOOD |
2771 | 94.***.**.*** | sergey | YES | Anonymous Proxy | CJSC Company ER-Telecom Chelyabinsk |
2772 | 94.**.**.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | SkyNet Network |
2773 | 94.***.***.*** | NerdyBloke | NO | United Kingdom | Be Un Limited |
2774 | 94.***.**.** | TorRelay01 | NO | United Kingdom | Be Un Limited |
2775 | 94.***.**.*** | Mallory | NO | United Kingdom | Be Un Limited |
2776 | 94.**.**.*** | medea | NO | Hungary | Terezvaros Fiber |
2777 | 94.***.***.*** | Kaiku | NO | Netherlands | Ziggo |
2778 | 94.***.***.** | DefCon | NO | Germany | Arcor AG |
2779 | 94.***.***.** | default | NO | Belgium | Telenet N.V. |
2780 | 94.***.***.** | GeekBunker | NO | Netherlands | Netrouting Telecom |
2781 | 94.***.**.** | prower | NO | United Kingdom | UK Dedicated Servers Limited |
2782 | 94.**.*.** | PastaAndCheese | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2783 | 94.**.***.*** | SUPERVDS02 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | MySCVM-NET |
2784 | 94.**.***.*** | PrivacyNow | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH |
2785 | 94.**.***.*** | tortuga | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH BV |
2786 | 94.**.***.*** | elc3 | NO | Netherlands | OVH BV |
2787 | 94.**.***.** | dueggworenbefqy | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH BV |
2788 | 94.**.***.*** | cyberphunk | NO | Netherlands | OVH BV |
2789 | 94.**.***.*** | microlah | NO | United Kingdom | OVH |
2790 | 94.**.***.** | PRIVACY | NO | Germany | OVH GmbH |
2791 | 94.**.***.*** | IgaRyu2 | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2792 | 94.**.***.*** | xoroxFR2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2793 | 94.**.***.*** | TSYondo | YES | France | OVH SAS |
2794 | 94.**.***.* | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2795 | 94.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2796 | 94.**.***.** | prims | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2797 | 94.**.**.*** | dodger | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2798 | 94.**.***.*** | skye | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2799 | 94.**.***.*** | ididntediijhgonman | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2800 | 94.**.**.*** | 0x000f | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2801 | 94.**.**.** | TorSkyLight | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2802 | 94.**.**.*** | torlbftnet | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2803 | 94.**.**.*** | wau | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH SAS |
2804 | 94.**.**.** | Shortwave | NO | France | OVH SAS |
2805 | 94.**.**.*** | PrivacyRepublic03 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Srl |
2806 | 94.**.**.*** | PrivacyRepublic02 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Srl |
2807 | 94.**.**.*** | PrivacyRepublic01 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OVH Srl |
2808 | 94.***.***.** | Martyk | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AIRWAYNET, A.s. |
2809 | 94.***.***.*** | 0x00c0ffee | NO | France | Root SA |
2810 | 94.***.***.*** | JanLucembursky | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
2811 | 94.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Luxembourg | Root SA |
2812 | 94.***.***.** | lambchop | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
2813 | 94.***.***.** | domainikai | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Root SA |
2814 | 94.***.***.*** | clacke | NO | Sweden | Customer VPS Service Located In Falkenberg |
2815 | 94.***.**.*** | freeshell | NO | Germany | Mars Solutions GmbH |
2816 | 94.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Germany | Host1free.com - Free Hosting & Vps & Cloud-service |
2817 | 94.***.***.** | Unnamed | YES | Croatia | Bnet Hrvatska |
2818 | 94.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | ITKM Broadband Users |
2819 | 94.***.*.*** | FreeAssange | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2820 | 94.***.**.** | TorRelaySollis | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Dynamic Corporate Network |
2821 | 94.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | Bahnhof Internet AB |
2822 | 94.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Teleset-Servis Ltd. |
2823 | 94.**.***.*** | Steppenwolfe | NO | Italy | Tiscalinet |
2824 | 94.**.**.** | Unnamed | NO | Italy | Tiscalinet |
2825 | 94.**.***.** | default | YES | Poland | GTS Poland Sp. Z O.o. |
2826 | 94.**.**.*** | TestTor2 | NO | Ukraine | LTD Sunline.net.ua |
2827 | 94.**.***.*** | torstatus | NO | Russian Federation | OJSC Rostelecom |
2828 | 94.**.**.** | Unnamed | YES | Russian Federation | OJSC Rostelecom |
2829 | 94.**.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Romania | SC NextGen Communications SRL |
2830 | 94.**.***.** | OlympiakosVolou | NO | Greece | OTEnet S.A. |
2831 | 94.**.***.*** | IPduhDotCom1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Internet Services |
2832 | 94.**.***.** | admtg | NO | Anonymous Proxy | Network For Customers' Broadband |
2833 | 94.**.***.*** | BeshirEU | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2834 | 94.**.***.** | torrific | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LeaseWeb |
2835 | 94.**.***.** | error418tor01 | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2836 | 94.**.***.** | gpfTOR5 | NO | France | LeaseWeb |
2837 | 94.**.***.*** | hoodtor | NO | Germany | Unitymedia |
2838 | 95.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | Slovakia | Slovak Telekom, A.s. |
2839 | 95.***.***.*** | Poseidon | NO | Slovakia | Orange Slovensko, A.s. |
2840 | 95.***.***.*** | OxylBeta | NO | Sweden | BRF Licetiaten |
2841 | 95.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | Sweden | BREDSATRA |
2842 | 95.***.***.*** | PPrivCom008 | NO | Russian Federation | AVK-computer Limited |
2843 | 95.***.**.** | Ahtna | NO | France | Hosting Customers |
2844 | 95.***.**.*** | torokhin | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosting Customers |
2845 | 95.***.**.*** | PasToutAFaitNet2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Hosting Customers |
2846 | 95.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | France | Hosting Customers |
2847 | 95.***.**.*** | badgerdash | NO | Ukraine | JSC Ukrtelecom |
2848 | 95.***.**.** | eredon | YES | Ukraine | JSC Ukrtelecom |
2849 | 95.***.***.*** | marekq | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated Hosting Servers |
2850 | 95.***.***.*** | Dilemma42 | NO | France | Gandi Dedicated-hosting Fr |
2851 | 95.***.***.*** | gdwl2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Gandi Dedicated-hosting-net |
2852 | 95.***.***.*** | PPrivCom011 | NO | Sweden | ServerConnect Sweden AB |
2853 | 95.***.***.*** | SwedishBikiniTeam | NO | Sweden | ServerConnect Sweden AB |
2854 | 95.***.***.*** | ktx | NO | United Kingdom | BCM Netco Solutions |
2855 | 95.***.***.*** | torexit1r0cknet | YES | Anonymous Proxy | BHost Limited |
2856 | 95.***.**.*** | Unnamed | NO | Russian Federation | Octopusnet Dynamic VPN |
2857 | 95.***.***.*** | jb | NO | Sweden | AllTele Broadband Skekraft |
2858 | 95.***.*.** | Chahf1or | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Kabelfernsehen Muenchen ServiCenter GmbH & Co.KG |
2859 | 95.***.***.*** | SANyaSm | NO | Russian Federation | OJSC Rostelecom |
2860 | 95.***.***.*** | horus | NO | Poland | Sat Film |
2861 | 95.**.**.*** | Fasgort | NO | Spain | Jazz Telecom S.A. |
2862 | 95.***.**.** | PPrivCom028 | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2863 | 95.***.**.*** | PPrivCom027 | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2864 | 95.***.***.*** | azetor | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2865 | 95.***.***.*** | AlfredNobulus | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2866 | 95.***.**.** | dogtooth | YES | Anonymous Proxy | LeaseWeb |
2867 | 95.***.**.** | eureka7ru | NO | Netherlands | LeaseWeb |
2868 | 95.***.**.** | PPrivCom030 | NO | Germany | LeaseWeb |
2869 | 95.***.**.** | PPrivCom029 | NO | Germany | LeaseWeb |
2870 | 95.***.***.** | godlessUser | NO | Italy | Telecom Italia |
2871 | 95.**.**.*** | SelfPerfection | NO | Russian Federation | Beeline |
2872 | 95.**.**.*** | tor | NO | Russian Federation | VimpelCom |
2873 | 95.**.**.** | shyrhspain | NO | Spain | Comunitel Global S.A. |
2874 | 95.**.***.** | CasTor | NO | Russian Federation | Closed Joint Stock Company MultyKabelnie Seti Bala |
2875 | 95.**.***.** | hellbob | NO | Russian Federation | CJSC Company ER-Telecom Nizhny Novgorod |
2876 | 95.**.**.** | stranger | YES | Russian Federation | CJSC Company ER-Telecom Nizhny Novgorod |
2877 | 95.**.***.*** | LRN | NO | Russian Federation | National Cable Networks |
2878 | 95.**.**.*** | RabbiTORhole | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2879 | 95.**.**.** | isildur | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2880 | 95.**.**.*** | default | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2881 | 95.**.**.*** | Destiny | NO | Germany | Kabel Deutschland |
2882 | 96.***.***.*** | torrelay7769 | NO | United States | Linode |
2883 | 96.***.***.** | Bitcoin | NO | United States | SingleHop |
2884 | 96.***.***.*** | default | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2885 | 96.***.**.** | default | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2886 | 96.***.**.** | UrbanTor | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2887 | 96.***.**.*** | friedapples | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2888 | 96.**.***.** | TorExit89121 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Clearwire Corporation |
2889 | 96.**.***.*** | Torville | NO | United States | WideOpenWest |
2890 | 96.**.**.*** | default | NO | United States | Fabiano Bezerra Rodrigues |
2891 | 96.**.***.** | nemesis | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
2892 | 96.**.**.** | default2 | NO | United States | Charter Communications |
2893 | 96.**.***.*** | Saihate | NO | United States | OC3 Networks & Web Solutions, LLC |
2894 | 96.**.***.*** | manning1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OC3 Networks & Web Solutions, LLC |
2895 | 96.**.***.*** | manning2 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OC3 Networks & Web Solutions, LLC |
2896 | 96.**.***.*** | herngaard | YES | Anonymous Proxy | OC3 Networks & Web Solutions, LLC |
2897 | 96.**.***.** | bolobolo1 | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IPTelligent LLC |
2898 | 96.**.***.** | dorrisdeebrown | YES | Anonymous Proxy | IPTelligent LLC |
2899 | 96.**.***.** | KevinHikaruEvans | NO | United States | IPTelligent LLC |
2900 | 96.*.***.* | hideoutrelayorator | NO | United States | New Wave NetConnect, LLC |
2901 | 97.***.**.*** | Hive | NO | United States | Road Runner |
2902 | 97.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
2903 | 97.***.***.*** | rittervg | NO | United States | Linode |
2904 | 97.***.***.*** | evenmere | NO | United States | Linode |
2905 | 97.***.***.*** | justanothertorrelay | NO | United States | Linode |
2906 | 97.***.***.*** | Aquillar | NO | United States | Linode |
2907 | 97.***.***.*** | mousehole | NO | United States | Century Link |
2908 | 97.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Century Link |
2909 | 98.***.***.*** | Cenobyte | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2910 | 98.***.***.** | ICPmcl | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2911 | 98.***.**.** | DownstrsMiamiMD | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2912 | 98.***.***.*** | minotor | NO | United States | Verizon FiOS |
2913 | 98.**.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Road Runner |
2914 | 98.***.***.*** | nozav | NO | United States | WireSix |
2915 | 98.***.**.*** | BDubs | NO | United States | Road Runner |
2916 | 98.***.***.** | hontje | NO | United States | Black Oak Computers Inc - New York |
2917 | 98.***.***.*** | lttlebro | NO | United States | Hosting Services |
2918 | 98.***.***.** | Tauxersvilli | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
2919 | 98.***.**.*** | ilolz | NO | United States | Cox Communications |
2920 | 98.***.***.* | UDeservePrivacy | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2921 | 98.***.***.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2922 | 98.***.**.*** | dametenshi | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2923 | 98.***.***.*** | Boxman | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Comcast Cable |
2924 | 98.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2925 | 98.***.**.** | DoinMyPart | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2926 | 98.***.***.*** | 2mpdhack | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2927 | 98.***.**.*** | SenecaCrane | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2928 | 98.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2929 | 98.***.*.*** | FreedomandLiberty | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2930 | 98.***.**.** | zmachine | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2931 | 98.***.***.** | hzt | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2932 | 98.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2933 | 98.***.***.*** | ceeKay | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2934 | 98.**.**.** | ShardsOfNarsil | NO | United States | Road Runner |
2935 | 98.***.**.** | madrigal | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2936 | 98.***.**.** | Unnamed | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2937 | 98.***.***.** | EatUntilIDie | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2938 | 98.***.**.*** | nestor | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2939 | 98.***.***.*** | anon | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2940 | 98.***.**.** | MYCROFTsOtherChild | NO | United States | Comcast Cable |
2941 | 99.**.*.** | AOXOMOXOA | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
2942 | 99.***.***.*** | Unnamed | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
2943 | 99.***.**.* | default | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
2944 | 99.***.***.*** | Alexander | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
2945 | 99.***.***.*** | abacab | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
2946 | 99.***.***.*** | LaWatusi | YES | Anonymous Proxy | CenturyTel Internet Holdings |
2947 | 99.***.***.*** | UGRailroad | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Rogers Cable |
2948 | 99.***.***.*** | Unnamed | YES | Anonymous Proxy | Rogers Cable |
2949 | 99.***.***.*** | 5a5540c06a17501959 | NO | Canada | Rogers Cable |
2950 | 99.**.**.*** | LookMaNoWires | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
2951 | 99.**.**.** | HackJammerJones | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
2952 | 99.**.**.* | paddlewheeler | NO | United States | AT&T Internet Services |
2953 | 99.**.*.*** | JoeFinCA | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
2954 | 99.**.***.*** | Foreigner | NO | United States | AT&T U-verse |
2955 | 99.**.**.*** | libertynot4sale | YES | Anonymous Proxy | AT&T U-verse |
TORプロジェクトは、匿名ブラウジング、プライベートダウンロードを可能にする、ワールドワイドな無料プロキシ。TORは、ビルトインFirefoxア ドオンとして、Firefoxでは簡単に使えるのですが、この設定では、便利なTORのオン・オフボタンが、Chromeで使えません。Chromeで設定する方法を、コメンターbrssnkl氏が教えてくれたので、そちらをご紹介。
1: TORをインストール(※注 Installation Bundleパッケージがオススメです)。
2: Proxy Switchy! を、Chromeブラウザにインストール。
3: プロファイル名を「Tor」に変更(それとわかる名前であれば、なんでもよいです)。httpプロキシを「」に設定、ポートを 「8118」とし、「すべてのプロトコルに対して同じプロキシサーバを使用する」のチェックボックスにチェックを入れ、下部にある保存ボタンをクリック。 設定は、画像を参考にしてみてください。
4: プロキシ切り替えオプションの一般タブへ移動し、クイックスイッチのボックスにチェックを入れ、バイナリスイッチを選択。Profile 1を「direct connection」、Profile 2を「Tor」 (または任意でつけたプロファイル名)とし、保存をクリック。
5: これで、通常接続とTOR接続が、ボタンひとつで切り替え可能に!※注 Chrome のプロキシ切り替えをクリックする際には、TORソフトウェアが起動していることを確認してから行ってください。ChromeがTORを使用しているかどうかを確認するには、システムトレイのTORボタンを右クリックし(Macではステータスバーのたまねぎアイコンをクリック)、帯域幅監視ツールを開きます。ある程度以上の大きさの画像があるサイトを開き、TORの帯域幅転送が反応している場合、TORを通じてウェブを匿名ブラウズ出来ている、ということになります。 Make your own TOR button for Google Chrome [#tips] brssnkl (原文/訳:まいるす・ゑびす)
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